~ Water ~
The 'drought' within man

This four page document is my synopsis of the life work of the 'late' Mr. Batmanghelidj M. D. the Iranian author of the book "Your body's many cries for water," and is placed on this web site to assist you the reader.  For his studies clearly indicate that many 'common' illnesses and their treatment are solely a need of more daily pure water intake.

This synopsis is partly written in my own words so it is not word for word as given by the author. It is neither of my 'inspiration' however, as I do see that many 'children' today and adults reach out for a bottle of sweet 'sugar water' to satiate their thirst rather than simply water, I believe that this will aid all into healthier drinking ways and that is my inspiration.

Within this synopsis it speaks of drinking two or so litres of water a day, and I am aware that a person working hard physically in warm or hot conditions for many hours does need to drink many more litres than that, and this needs to be done during the working times. Many people do not, and they then enter a 'beer hall' and consume many litres of beer. That is the wrong way. Keep your body well 'watered' at all times, and at the end of the day you will not need to waste your hard earned money by throwing it away.

The 'flesh' of man suffers from many an 'ill,' and many of these are the result of humankind failing to fill their inner reservoir each day, as they have not been taught that water is in fact the 'fuel' that not only lubricates their flesh so that it has mobility, stature, growth, and life, but that it is also needed for nutrient supply, cell replacement and metabolic enhancement so that every part of the biological 'flesh' is maintained in a happy liquid state.

Many a person only drinks of this 'water of life' in its pure * form when there is naught else around. Thus every person is in fact suffering from a condition known as "Chronic dehydration," being a state whereby every part the body is operating with less than 100% of the normal amount of water and salt content within its cells and bloodstream and organs.

Note: pure * form - simply means water that is not a 'beverage' such as tea or coffee or alcohol drinks or soda water soft drinks that contain caffeine or sweeteners and more.
Note : salt intake - would depend on the amount you sweat as well as the place you live. Be it a hot or cold land.

Signs of chronic dehydration

Tiredness - fatigue - headaches - constipation - painful joints - morning sickness in early pregnancy - kidney failure - yellow urine - hypertension - high blood pressure - high cholesterol - angina pain - arm pain - heart attack - dyspepsia - colitis pain - hiatus hernia - lower back pain - neck pain - sleeplessness - kidney failure - Alzheimer's disease, Asthma, allergies, Diabetes and more.

Signs of lack of salt

Dizziness - fainting - muscle cramps when not exercising, feeling faint in the shower * and more.  Salt is a most important ingredient in the body ranked as third. First oxygen, water, salt, and potassium as the primary elements for survival of the body.  27% of the salt in the body is stored in the bones as crystals and taken from there to keep the salt levels in the blood normal.

Low salt intake contributes to 'weak' bones and the build-up of acidity in some cells, and high acidity can damage DNA structure with disastrous effects.

Note : feeling faint in the shower * - Hot water opens the capillaries and the water reserves in the body do not reach the brain.

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Daily pure water intake

The rule of thumb for an adult of 75 kgs. weight would be approximately 2 litres per day or more depending on their physical exercise.  A child would take a smaller amount.

Take a glass on waking, one before meals approximately a half hour before. Also drink during and after the meal. Take a glass before retiring at night, and drink more during the day as required.

The osmotic flow of water through the cell membrane can generate 'hydroelectric' energy (voltage) that are used in 'neurotransmission,' and the water is the glue' that forms the adhesive material in the bondage of cell structure. Water is the 'solvent' of the body that regulates all functions, including the activity of the solutes it dissolves and circulates.

If you are feeling hungry during the day, just drink a glass of water or more. For your 'pangs' may in reality be signs of thirst. This way you won't need to 'snack' between meals and at mealtimes you will also eat less and have a healthier body.

Asthma & other allergies - Asthma and allergies are indicators that the body has resorted to the production of the neurotransmitter histamine, being the sensor regulator of water metabolism and its distribution in the body.

Asthmatics have an increase of histamine that regulates bronchial muscle contraction. As the lungs are a site where water loss takes place, bronchial constriction produced by histamine means less water evaporation. A simple manoeuvre to preserve body water.

Histamine is an agent that apart from its water regulatory role, has responsibilities in antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-foreign chemicals and proteins defence systems of the body.

