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Section - 3 of 8

~ The 'Judgement' papers ~
God's Law in man's Court

~ The Right & Justification of Retribution ~
by the Dark Sovereign Power within or 'out' of man's Court.

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~ The ONE Super Power ~
God the Source

It has been "explained" in this web site that man is "as" God in that "he" man was created in the image of God. Being the progeny of the spiritual essence of God the Source of all.

Thus we are spiritual beings of energy, and as the "Source" is all, within its "frame" and "us" at our "inception are both aspects of all known energy. Both the Positive creative LIGHT aspect and the Negative destructive DARK aspect.

As this "Paper" is to assist in the Revelation as to why and how man "falls" from grace over time, it is mainly a Revelation as to the "offensive" aspect of the Source and its powerful "hold" over man and his negative deeds.

It is also the time for mankind to see that within "him" are "seeds" of Sin. Being energetic "particles" of the Dark side of the Source.

These seeds of discontent that are of many "vibrations" encompassing the many "facets" of the emotions of the Dark aspect of the Source: Wrath, greed, hatred, vengeance, criticism, jealousy, pride, vanity, deceit, cunning, etc, are impregnated "minisculely" into our Light spirit soul at the "creation" conception as God's children.

Thus we do have a part of the Dark essence within us, our "Achilles heel" through which we "feel" the negative emotional energy, and through which we can receive negative thoughts intruding into our mind from the Dark Source.

The Light side of the Source (God) imparts its "wisdom" upon us after "birth" that says: "If you only impart love upon others and are peaceful in every way, then My Light will one day purge the 'Sin' emotions out of your soul so that your 'refined' and enlightened spirit can enter the pure Source of Light 'within me,' the core of Light, and then you will eternally be happy and free from the 'influence' within and without of the Dark's shout & clout."

"However, as you have within you a 'part' of the Dark, it can and will try to get you to be contra to My Command, and via you it will demand that you incite & fight & oppress, and thus if you on its energy sup then you become 'bound' into servitude to IT, and its dark energy grows as a cancer within you and your eternal freedom you lose as you 'fall' into its realm below."

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~ The 'duality' of God ~
Facts & consequences ~

The Light of God has Sovereign supremacy in the Realm Heaven
IT Commands
that all walk in peace and love one another.
It gives out a 'joyful, kind, and loving' return due to all whom it heed.

The Dark of God has Sovereign supremacy in the underworld Hell
IT Demands that all
disturb the peace of those whom defy ITS Light.
It gives out a 'hateful, painful, destructive' return due to all whom use its power.

Any Law has a rule. The Law of God is but one and It has one inviolate Rule, being that whatever you do every moment of time is "subject to" this eternal law of God that justly returns to you your "due," be it positive/good or negative/bad that is the direct result of your act/actions done unto others.

"As you Sow - you Reap," - love received for love given - pain received for pain given - loss of your goods for your theft by seizure of, or destruction of, or otherwise, of others goods - etc.

None can "break" God's Law, all are "free" to do good or bad, but are "bound" to receive their "comeback." This Just "return" that is either a positive Tribute or a negative "Retribute" is "placed" upon your "plate" at the time and place so ordained by God.

This Godly "rule" applies only to spiritual matters (Mental & emotional & feelings), and thus it is only when "sinning" that we receive a negative comeback during which we "suffer" mentally or emotionally or feel pain. (Refer to pages 25 & 34 - Sin & sinning, Justice & Judgement.) Within The Testament of Truth.

It does not apply to the multitude of rules & regulations & acts that are 'raised up' by the vain men to control God's children. But it does apply to the legislators & upholders of these rules "if & when" they cause others to suffer.

Any person who "perceives" the meting out of punishment as "good" in order to teach others a "lesson" are in gross error, and soon ahead will learn the meaning of PURE terror.

The 'cunning' and 'deception' of the Dark Sovereign Source is such, that it 'Justifies' you into defying the Sovereign Light's call to heed the "Only love" Command, so that you can fulfil ITS Demand to pursue and punish others who defied the Light in their past.

As you for the dark power do ITS bidding, you fall more under ITS "spell" and IT for your arrogance and offensive ways binds you and drags your spirit into ITS Lair, HELL. Where all give out flack and all do deserve to be attacked.

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~ The 'Role of God' ~

The LIGHT aspect of the Source fulfils its side of the one Law of:

"As you do is done unto you," by giving back all the positivity to you via others as "payback" for when through you its loving creative energy flowed through.

The DARK aspect of the Source fulfils its side of the one Law of:

"As you do is done unto you," by giving back all the negativity to you via others as "payback" for when through you its hateful destructive energy flowed through.

God just "is," and it is "we" whom are the "channels" through whom God's energy flows through during the daily deeds we do. For every "energetic" action there is an equal and opposite re-action. Positive or Negative.

But the "reaction" or 'Tribute or Retributive' response by God comes at a time and in a place ascertained by God. Be it instantly or ahead in some 'other' eternity, for we do exist forever.

The "frame" of God from the LIGHT "peak" down to the DARK "pit" is of an eternal dimension of millions of levels of consciousness (energetic frequencies), and your 'spirit soul' is "attracted" to one or the other due to its vibration in 'time' or at the time of your fleshly demise.

It is not a matter of "belief." It is a matter of the deeds you seed that make you "grow" lighter and purer or darker and more contaminated inside you, and "each" energy has its own vibrational frequency.

God, being the two energy vibrations does exist, the positive and the negative. The energy itself is its own law and totally Just - What you do is done unto you.

It knows no rule book, mandate or uniform. It knows no belief system. It in itself is itself in operation through you. By your deed are you "taken up" or "delivered down." By your deed are you known.

The LIGHT is non intrusive, and we have the freedom of our own thoughts when we are beings of Light. The Light inspires us creatively via our core of love.

The DARK is intrusive, and it drives one relentlessly with Its intrusive thoughts once it gains a "foothold" within our soul and mind. The Dark incites us destructively via our seeds of 'sin.' (Negative emotions).

God's energy that is, is also within you, being the emotions within you that presently are both the positive and the negative.

