Open letter to Mr. Mark Cocker -  (MPES Fines & enforcement)
Tasmanian Politicians

Dear 'Mark,' this letter is my final 'outreach' to you and your MPES (Monetary penalties enforcement service) staff and Tasmanian politicians and on it is a link below to the Examiner newspaper.

I refer to your 'active' sanction by revocation of Mrs. Barnes drivers licence due to an unpaid fine and state: I am a 75 year old spirit medium from Africa and since 'birth' have the capacity to see into the spirit world where our souls live eternally in one or another of thousands of realms and state:

I am AWARE of the 'how, why and when' as a soul ERRS in God's sight it draws IN dark negative energy (God's) into their soul and it also accrues a painful spiritual DUE within the 'return' aspect of God's 'eye for an eye' Law.

I am advised by your Mother (God) the Creator, of Her grave concerns for your destiny because, you are obviously 'happily' earning a wage as an 'extortionist' as you, backed by force of arms and rules, send out 'notices' of demand as well as coercive threats which stipulate: "You are forbidden to drive a vehicle until said fines are paid" and what this is stating is:

"If you do not pay 'us' our demanded 'tax' fine imposed of $ XYZ then we will not 'permit' you to LIVE. Indeed, we will persecute you, destroy your livelihood and you will not be able to LIVE as we restrict your every 'freedom' of movement."

Try and understand that your NAME as 'Director' on every 'docket' is the 'authority' which 'legitimises' these iniquitous 'transactions' and sends out the 'hounds' to tear apart the lives of GOD'S children. Yes indeed, each 'docket' is signed: Director, Monetary penalties enforcement service.

Mrs. Barnes an elderly and physically 'unwell' lady has been so 'traumatised and intimidated' by your demands over the years that at some stage you succeeded in forcing her to 'change' her 'conscience' being her religious ideological stance of 'Peace & love & mercy' and to 'cough up' money paid to your 'coffers.'

Yes, she is a loving, kind, compassionate daughter of God, but when funding YOUR contra system she is by that fact supporting your system. This ACT on her part in her mind means that she is thus funding a CONTRA warring organisation causing trauma to OTHERS and thus is herself defiant of God's Command. This causes her more mental and emotional trauma and CONFUSION.

'Brother,' your 'action' interaction IS RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION, being an 'act' forbidden by God AND by the Constitution of this land and, - - - it is your PROOF that you and your politicians and serving enforcers ARE all 'guilty' of TREASON and ANARCHY.

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As you will READ on the link below (- a - Criminal police terrorists) I did recently 'counsel' and help Mrs. Barnes to find her sanity, and then I advised her to return into God's FOLD * in advising her Bank to halt her recent payment to MPES which she was 'coerced' into paying. Being a 'fine' YOU had imposed and which came to 'light' when the police halted her vehicle and told her to stop driving as her driver's 'permit license' had been withdrawn.

Note: Ref - I did recently 'counsel' and help Mrs. Barnes to find her sanity, and then I advised her to return into God's FOLD * - You 'Sir' need to try and see that this letter to you is my attempt to 'counsel' you and all to find sanity, and to help you to return into God's FOLD.

According to my 'book' God's Testament, the local Mafiosi Boss and the Politicians are exactly of the same 'ilk,' for they both wear black 'silk' and their controlling extortionist IDEAS all stem from the same DARK Source, and they both say: "Give me your money and you will receive my protection."

Both use THREATS as coercion. The Mafiosi 'heavy' calls by your wife's hairdressing shop every Friday to collect their $ 100 'protection money' which if not paid means that your wife either receives a broken leg or her shop is burnt to the ground.

The politician being the 'white collar' criminal uses 'decree dictates' enshrined in an 'open' book of rules, stating to your hairdressing wife or fisherman son: "Fill out your weekly income sheet and we will tax you upon IT, and if you see fit to deny our 'protection money' extortion we will impoverish you, cause you mental and emotional trauma and even evict you forcefully and seize your home to meet our 'expectations.' Yes, even if you fail to pay a penny parking fee on our 'space' we will do the aforesaid."

All 'parties' today are defiant of their God and all are revolving within His DARK 'punitive return' aspect of THE LAW of God. All are using threat and coercion backed by armed men. All this activity is anarchy and treason.

Soon there is to BE 'open warfare' on the streets of EVERY LAND as 'terrified' people being harassed by enforcers will take 'the law' into their own hands so to speak. I as a man of peace & truth can only ADVISE your officers and politicians of what is now CERTAIN TO BE, in the HOPE that I can save a 'few' from a terrifying FATE in the underworld.

"As you DO is done unto you," (Absolute Justice) IS THE LAW of the Light or Dark energy used, which cannot be 'voided' by any rules of mortal men. If you 'care' to multiply the trauma you have already imposed upon Mrs. Barnes by the number of advice notices you have already sent forth to others in Tasmania, then you will BEGIN to see my concerns for your spiritual safety.

Mark, the first page of my 3000 + pages to humanity in my The Testament of Truth states:

God's final message to humanity is about 'Armageddon of the MIND' being thoughts kind v/s unkind and - - -
A battle between ones conscience and 'dictatorial coercion' enticing one to defy ones conscience and God's 'Peace, love, mercy, forgive' Command..

You 'Mark' are the spear head of the 'dictatorial coercion' which is forcing people in Tasmania to forgo their true belief, conscience and religious 'ideology' due to 'terror' of what will become of them and their life if they fail to pay your demands. Being demands which ARE 'ransom' money being extorted backed by force of arms.