At a normal level of water content of the body, these actions are held at an imperceptive or unexaggerated level. At a dehydrated state of the body to the point that histamine activity becomes exaggerated for water regulation and conservation, an immune system activation of histamine-producing cells will release an exaggerated amount of the transmitter that is held in storage for its other functions.

Histamine production in histamine-generating cells will decrease with an increase of water intake. On average, conditions respond after one to four weeks of additional water and salt intake regulation.

Spinal, lumbar disc & neck joints and their disc structures are dependant upon different hydraulic properties of water stored in the disc core, as well as within the end plate cartilage covering the flat surfaces of the spinal vertebral joints.

Water is not only a lubricant for the contact surfaces, but it is held within the disc core and supports compression weight or muscle tension. In most of these joints the establishment of an intermittent vacuum promotes silent water circulation into the joint, only to be squeezed out by the pressure borne as the result of joint activity.

To prevent back pain one needs to drink sufficient water and do a series of special exercises to create an intermittent vacuum to draw water into the disc space. These exercises will also reduce the muscle spasms that is the other cause of lower back pain.

There are may factors that cause neck pain, or even the displacement of the inter-vertebral discs in the neck. Neck movement is essential for the establishment of adequate fluid circulation within the disc spaces. The weight of the head displaces water out of the discs over time. To bring back the same water the force of vacuum has to be created within the disc space.

A simple process from less severe cases of neck pain from disc displacement would be slow and repeatedly bending the neck backward as much as it will bend. Keeping the neck extended for 30 seconds at a time. This prolonged extension will enhance the force of vacuum and bring water back. At the same time, because of their frontal attachment to the spinal ligament, all the discs will be retracted back into their normal spaces between the vertebrae and away from nerve roots.

A simple procedure is lying on the bed on ones back with the head hanging back and down. This posture permits the weight of the head to stretch the non-weight bearing neck. A few moments in this position will ease the tension and generate vacuum. Once you can see the floor behind you then raise the head to see your toes, and this movement creates an intermittent vacuum, and draws water into disc spaces and neck joints and lubricates movements. You may also when the head is 'back,' turn your head from side to side.

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High blood pressure is a sign of gross body water deficiency that results in the blood vessels closing the 'lumen' to compensate for water loss. In a well 'hydrated body, water is the adhesive material of hydrocarbon 'bricks' of cells that also permit water to diffuse through into the blood, and these cells are lined with water and the bi-layer membrane is open and allowing enzyme activity.

Cholesterol is formed to close the cell membrane in 'drought' conditions so that the cells survive. When dehydrated, the cells produce cholesterol to stick the hydrocarbon 'bricks' together and to halt loss of water from the blood.

Daily exercise will open the capillaries and thus offer no resistance to the blood flow. For when capillaries have been closed due to dehydration, there is a pressure build up. Hydration is important in high blood pressure persons.

As you dehydrate, your blood may lose 8% or more liquid water volume, thus its 'channels' being the arterial system have to shrink proportionately. As they do this, the force needed by the heart to pump the thicker blood through thinner passages imposes a load upon it and a greater 'blood' pressure is needed.

Bottled soft drinks and low calorie 'Diet sodas' are addictive. They are assumed to replace water intake but they do not. Caffeine is physiologically a dehydrating agent that increases urine production and results in the person seeking to drink more and never satisfy their thirst for water and, it stimulates their need for food for a variety of reasons not listed here.

Fruit and fruit juice - As fruit and fresh fruit juices are sweet and sugary and they contain  needed vitamins, but they also need to be taken in moderation, (maximum 2 glasses of orange juice per day) or the person may simply continue to satisfy their craving for sweetness and 'instant' energy in eating fruit, and in fact then not eat enough solids that are needed for the body to develop and function properly. I do not here go into the meats and vegetable section but both are very necessary for protein and minerals and other.

Weight loss and excess body weight - The central control system of the brain, that is 'starved' of water that it needs to function, recognises the low energy levels and sends out a 'thirst & hunger' signal to attain and mobilise energy from stored fat requires hormonal release mechanisms and some physical movement.

The front of the brain gets its energy from 'hydroelectricity" or from sugar in the blood. The functional needs for hydroelectricity are more urgent as it needs the energy formation coming from the water as well as the capacity of the water to aid the brain's transport and micro-stream system that depends on water.