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~ The Dark Sovereign Intruder ~

The Dark Sovereign intruder is the ONE Super Power that stands singularly alone and above all earthly powers whom are naught and powerless in ITS eyes.

All earthly "Powers" who stride back and forth causing havoc and damage to buildings, man, and beast are but the "puppets" of the invisible Power of the Retributive aspect of the Source, God the Father.

So it is this supreme "Super Power" that none can see that "backs" all earthly combatants and none can their battles win, only HE. For HE is invisibly in control of every mind that is unkind. HE can set man against man, and HE is the instigator of every "attack" plan.

Yes, HIS mighty game of 'invisible' CHESS can only be won by HIM, and once this fact you do upon your minds impress then you will TRY hard and do as I tell you.

For as HE does each earthly battle lose or win, all the combatants darkened their souls more and HE the 'orchestrator' did every battle win. For as all for HIM fight, they by their own dark deed walked further away from the LIGHT.

Oh what a "sorry" tale to tell, and the world will soon "pale" as IT sees that the Dark Sovereign Super Power brings every nation to its knees. Believe you me, liquid terror & insanity you will see. For HIS thoughts will the mind of every 'sinner' sting and thus few will hear the FINAL Bell I ring.

Yes, few will as me be able to sit quietly by my 'fireside' at night. For only those as me who do walk peacefully will be left 'happily' alone to not be tortured by HIS earthly forces soon to freely roam.

If any of you "readers" have the capacity to see what I reveal to thee then swiftly alert all good "women & men" so that each can prepare to now only do good and prepare for the coming time when we are all short of love and food. Tell all:

"Hear ye - hear ye - hear ye
The Prince of Peace is here"

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~ Defence against God's Dark Sovereign Power ~

You cannot defend yourself against God the Dark Sovereign Power. Try and see that any man or woman or child "with sin" can "act" for the Dark Power if IT chooses to use them against you, or you against them. That is if you yet have 'Sin' within, being ITS energy and 'access' avenue.

So when you try and defend yourself against the Dark that is operating through the other you cannot. You can only "swat" the perceived enemy being the man in front of you. As this you do, you accrue more negative 'karmic debt' for being God the Dark Sovereign Power in action yourself and thus untrue.

Your only protection from the cruel 'Wrath' of the Dark Sovereign Power is by heeding the Light. For the Dark Sovereign Power will never send ITS "thoughts" via others to abuse you unless you were untrue to others in the past if you permitted IT to use you though your ignorance or arrogance.

All must now try and see that the eternal enemy is the energy essence of the Dark Sovereign Power. The MIND and Might of the Dark Sovereign Power becomes man's enemy when man uses ITS Dark Power.

For at that moment they are bound under ITS Sovereign Law: "As you do is done unto you" and their destiny is to "receive & suffer" what they imposed upon others as they made others grieve.

As none like to suffer at the "hand" of any other all fight to stay "pain free," and thus their destiny becomes darker and bleaker and more travail is in store.

So when you are "faced" by dark evil men who defy this God's sacred pen, you are by God required as am I to do your best to help them see how to become free from the Dark Powerful energy that is their Sovereign.

Do not use this dark energy in 'defence' or you will fall. Peace is the way. I hope this 'simple' page you read and understand, for only the peaceful reach the heavenly land where all are kind and caring and unarmed.

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~ The Sovereign power ~
Of a Nation or 'king'

Man has been misinformed by other men when he was told that a Land mass had some sort of "Sovereignty" over its boundaries, and that its 'King' also had Sovereignty over the people inhabiting said land. All Falsity.

The reality 'behind' this is that the Dark Sovereign aspect of God was the ONE Power that used the minds of the vain to give this impression, so that HE could instigate HIS Control & Rule over the masses of ignorants with HIS rod of iron, as all in this realm of consciousness were sinners deserving the suffering imposed by HIM via the vain.

If you would become free of HIS Dictatorial Autocracy then you had better listen to my Wisdom quickly and set yourself free from your 'daydreams.'

For any man who 'controls' the borders and thus the free movement of any other or who punishes others for any reason has taken on the Role of "Godship" for and on behalf of Satan, the 'other' name for the Dark Sovereign Power.

Any person in a policing or judging role is a VICTIM of the darkness, and is acting as an AGENT for the Dark Sovereign Power, and is thus perpetrating and perpetuating crimes against humanity in his punitive role.

Any "victim" of his (the man's) is a past offender in God's eyes being subjected to his karmic retributive due under the ONE Law of God.

As this "due" is imposed by the ignorant "imposer," the imposer takes the debt upon his own soul and for his stupidity is ahead punished by the Dark Sovereign Power, - - - and during his vain imposition as he 'felt' the dark feelings satiate within, he the man drew dark energy into his own soul that enables the Dark to him more easily control, - - - the imposer thus became the victim of the dark overlord who 'seduced' him into carrying ITS Sword.

It is only I who has the Sovereign Authority of God on earth, for it is I who caries the wisdom of God to earth via my mind, and IT the message contains the Holy Word of God that is the TRUTH to set you free.

All who now believe and follow me, will by God be purged of their 'Sins' being their inner dark emotional energy, and their spirit souls will rise up to join the happy throng in Heaven's CUP of Love.

The others will be cast down into the Abyss and will join the other swine, and their cries will be unheard and their 'visage' unseen for it is DARK.

Man has placed his own perceived 'Sovereignty' and National 'Pride' and his 'religion' ahead of God's Code of Conduct, and thus prefers to keep his 'Land' to himself, and he prefers to keep himself 'locked into' his false beliefs.

IT is the Dark Sovereign Power of God to now bring all these 'non-believers' to grief. For God said: "Any of you whom try to control the beliefs of MY children or whom try to halt their freedom of movement over MY Land will be "struck down" by ME."

This earthly realm is now claimed by the LIGHT me, and as all will see, the only spirit souls incarnating into the biological flesh will now only be incarnating from the Light to restore true peaceful order, and they will have no 'Sin' within, and here it will be a happy place for 1000 years until some of those lost below will by me again be set free to return into Earth's Sun Light to learn what today I reveal to thee:

" Love one another"

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~ Sovereign Power ~

No man has any "Sovereign" power; all men are "Subjects of God" and subjected to the ONE Law of God. Any whom "trespass" out of bounds of the Code of Conduct set by God do place their own souls into eternal bondage and enslavement to the Sovereign Power of the Lord of the underworld, GOD.