Please note that every 'tax' imposed and licence 'fee' demanded is the same DARK Power in action via the vain, arrogant and ignorant. All complicit ARE on the wide road to Hell 'brother.'

Where? I ask is the commanded by God 'compassion, mercy & love'? If you believe that a 'parking rule' has been 'offended,' then where is the commanded by God 'forgiveness'? Where is the commanded by God 'go your way in peace' when you go forth with the INTENT and DEED to destroy the life of and cause emotional distress to another? Do you 'think' that YOU deserve to LIVE? In God's eyes the answer is "NO" Bro !

IF I were you, I would advise the Attorney general and the politician who invoked said 'restrictive' decree that I could no longer be their 'fall' guy. Try and see that as the 'Director' you are the same as a 'field commander' issuing a death warrant to his enemy when he orders his troops to: "Fire."

I continue with my outreach to Tasmanian politicians:

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~ Political Anarchy & Treason ~

Interference - harassment - persecution - coercion - extortion - punishment

There are the 'bold' who are also very vain, arrogant and ignorant because they hold God's Holy Word and Command in disdain, and they Rule the land for Him as His 'reapers' against any whom in their past did 'Sin.'

None of these politicians are even aware that what they do unto others becomes their own 'ware' in that 'later,' it is their own bellies to be full of dread as they are 'tipped' out of their home and bed and treated as 'trash' as they have their own lives and livelihoods' trashed by even more 'bold' and arrogant men who are soon to be seen roaming here, there, and everywhere.

This 'case' of Mrs. Barnes God's daughter has gone on for years, and she has shed many tears and suffered emotional stress and grave inner fears because as she did her best to pass her spiritual 'test' in the face of adversity, she was 'driven' to the edge of insanity. As said, by the rules, acts, decrees and edicts of politicians who use threat and COERCION to steal and bring everyone to their knees.

What did I mean in para 1 when I spoke: < whom in their past did 'Sin.' ? > Sinners are those who defy God's: "Peace & love & mercy & compassion & forgive" Command as they pay 'taxes' into the coffers of politicians who send out their 'forces' to disturb the peace of OTHERS. Thus the taxpayer Mrs. Barnes, did become complicit to the interference, coercion, intimidation, persecution and punishment of OTHERS when in her past she funded the DARK system untrue, and was by so doing a 'sinner' who did accrue a painful spiritual DUE within the Law of God. (As you or your servants do unto others is done unto you)

Now she has been enlightened by me wielding God's 'pen' and she no longer funds 'interferers' in the lives of others, she is entitled to, and guaranteed immunity from persecution within the 'Freedom of Religion' clause of the Constitution of Australia to NOT fund what she now perceives as INIQUITY and as long as she does NOT disturb the peace of the land she is also guaranteed PROTECTION by said Constitutional AUTHORITY.

It is thus that I now demand that the MPES of Tasmania (Monetary penalties enforcement service) desist from sending her any more extortionist and coercive THREATS of 'penalties' because she is ENTITLED to NOT 'go against her conscience' by funding the imposition of DARKNESS IN ACTION against others.

I am the one now telling her to STOP funding the UNTRUE. Please come and see me if you have naught else to do. If you truly believe that failure to pay a parking fine 'justifies' forbidding another to drive their vehicle, then you ARE AN IDIOT, an extremely mentally disturbed and deceived idiot needing God's CORRECTION and a change of direction.

Politicians 'feel' nothing as they write their text decrees. They also FEEL no 'pain' or mental or emotional suffering as their VICTIMS are forced to endure the punishment imposed upon them. Woe indeed as all politicians and their less than 'merry men' enforcers are soon themselves FORCED to 'fall on their own sword.' 

'Word for word' - is - THE LAW of God

All would feel 'better' if they sat on a beach and wrote 'love letters in the sand' rather than STEALING money by 'means' VERY underhand and, - - - for some VERY strange reason people in positions of Power and 'officialdom' seem to believe that their 'mandates' are a 'licence' to DEFY THE CREATOR and cause pain, hardship, loss and travail. Any who continue to be a THIEF soon face certain death spiritually and will then eternally GRIEVE.

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I now write on Treason & Anarchy.

It is treason and anarchy for any politician to invoke rules and use them to threaten and coerce and intimidate a peaceful person in their attempt to try and force them to change their ideological 'philosophy' and in so doing, thus deny them their conscience and religious belief.

It is treason and anarchy for any officer in any department of any organisation to use the edicts or rules or laws of politicians to 'wage war' upon a peaceful person or to threaten or coerce or intimidate them for the purpose of getting them to pay money in order to remain free from persecution because, these 'forcefully backed' activities are 'extortion.'

The above activities are treason and anarchy against the Command of God AND against the freedom of religion clause of the Constitution of Australia, being THE authority and mandate of the government organisation and its office bearers.

Any person imposing their belief or rulings upon a person who is NOT disturbing the peace of the land is to consign their own soul to the Abyss because this is defiance of God as well as the Constitution of Australia.

Any person giving in to threats and coercion who 'pays' money to remain 'free' from persecution and 'changes' their ideology (religious belief) and thus becomes complicit also goes DOWN for funding the intimidation of others and supporting their persecution.

You have been enlightened, advised, and warned of the coming consequence of your personal actions.


A copy of this letter is on line on the 'The Law of God' document under:

- o - Political anarchy & treason

Other relevant Links on the same subject:

- a - Criminal police terrorists

- n - letter to the Examiner

The 'Law of God' document