The 'thirst & hunger' signal sent from the brain must be addressed by initially drinking plain water that will increase the brain requirement of hydroelectricity that is generated within the brain cells as it travels through the cell membrane. This way you assist the needs of the brain and body functions and do not gain weight, you lose the excess.

The brain energy is derived from metabolism of food, formation of sugar, and from the water supply. It relies heavily on the "hydroelectric" water 'issue' in its nerve supply around the body.

A sweet taste on the tongue indicates to the brain that you are taking in sugar from outside the body, and it sends a signal to the liver to stop processing sugar from protein and starch reserves in the body, and instead it starts to store metabolic fuels in the blood.

As soon as the 'cephalic phase response' caused by the intake of sweetness is over, the body then instead of resuming its 'liver' conversion from stored energy simply sends out a signal for more food. Thus more weight and the 'craving' for sweetness goes on.

Diabetes - Adult-onset diabetes is another adaptive state to severe dehydration of the human body. To have adequate water in circulation and for the brain's priority water needs, the release of insulin is inhibited to prevent insulin from pushing water into all body cells. In diabetes, only some cells get survival rations of water. Water and some salt will reverse adult-onset diabetes in its early stages before it becomes an auto-immune disease with a destruction of insulin-producing cells.

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More information

Every 'cell' has the capacity to absorb water, and thus every cell can be 'starved' of water that is the necessary 'moist' lubricant that it needs to function and carry out its daily tasks.

The entire 'dietary' passage itself needs a certain amount of water to do its function of extraction, processing, bowel movement and waste removal and, any lack of moisture causes unique problems to develop.

Every 'joint' in the body from neck to knee to toe 'rests' upon a 'fluid' sack that is 'hydraulically' vacuum packed with water, and any lack of moisture results in a 'breakdown' of this 'cushion' of flexibility causing collapse and nerve pain etc.

Every passing 'heartbeat' pumps liquid blood along miles of 'channels' that themselves are 'supported' by water cells that do 'constrict' and cause hypertension if there is lack, and every 'drop' of blood needs to be of a certain percentage of water and salt to maintain its fluid consistency, and the water content of the blood is reduced due to hydration.

Every cell in the body needs a certain amount of salt that 'glues' it all together, and if the blood becomes thick and sluggish due to moisture lack it causes stress and damage to the heart pump that has to work overtime in a stressed condition for no pay.

The stomach needs a well hydrated mucous barrier to retain bicarbonate and neutralize acid and protect the stomach wall. A dehydrated body has an inefficient mucous barrier allowing acid penetration and damage to stomach and intestines.

"Batman" states that many 'trials' where some of the 'ill' participants are given a 'placebo' with a glass of water and become well, is simply due to the addition to their daily intake of ordinary tap water that they are receiving, that as stated has its own unique healing properties.

If you are having trouble getting to sleep at night then try drinking a glass of water and then place a pinch of salt on the tongue. Do not let it touch the roof of your mouth or it will irritate it. This alters the electrical discharge of the brain and sleep will follow.

Remember, in this day and age where so many people have so many different points of view, it is always best to do your own 'search' as I did, and come up with what is the best for you as an individual.

I can but hope that the many years that "Batman" spent in an Iraq "prison camp" helping the sick and needy with little but water to give to the sick, gives you as much light on this subject as it gave to me. As he 'asks' readers to share the information in his book, I do so as I believe it is a very 'worthy' book that contains much positive information for all humanity.

There may be some of it that is not fully correct but it is your individual choice as to what you perceive as the truth on the matter of the need for the body to remain hydrated at all times. For then and only then can it function properly as it was so designed by God to so do.


 End of synopsis

Note by Terence;

The inclusion of the above information on my web site is simply to get your mind working reference the need to keep the biological body hydrated. Any reference to the amount of water intake needed daily (e.g. 2 litres) needs to be seen as being for an adult of 72kg, and it follows that a 7 or 12 year old would not require that amount. So please do not 'flood' your dependents with excess water intake. If a person weighs only 40 kg then consider an appropriate requirement at close to half, e.g. 1.2 litre a day or whatever they are comfortable with.


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