The Dark aspect of the Source, God, uses the enslaved therein to do HIS retributive bidding, and believe you me, this cruel slave Master not only gives one eternal hard labour, but also subjects you to never-ending torture.

Ignorant man "plots & schemes" as to how to destroy the enemy as his mind is "mirroring" the thoughts of his slave Master the Dark One. As HE is the sole authority self-mandated to punish all whom trespass, HE incites you to be HIM in action and then incites others to also so do unto you.

Any 'common' man or politician voting for War or punishment are Dark spirits who believe they are 'Light.' Soon the LAST Battle of the mind is fought and each will show all their true or untrue 'colour' of their seed by their deed, and God's energy 'Light or Dark' drawn-in by deed bad or true will 'attract' them to ITS Source too.

I can assure you that the 'Robes' of the Ku Klux Clan below are not "as white as snow." They are inky black and 'Ipso facto' terrifyingly terrible is their ongoing attack - attack - attack, in perpetuity.

Sovereign power is very "attractive" for it permits you to "shower" arrogant control upon others. Our Father God via me does say: "Those of you who cannot now become meek will be seen by MY dark forces as ones whom are freaks to be destroyed, and you are ones who by your actions did deploy MY darkness and thus are to be debuoyed."

As the Dark Sovereign Power is justified in Its retributionary attack upon all that offended IT, it justifies its servants to extort money by taxation from your purses.

For in fact if you have been supporting ITS nefarious practices by funding ITS servants in their 'theft by servant & abuse of others,' which you do by payment of taxation demands, then you have also been complicit to this thievery and deserve to lose all your money. Taxation rises as your 'dues' to IT rise.

The more we support ITS Dark ways, the more rules IT imposes upon us all and we all 'fall down' and DIE for we do not deserve to LIVE. The Light says: "Never steal or take, just GIVE. For when you give then I am able under MY one law to give in return."

None of the 'enforcers' see that their mandated 'position' gives them the authority to wield the Power of the Dark. The sad thing is that they believe it is right and good and honourable to so do.

It is also sad that none of them see that the Dark Sovereign Power has the capacity and the voracity to use them in a far greater "vengeful" capacity than their own perceived original intent.

This unseen 'Super Power' using ITS 'fear or anger' emotions within them can in an instant totally 'possess' their psyche for a moment or an hour or longer and cause unbelievable destruction, all the while the possessed perpetrator sees not the 'wrongs' of their action.

If you 'permit' Dark energy to flow through you then beware, Its powerful 'possessive' nature will be uncontrollable by you, and as Its energy begins to 'run' in your 'veins' you will be 'carried away' on ITS 'bullish' horns and it will be to your detriment. For "As you 'gore' so shall ye be gored."

It does have the Right and the Authority to intrude into the affairs of 'offenders in ITS sight' and be abusive in "Retributionary return," but if you let it work through you on ITS behalf, then you 'earn' a similar return due.

"As you for IT do - IT via others does it unto you"

As said before, ITS Dark Power within you is ITS dark 'Sin' emotions within you (The Trojan horse), and its "forces" can 'overspill' within anytime IT wishes to if your mind is "open" to its thoughts. If this you can see then with my help and good counsel you may be able to "stem" its thoughts by fortifying your mind as given by me.

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~ The 'death' game ~

The tragedy is that ignorance has prevailed for so long, that all have become used to playing the "death" game, and saw not the terrible injustices that were being carried out in their name.

There is a consequence for every "action" done by you or your servants. You will need a very strong mind to halt the ingress of retributionary thoughts soon to pervade that will be trying to use you to 'correct' perceived injustices.

Please ensure that from this moment on that you ensure that not one 'iota' of darkness will ever again be permitted by you to flow through you. Never again will you hold any in disdain, and you will respect everyone for all of you are God's children with minds on the run.

This way you will "succeed," even though many a 'drop of blood' you may be required to bleed to purify your past deed. 'Crucifixion' is the way, meaning that you do not fight anyone, and you 'permit' them to for the Dark have its say against you, if that is their 'choice' of the day.

All enforcers & regulators such as the U.N.Weapons inspectors the police or army, or the simple man in the street who becomes mentally disturbed and thus a killer of man either believes or says: "I am God, and I am empowered to control you and destroy you if in your past you were in any way untrue and defied My Light and thus did abuse others or fight" - - - Or thinks - - - "I perceive you as a threat to My sovereignty and freedom and via My hand any past debt owed to Me will now by My force be met."

So if there is any Light within you then try and see the cunning deception of the darkness using you, and do your best to adhere to God's Code of Conduct so that you can be a 'Peace' operative and save your own soul.

This you do by destroying your own weapons first, thus showing the other 'fearful' one by deed that they need not fear your 'seed.' You also at this moment show God your new intent to now heed the Commandment to "Love thine enemy."

If you were my son Julian or my daughter Rebecca intending to join any 'punitive or controlling' force, I would for God and myself and them say: "Please do not go, for on that murky road there is a 'certainty' possibility that I shall never see your face or hear your laughter again.

Children, there is unbelievable danger awaiting you when you walk out of the Light into the Darkness, for there are savage beasts out there and the dark energy that flows freely is as a great river of blood and mud, and only as you step into it do you see that it has the capacity to carry you swiftly down, down, down, and your 'flesh' will cry out in agony as it bruises you on the rocks and rapids, and if you fall over the great falls into the Abyss your terror will be unending."

Try and see the other 'overriding' factor being, that any use of darkness is fraught with danger and has a very serious repercussion due to the continual compounding effect "payback" that occurs and accrues through your retaliation when you refuse to suffer your accrued due.

For the energy of the dark force 'growing' within you as you use it, has its "defiant" arrogance that cannot comply to the call of the Light to "Turn the other cheek and remain meek when the dark imposes Its retribution upon you." Thus in your new found arrogance you defend your flesh and fight the oppressor, and draw-in more darkness into your soul and accrue more "pain" debts.

