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~ The Conflict of Resolution Paper ~
The Conflict of Resolution and the Resolution of Conflict

By Clemencia

This paper is written to show mankind their error as they attempt to resolve conflict, for within the present attempt of 'resolution' there is conflict, thus the 'conflict of resolution.'

All human conflict is the disagreement, variance, difference or disparity between two points of view, two perceptions, two beliefs, two visions, two observations concerning the interpretation of some fact.

This holds true for individuals, couples, families, communities, states or nations. Inherent in Conflict are the overt and covert dynamics motivating the parties of the conflict.

In an attempt at resolution of conflict the stated, believed and explicit reasons are the overt expression of the desire for resolution. Some of these include wanting to call a halt to hostility, wanting to understand the others point of view, wanting a more peaceful or amicable relationship

The covert dynamics in attempts to resolve conflict are less clear. At a purely human level covert reasons to resolve conflict may involve the desire to make the other person feel guilty for holding another view, making them regret having that view, forcing them to change their view, wanting them to see the error of their view or punishing them for holding that view.

If we move from the purely human to the spiritual view of 'conflict,' then the use of covert means in the resolution of conflict automatically implies that we resolve to enter into conflict with God’s One Command; "Love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness."

Once in conflict with this Command, our actions are automatically subject to the negative retributive aspect of God’s immutable Law; "You Reap what you Sow."

The Law of God implies that the moment we make a judgment of the "error" of another for action we deem to be wrong for the purpose of punishment, we are making an "Error of Judgment."

In short, the error lies not in wrong action of the other but in our ‘judgment’ of the person’s actions upon which we invoke punishment* in one form or another. At the moment of making the error of judgment we invoke the punitive aspect of the Law of God upon our action since we have breached the one command.

Note: punishment - this may be the use of 'courts' for the purpose of denial of the other having access to children or, restricting the others movements or, contesting a Will or, refusing to be peaceful and considerate or, many other possibilities. In every 'case' one is in 'denial' of and in contravention of God's Command whether what is done is done by one personally or by 'official' enforcers since whatever the case, these actions cause mental, emotional or other 'harm' that will come back to 'haunt' all complicit on another day.

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Our error is then irrevocably placed under God’s Law and must be judged under this law. Under the spiritual Law any attempt at resolution of conflict using force invokes the dark side of the Law of God.

Here is where the Law of God differs so greatly from the law of man. Under God’s Law our ‘error’ of making a ‘judgment of the error of others ’ must be paid for in kind.

If we criticise, castigate or condemn the ‘error’ we perceive in others, we must pay for this criticism, condemnation and castigation in direct proportion to the amount of this negative energy used to punish the other by word or deed. No less but equally no more than we have used.

Man’s law on the other hand commences with a set punishment for one non-compliance of rules, regulations or statutes which may be compounded well beyond the actual default.

A simple example is a parking fine. The punishment for non-compliance with parking regulations is set at specific limits, example; $9 if the meter runs out. If however you lose the fine ticket and fail to pay on the due date, the ‘set’ punishment compounds to $50 and then to $600. (In Australia)

Thus a $ 50 penalty against an initial ten cent requirement by the meter is a multiplication 'payback' 500 times greater. Under God's Law, if one did owe a 'due' of 10 cents, then that amount would be the due expected, no more and no less.

Man’s Law is simply the punitive arm of the ‘Justice System" that only swings into action when there is non-compliance of some regulation, rule or statute.

What the Law enforcers of this punitive arm of the regulatory system of man fail to comprehend is that it is the human arm of the negative aspect of God’s Law in action. God’s Law is simply that there must be a "Just return for all deeds."

When human law enforcers bring down punishment that far exceeds the actual 'default' value set under any particular regulation or statute that in fact is a 'real' error in God's eyes, i.e., abuse given through theft of goods etc,, the punishment fits exactly what God knows the person has sown in previous deeds, and may have naught to do with the 'current' error upon which the present fine or punishment is imposed.

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In this sense man’s law becomes the ‘puppet’ for the retributive arm of God’s Just law as the ‘culprit’ cries "Unfair, contest this sentence!" And the 'judge' sees not his error in enforcement as he is not God and only God can impose 'darkness' without any 'due' return, for only God stands above His one law.

Perhaps the most sinister aspect of the system of law that enforces punishment for man’s non-compliance to rules, regulations and statutes, is that the ‘law enforcers’ are equally 'liable' for this punitive action under God’s Law of "As you Sow so will you Reap." Thus, in the very act of passing "Judgment" of the ‘error’ (non-conformity) of any sent before them, these enforcers also invoke the same Law and must, at some time face a "just" return for this deed later.

The Rules of man operates two-pronged. Statutes that keep society safe, being the code of conduct for inclusion in society, being guidelines for a safe society, e.g. driving within the speed limit reduces the risk of causing an accident, but interwoven are rules and regulations that are extortionist.

Punishment meted out for non compliance of these guidelines is the error, because it is control and punishment. While the rules may be for benefit and protection, the enforcement with punitive measures is the dark force in action, and brings sorrow upon all who enter into this 'nature' of conflict. (Conflict with God, as it is contrary to God's commandment).

Be it conflict within the household, community, national, or international, it is the same error….forcing someone to comply to demands or be punished. There is never any resolution to this conflict, for conflict (punishment) only brings more conflict.

The only safe resolution to any conflict is when the 'errant' is treated within God's Code of Conduct, and is thus treated with respect and understanding and compassion, and is 'mercifully' forgiven as they are counselled and thus educated and taught how to fortify their minds against negative thought intrusion, so that they can then become better citizens.

Any 'fine' is but extortion, any punishment is coercion and vindictiveness, and any punishment is 'met' with an equal and opposite punitive response from the Source at a later date. This fact must now be 'addressed' so that society as a whole can implement change to the positive as their consciousness is raised.

As for the true resolution of conflict between 'companions,' there is only a peaceful resolution when each individual complies with God's Holy Word, and thus lays down their verbal or physical 'sword,' and permits the other the freedom to do what they wish to, and if their actions are contra God's Code of Conduct then they may counsel them. No more 'force' to enforce change.