It the Dark can & will only do to you what IT has to in order for you to receive your due from IT and be set free from your past too. Be brave now and lay down your 'defence' Stave as you follow me to eternal freedom.

I hope this you do understand
For it is the 'only way' to the Promised Land

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~ The 'carrier' of the gun ~

It is reprehensible that the community and politicians place the youth of the land in such terrible danger wherein they can be used by the Dark Sovereign Power to kill a "deserving to die" stranger.

For what the gun 'carrier' does not see is that if the other 'has to die' then his mind will be "possessed" temporarily by the Alien spirit forces of the Dark Sovereign Power to do ITS justifiable deed.

The moment that via you the deed is done, then IT alerts other dark men below as IT telepathically incites them to begin to plot and scheme how you ahead will one day scream.

It is the time to understand that all 'dark' deeds are known by the avenging spirits in the lower land, and from them none ever get away. For all 'foul' deeds are done through you at their mentally intrusive instigation, and the Dark Sovereign Power ensures that all for folly PAY.

So when we 'privately' or via any 'System' or department do arm ourselves or another one with a gun, we at that very moment place them in the "arms" of the satanic "charm, for it can and will their mind through fear or anger "possess" just as soon as it can, for that is ITS eternal Plan.

Please now de-power your sons and daughters too, so that both "aspects" of God can see that all their deeds are kind & true. This way our God will see that you the 'Elder' are wise too.

Ask yourself: "What is my 'obsession' in regards to my duty"? For if you are obsessed with bringing offenders to "Justice," then that fact should show you that by darkness you are already "possessed," and great is the danger to your soul as in God's Universe you stroll. For only God has the prerogative to bring defaulters to account for their misdeeds.

All soon will be forced to "run the gauntlet of pain" before they are released from their karmic past when they were vain and untrue in the eyes of God.

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~ The Alien Race ~

The Dark Sovereign Power has already "dragged down" zillions of trillions of souls into the underworld. The magnitude of the volume of 'spirits' created by the Source and 'existing' is incomprehensible to you. What you need to be concerned about is whether or not you will join that 'Race' that exists in hellish realms below.

I can assure you that the mind of every one of these 'sorry' souls is totally controlled by the Dark Sovereign Power so they are like automated 'robots' and HIS 'orders' given to each is but ONE: "Seek out and deceive and destroy all those whom make any of mine grieve."

These robot like "Angels of death" can only do what they are told to, so they do not have the freedom of choice to even consider being nice, as their thoughts are held in HIS 'vice.'

Thus their pain goes on and on, for every 'expression' of theirs is negative and brings the other 'undone.' Thus under ITS Sovereign Law another is sent to hunt them down and abuse them horrendously for sure.

Soon the Dark Sovereign Power will as the dropping of an 'axe' instruct ITS invisible army to invade the open minds of those on this level and 'tax' the mind of every man abiding in this Realm.

At that moment you will see "Hell on earth," and any that heed me not will fall to their mental onslaught and thus their destiny in Hell is bought. Verily I say unto you it will be "Armageddon of the mind," and any heeding these destructive thoughts will be more than unkind to others and thus to his own soul.

Darkness in action via man is an "orchestrated" dirge that via the negative emotions within 'sinful' man does splurge its hatred upon all whom in their past used the energy of the dark force of the invisible Super Power, being the Dark Sovereign aspect of the Source, God.

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~ Caesar ~

In order for the Dark aspect of the Source to fulfil its one Law and mete out "Payback" or "Retribution" on this level of consciousness, it "seeks" to deceitfully "seduce" man into believing that it is honourable, just, righteous and justifiable to defy the Commandment of the Light under certain circumstances.

Thus all whom it seduces do forgo their "peaceful way" and they Fight or they seek "employ" as did Judas, by "pointing the bone" and exposing any perceived as the offensive "enemy" and hauling them in for the purpose of persecution, fiscal extortion, or incarceration etc.

The "power" of the Dark is so "great" that via the mind of man it makes rules that "appear" Just and wise, but in fact they are controlling & punitive and a means whereby "theft by servant" is accomplished.

For this invisible "someone" via the police & judiciary says "Pay up or else," and this someone believes that they have the right to enslave, extort, and punish, and they do, but "foolish" is any "man" who works for Him as you all do.

The very nature of the Dark is interference, compulsion, and control over you and others through you, via your original seeds of Sin.

The Satanically inspired legislative 'Book of Rules' of man in each land is 'how & where' man is "set up" by the Dark force to impose control over others and to punish for any default.

This is how the Dark seduces man to "err" legitimately. For as man "raises up" his immoral codes of control over the lives of God's children, and as God's children by 'Vote' or compliance uphold them, all are defiant of the Source of Light and all thus bind themselves to IT the Dark that slowly but surely extinguishes their spiritual "spark."

In the "modern" day the political System is equated to "Caesar" as the Authority to whom all must pay a "due" or be punished. What none see is that the Dark side is justified in trying to extort a due because all whom "Vote in" or physically or fiscally support ITS Dark system do accrue a further debt to it daily.

For in fact, by your support of any punitive system you are "playing" GOD for the Dark Source, and IT seeks to thus destroy you for your arrogance and defiance of the Command of the LIGHT to "ONLY Walk in peace and be merciful & forgiving in IT’S the 'Dark's' sight."

As you are not walking only in peace and only being forgiving and merciful, the DARK sees your 'disturbance of the peace' of others and is entitled by ITS own Law and absolute Authority to abuse you, as you are an abomination in ITS sight.

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~ Judas ~

All whom work for IT the Dark as its "Caesarian" earthly System are "as" Judas. For all sell their souls to IT for a monthly sum of "silver" as they seek out offenders on ITS behalf.

None seeing that 90% of the "offences" are not offences in ITS sight, but are merely ITS rules "invoked" that justify your "attack" on society so that you and your supporters all walk deeper into ITS "clutches." E.g.

The non wearing of seat belts - The non payment of demanded taxes - The non payment of licence fees - The driver exceeding a speed limit sign. All these 'types' of offences in the eyes of the 'Book of rules' are not offences in God's eyes, but are the means whereby the Dark "extracts" pain & suffering dues from those whom possibly way back in their past or 'yesterday' caused pain & suffering to others.

The only true "offences" in God's eyes are those wherein man disturbs the peace of others as he steals, extorts, deceives and abuses his sisters and brothers, and these "errors" by the ignorant should not be "punishable" by man, but only helped by education and redirection.

All "believe" that God is mercy and merciful. God is not, for one "half" is pure liquid terror that is merciless beyond your comprehension, and if any is so foolish or arrogant as to defy the LIGHT, then the DARK sets out to annihilate you.

For Its "Wrath" and hatred of any whom "despise" or defy Its LIGHT is so "great," that it "begins" an eternal deception in your mind so as to keep you blind as to your dark ways so that ITS "energy" can grow forever in you, so that deeper and deeper into ITS never-ending Abyss you slowly FALL. As this you "in spirit" do, your suffering grows and grows and you become more "as it" too.

As "man" for so long has been "consumed" with the Dark's demand to "Set all right," and thus "justifiably" haul in offenders or kill "terrorists" in their sight, that all have "forgotten" that God did say: "At the END all you 'suckers' will pay."

I am here today to "raise" your awareness with TRUTH, so that you do have a final "chance" to choose to change before in madness all fight.

Its no "good" listening to those thoughts from IT in your mind that say: "Well I've killed once or twice so it matters not how many more, in for a penny, in for a pound." For I say there is no end to the "depth" that you can fall when "underground," and the pain you thus suffer is more and more.

So please heed me and change your "tune" before you are totally mentally bound and thus have no "choice" as to whether you would "like" to obtain a reprieve.

For the Deceiver as said, has the power to weave HIS web so that forevermore you by HIS "anguish & pain" are bound. If you cannot today heed me and be a "peaceful one" then for sure soon you are eternally "on the run."

Police are not upholding the "law of the land," they are enforcing the demands of an extortionist who imposes HIS "Book of Rules" upon the land that enable HIM to extract endless sums of money off the public and to punish the populace.

The police are used to "threaten and force" compliance and they "squat" on any whom defy the edicts imposed, because they believe that they are entitled to force this false "belief" onto all that they are paid to uphold, not seeing that "my" belief is different to theirs.

Any so "foolish" as to think that they can force others into compliance and themselves avoid the "Justice" of God's Law are very ignorant and their "thoughts" are in error.

Our "Just" God is now to all "offenders" Try & FRY, and these are those whom the Rules impose as well as those whom these Rules enforce, being the Police, Judiciary, and in some instances the Army. As well as any of the general public whom are "offensive" in God's eyes.

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~ God's power to 'Re-Tribute' ~
Extract Retribution

The demand of God that all receive a "Just" return due for any "bad" behaviour is "extracted" by the Dark side of the Source on this Realm as retribution via the hand of ignorant offensive persons whom It mentally disturbs, and via the State "mandates & rules" that It the Dark one legislates via the mind of arrogant politicians who talk of Peace and Democracy but whom in fact know not God.

This Retribution by God being the Dark "aspect" of the Source is in the "form" of energy, and this includes the mental & emotional trauma and turmoil resulting from this interference and disturbance of ones "peace," as well as any physical pain suffered, be it at the hands of the "Judiciary," or from the mouth or hand of common man.

The "financial" collection due comes either by licence fee or direct taxation or through loss from burglary or accidental damage to property or by confiscation etc.

The "control over others" collection due comes through ones loss of freedom of movement through incarceration, or abduction or in servitude to other slave masters etc, and its trauma suffered as well as all known physical "injury" is a part of this Retribution by the Dark side of God against "errant" sinning man.

Due to the "nature" of the Dark overlord, HE is not "content" with the "mere" meting out of Retribution, but HE is also intent in the further "entrapment" of the ignorant so that they continue to pay and suffer on in perpetuity for their arrogance.

In order to this do, he makes all believe that they need to and must continue to "rely" on HIS strength and "System," and as all so do, they all become entangled with more and more legislated control and tax extortion and added punitive measures.

The "end" of this is a complete "strangulation" of all freedom, and business activity comes to a halt. Society is "strangulated" by rules, and none can "perform" any deed without a "permit," and any defaulters are mercilessly "stomped" on. Thus all starve and all die.

So as we now see, the Dark overlord has "conned" all into supporting and "following" this unnatural "Order of disorder," and all men now accrue more "debt" each day and thus God imposes more "insults" our way as HE the Dark interferes in our lives in every way.

For we are supporting the Dark System in its interference and control over others, thus under the one Law it is our "peace" to be disturbed by others.

The only way "out" of this never-ending mess, be it on this Realm or any other is to personally stop supporting the System imposed. This you can only do if your mind and emotions permit you to.

For if you "fear" the repercussions then you will be unable to say to yourself and heed it each day: "No more do I pay as from the dark system I walk away." But if you do as me, you set your soul free from any further "down slide" into oblivion.

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Naturally the Dark Source sees your "need" to become free from Its Dark "hold," and via Its earthly "forces" will then via Its "Book of unholy Rules" demand all outstanding dues. Be they "fiscal, or punitive."

You must pay no money, and merely "suffer" the alternative without retaliating in any way. The "force" may take your chattels, or home or incarcerate you or expose you to torture by other swine, or even kill you, as IT God sees fit.

Just remember, God is infinitely "Just," and will only do to you what you did when in your past you or your servants did "abominable" things do to God's treasures, you and you.

So be you "common" man or a "slave" to IT by your daily mercenary wage paid by It via ITS system, set yourself free and be a Caring worker as shown "how" by me. Just remember, wherever you be, be kind and forgiving and walk peacefully.

Try and see that when you disturb the peace, it is God whom you disturb. When you fight, it is against God whom you fight, and none can win when they make God their enemy. When you defy the Light you invite God to be your enemy.

Those whom fight "poison" their relationship with God. Those, whom make peace by being peaceful, make peace with God. You are only "free" to enjoy the "fruits" in God's Paradise when you abide in the Commandment to: "Only be kind and loving and only walk in peace."

Fail in this, and God will eventually destroy your sanity and confine you to an eternity of constriction in very painful Realms below. I have given you a true Statement of fact.

Man through emotions of greed and power and vanity have over time and time sought to "Govern" negatively, as they saw other children of God as their "serfs" to be used and abused.

In the latter years as today, even the word "Government" is used in a Dark way. For its true meaning is: The humble and honourable community service given by the elected ones to the people they were appointed to serve.

It does not mean: The self-empowered vain 'licensed' to dishonourably enslave the electors in servitude and punishing them for any non-compliance to the never ending taxes imposed and other edicts of demand.

Man inspired by the Light of God is not a slave to any other man and will set himself free from these ignorant wolves by non-conformity to fiscal demands and by simply walking peacefully as they get on with life, secure in the knowledge that they no longer support the "God" of strife.

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~ The 'unholy' Divine Right ~

The Dark Sovereign invading Power does under ITS One Law have the self-mandated, self-empowered 'right' to enter your 'place - space' and to criticise, despise, abuse, rob, rape, pillage & destroy you, that is if in your past those 'things' you did do.

This Power lies within ITS dark energy, a 'part' of which has grown within you, the Sin (negative emotions), that justify you in making others cry on its behalf.

This is also the reason why the 'offensive' ones are callous and cruel as they 'drool' mercilessly over your predicament, for it is in your suffering that they and IT are emotionally satiated.

None see that they ahead make their own 'bed' in that they too will suffer the same 'fate' at the 'hands' of other recalcitrants whom arrogantly defy God as in ignorance they also plod.

As said, as God is ALL, and as God has the Power to do ALL, then simple 'mere' man must try and understand that God also has the 'capacity' to enter and 'span' his errant mind if he is a 'child' unkind. For in this way God uses 'fools' to make other fools pay.

Man must try and understand that God sees ALL.
Man must try and understand that God stands TALL.

Man must try and understand that all do 'fall' whom are - less than kind, less than forgiving, less than merciful, less than compassionate. All these 'defaulters' end up suffering, for none 'get away' with folly, for God saw their errant ways when they either regulated or controlled others, or stole their pay, or used force to punish or destroy them.

It is not a matter of 'how much good you do' that gets you to heaven, for 'goodness' is the inherent Light within your soul. It is the 'bad' you do that keeps you out of heaven and keeps you frustrated and angry and suffering and untrue.

Until one 'addresses' this dark aspect of the Source, and sees that indeed it exists, being what I now reveal, you cannot deal with IT and ITS imposition upon you.

There is false belief perpetuated by every religion and belief that God is only Light & Love - FALSITY - God is both the Light & Dark. The 'mere' fact that you have the 'Sin' being dark negative emotions within, is your PROOF that I am right.

I came to earth now to expose to you the true nature of the Source, as it is only now that 'man' has the mental capacity to understand the aspects of energy flow - positive & negative.

Your God has via me given you the Truth & Reality, it is now up to you to individually show true hospitality. Fail in this and I do see a 'personally' imposed and personally inspired painful destiny for thee.

You must be ever watchful now for the dark is trying to operate through you with increasing 'justification' so as to gain your soul.

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~ The 'energy' of GOD ~

It is the time to see that God is ALL, the LIGHT and the DARK, and any person whom in any way empowers themselves or others to "Regulate, control or punish" any other for any reason is an "operative" for the Dark side of the Source.

Let it here be known that even though the nature of the Light aspect of the Source is forgiving & merciful & compassionate, the Dark aspect of the Source is not, for it is the total opposite, and IT has the unforgiving & merciless & destructive & deceitful nature in "such" totality that it is incomprehensible to the mind of man.

Any so foolish to "work" for IT become ensnared and bound unto IT and controlled by IT, and they never get free from their "servitude" to IT until they pay all their "dues" of suffering and pain to IT in full for their folly, being their "assumption" that they are equal to God the Father, THE Authority.

Try and see that it is the "Dark" Sin within you that is a "part" of the Dark energy of the Source, and IT feels "good" within you as IT the energy uses your "arm" and "squishes" the flesh of others whom did seal their own fate through negative acts that permitted the same dark energy to flow through them.

Thus all "retributioners" enjoy the "chase," for the Dark is the justified retributioner. But as you unforgivingly permit the same dark energy to flow through you, IT "grows" as a cancer within you too, and you also incur a "pain" debt under the Law of God for making some other fret.

Man sees not the "movement" of the energy within and flowing through him. He sees only the dark deed of the other who used it, thus his "incentive" is to punish the person, seeing not that the "enemy" per se was the negative energy used by the other arrogant one, who was ignorant of its power.

We never see what we "in darkness" do, we only see the darkness in action in the other. This is because the "dark in action" through us is by us perceived as righteous & just as we "terrorise" the other who was perceived by us as unjust.

You can cause pain to another or even "kill" their biological body, but you cannot destroy either the Light or the Dark energy within them that "passes on" to the next level being the energy "form" of our spirit soul.

Man must try and see that the "enemy" is not the "other man," it is the Dark energy that flows through others who are ignorant and becomes our enemy when we strike out at IT, for IT is a "part" of the Source, God.

Thus in our attempt to punish the other offender we are using IT, and we make GOD our enemy, for in that "defiant" moment we defy God's Commandment as we fight.

None who "fight" God can win, and as you see, all they do is to drag more dark energy in to their own soul, and thus their inner Sin grows as do the world's sorrows.

You cannot make change by force; neither can you destroy terrorists by force. For by your very "justified" action you have used the same dark energy as they did, and at "that" moment you are the terrorist, and under ITS Law the pain and suffering imposed upon the others by you using ITS dark "energetic" power will have to come back to you and all whom funded you or supported you.

So all the world's "leaders" as you can see are all heading down the wide road to Hell, and they will also take you there if you "follow" their false cry.

The USA President saw the dropping of the Atomic bombs on Nagasaki & Hiroshima with the "vaporisation" of thousands as "Just," and the actions at "Ground Zero" in New York as unjust and needing retaliatory redress.

All "combatants" FALL into the dark below, where they "await" the truth I sow in the "hope" that God will give them a "reprieve" for making others grieve.

It was necessary for me to return today because "man" wrested the scriptures unto his own destruction, and men of religion misunderstood the true nature of God, teaching that God was only Light, and that the darkness we could and should fight.

This "interpretation" is FALSE. The only thing we needs fight against is the incoming negative thoughts of the Dark within our minds that 'justify' a reason to defy the Light and be the 'Dark' in action. For this negative 'interaction' ensures the spiritual destruction of any whom continue on that "track." For War begets War.

God says: "I Command you to only permit My Light energy to flow through you with all ITS positive aspects. I also now advise you that if this you cannot do, and you "sup" on My Dark energy and permit IT to flow through, then ITS "weight" within your soul will drag you down and eternally in MY lower suffering lands will you be incarcerated by your own hand."

You choose, for that is your "choice"
To now heed the
Dark or My Light voice.

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~ Man 'playing' God ~

My today 'task' is to teach all you 'lads' that if you wish to play 'God' with God's children, then you need to know that you do have an invisible opposition force that in fact is GOD.

Yes, your 'opposition' is in a very powerful position, for HE the Dark Sovereign Power is the one to incite you and invite you to be HIS retributive arm, and it is HE who does 'charm' you with HIS feelings of POWER.

Yes , HE is a 'cunning' ONE who sees how easy it is to bring you 'suckers' undone. For as you do HIS POWER use, it seeps into your soul and your freedom you lose.

For over time and time HIS dark energy does entwine and as you more 'powerful' grow, its 'weight' remains unseen until the day your spirit falls into the icy black depths below.

So let me now 'enlighten' your mind so that you can help the LIGHT of God to your 'spirit' unbind. If you heed me then a 'long way' down the track you will be set free after you did pay for all folly and pain meted out by you along your way.

No, none can ever 'win' any battle against God for God sees all your 'sin' and evil therein, and God does abhor any 'pretenders' to God's THRONE for sure.

Yes, we do live on forever, so if it takes forever to become free then there is yet a 'chance' for you if my truth you do see.

My spirit is free of 'sin' and thus when I depart my destiny is in the Light above. So it matters not to me if 'again' I am to be crucified to show you the way it must be before any of their past can be set free.

But I do not 'think' that it is the today 'way' for me, it is now your 'turn' to as me be true and courageous too. Follow me today, and ahead you will find it becoming easier as for your past you do in non retaliation PAY.

Stop telling others what to do
GOD is the Authority, not you

Too many people 'empowered' by men to interfere in every which way into the others 'play pen.' "It's for your own good" they do say, as they steal your toys and expect you to give your 'pocket money' their way. "You are all thieves" our God does say and HE 'awaits' the time you return HIS way.

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~ The false Australian Constitution ~

The preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, of which the Constitution is part says:

"This Act may be cited as the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act. - - - The provisions of this Act referring to the Queen shall extend to Her Majesty's heirs and successors in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom. - - - It shall be lawful for the Queen - - - to declare by proclamation that the people of Australia shall be united in a Federal Commonwealth under the name of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Whereas the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and under the Constitution hereby established:

And whereas it is expedient to provide for the admission into the Commonwealth of other Australasian colonies and possessions of the Queen:

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same."

The reality exposed is that the Queen and/or her 'forbears' via 'advisors' advised all persons living within the 'boundaries' of the lands that 'she' controlled by 'force of arms' that she, - - - by the power of the gun decreed that, - - - all persons within the 'said' boundaries were by the Preamble 'decree' thus enslaved to any 'rule or tax or punishment' imposed by her administrators - - - whether they (the impositions) were 'liked' or not, and - - - whether or not they were in defiance of God's Holy Command and Code of Conduct to be adhered to by all.

The 'instigator' of the Preamble was the deceiver, the Devil, the Dark Sovereign Power, and via the Preamble HE was able to 'control & extort & punish & enslave' humanity in a manner that appeared 'legitimate.'

It was 'legitimate' for HIM to so 'attempt' or do, but not for 'man' to follow through. That was man's error as he was 'tempted' through his pride & greed & vanity.

"The 'Preamble' to the Australian Constitution is based on a lie," says our God up high, for the people of the land did not agree to 'unite' and become 'possessions' of any earthly Queen.

Neither did the people rely on the 'blessing' of Almighty God, they were 'forced' to 'vote for' or be 'subjects of' other men posing as Lords spiritual and temporal who were in fact enslaving them to servitude.

The supposed 'sovereignty' of the Queen is also false as it is based on her having used 'force of arms' to subdue and subjugate others in the first instance. Thus the 'whole' system is a false one that has no 'authority' from the Light of God.

The 'System' of man obtains its dark 'authority' by the words written in the Constitution, and the use of the 'gun' to maintain its position of indisposition.

The Constitution is simply that, merely a piece of paper containing words that gives 'man' the authority of the Devil to defy their God and to impose taxes and fines and punishment upon other men whom come under their control, and to seize lands and raise up 'borders' and control all thereon.

(The control of the political forces who do use force that is backed by the Devil.)

The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom at Westminster imposed by 'force of arms' upon the people inhabiting the land mass Australia as well as their heirs and successors.

It is apparent to me that the 'pretend' queen** of some distant earthly land by the assistance of divers evil counsellors, judges and ministers employed by her, did endeavor to subvert and extirpate the Queen above, being our God of love and liberties of HER Heavenly Kingdom, by using 'force of arms.'

'pretend' queen** - a female person who has no more 'standing' in God's eyes than your sister or daughter or mother.

This use of 'force of arms' to control others is in direct defiance of God's Commandment, and did thus to enslave all of God's children living within the boundaries of the lands taken by force of arms by said 'petty' earthly Queen and her 'council' of peers who assumed wrongly that her actions were 'lawful,' they were not.

Man raised up a 'Constitution' that is a mere 'proclamation' made up of defective 'articles' that 'justified' man into assuming that by this proclamation and subsequent use of 'force of arms' to enforce the Constitution and Powers vested therein, that God 'had' ceded HIS lands and children to vain greedy men. This 'daydream' is now exposed by God's sacred pen.

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There is no 'Democracy' in this or any land as all are enslaved by greed, and they are all 'ruled' by a 'book of rules' that is an Autocratic and dictatorial imposition that is imposed forcefully.

It follows that the authority vested in the police and judiciary in every land is also a false one, and their 'Court' is but a 'harlot' that sells the souls of its supporters to the Devil for money.

Any 'constitution' that contains 'dark' principles that enable 'some' men the 'privilege' of enacting rules that control the lives of other men, and that give them 'ownership' of any sea or land or flora or fauna or fish in the sea, is most definitely false and poisonously 'constipated' and to be 'voided' as soon as possible.

Man 'of sin' has always sought ways and means to 'legitimise' his evil 'counterfeit' ways. Man needed to 'justify' the use of his 'club or sword or gun' as he tried to manipulate God's Holy Word and he 'instilled' the words 'Almighty God' into his 'iniquitous' creed.

It is I the 'Sovereign Lord' from above that now exposes all 'sinners' who are 'pretenders' to God's Sovereign 'ownership' of the earth, the sea and fishes, and every shrub and flower and tree and even thee and every other creature there be.

It is I to now 'erase' every false constitution and erase every rule and also tell all men that if they continue to use the gun to control any other that they will be destroyed now by others with 'minds on the run.'

It is I to set mankind free as you will all now see. Only those whom now follow me will remain 'citizens free' to live on earth for a time and then entwine above with their God of love. The others will all be sent below and the 'price' of iniquity they will get to know.

No man has ever been 'graced' by the Authority of the Source, the God of Love to in any way 'control' the freedom of any other person. All 'enforcers' are the Devil's workers whether they know it or not, and their Master is now to them swat.

Let it here be known that from now on there will never again be any such 'thing' as national sovereignty. There will be places with names only.

There will be no 'ruler' other than the God of Love above, and SHE states that HER Commandment to "Walk in peace" is the 'Code' for all to follow.

HE the Dark Sovereign Power below states that all whom HIM 'follow,' by continuing to 'control or regulate or abuse or punish' others will end up in HIS land below. I hope my wisdom I did fully upon all minds bestow.

There will soon be a universal society, in which all human beings will live united and in peace with each other under the ONE universal spiritual law of:

"What you do is done unto you."


Notes: The 'bearer' of the gun makes the rules. The 'bearer' of the weapon controls & extorts & manipulates and does whatever it wishes to under the 'protection' of ITS 'force of arms.' The 'IT' in this instance is the 'System' and its 'book of rules' that enable the arrogant to control the 'weaker' and ignorant.

As every National 'state' on earth is based on a false 'Constitution' that was but an 'edict' in itself, raised up by 'terrorist' War Lords using 'force of arms,' it follows that:

No political or other 'body or group' owns any 'soil' or 'area' or anything else.

No 'group' have the authority of the Light of God to issue citizenship papers nor to control the movement of people, because all people on earth are citizens of earth by their God given birthright, and are entitled by this 'right' to travel anywhere, anytime, unhindered by any other.

No 'group' has the legitimate 'authority' to impose stamp duty or any other taxes upon any, neither do they have the authority to raise up rules that control others, nor do they have the authority to fine or punish others.

No 'group' has the right to disturb the peace of any other, nor to interfere into their lives in any way. Any person continuing to support any 'false' system of government on earth on the 'assumption' that it or they have a 'clear' mandate from God to so do are deluded, and will personally 'suffer' the consequence of their ignorance and support of the 'control over' and 'abuse of' God's children by their politicians and 'forces' men.

The 'Constitution' is the Devil's 'Holy Grail' as it is the 'cup' and means whereby HE drinks the life blood of humanity, it is also the Holy Grail of the 'power brokers,' for without it they have no 'legitimate' hold over any person.

The 'King's' army or the 'State' armed forces are what enable the 'rulers' to stay in power, and thus in a 'position' to control you and keep you in 'servitude' to them. Their 'primary' concern is that they remain in power and provisioned and fed even if they have to steal your last crust of bread.

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~ The Constitution Preamble ~

The 'preamble' to every earthly constitution is the 'gamble' wherein man is subjected to the 'seduction & entrapment by' the invisible Dark Sovereign Power (The devil) operating through 'powers' thought the 'norm.'

The Preamble is the statement of admission. It 'admits' the intent of the proposer's to 'form' a - - - Ruling class - - - to govern others - - - by force of arms - - and gives the 'formed' authority - - - powers to extort, enslave, and punish.

The Preamble is itself the 'principle' RULE of the Institution that names itself "The Government." It is this 'Rule by decree' that enables subsequent rules to be legislated within each and every department formed along the way as time goes by, and there is no 'end' to the rules that the Devil inspires.

The 'presentation' of the Preamble and its 'following' acts to the community is the 'Temptation' of man by the Devil via the mind of vain men to seek Its 'protection and guidance' - - - rather than the guidance of the God of Love who says:

"To remain free men you must rely on the strength of My Word, for if you abide in it, - - - namely that you walk only in Peace - - - then you remain free and happy, for if you rely on the 'force of arms' of the Devil you will become bound into servitude to it, and pain and suffering will become your due."

All men succumbed to the 'ideals' of 'nationhood' with its seemingly powerful sovereign protection, and thus all became enslaved by the resultant powerful 'authority' of the Devil that imposed 'hard labour' and pain as it used 'Rule' by the enactment of rules to enforce dictates and decrees enabling extortion & fine & punishment, etc.

Due to all 'subjects' of said 'Systems' operating in direct contravention of God's Command to "Only love & walk in peace & be merciful & compassionate & forgiving," all men subjected themselves to the painful & sorrowful consequence under God's ONE Law of God - - - As you do is done unto you - - - and thus all 'promoters of' and 'users of' and 'funders of' any 'System of man' that uses 'force of arms' as their protector have been enslaved by the Dark Sovereign power.

You have the right to refuse to be 'subjected to' and 'subjects of' any System of man by merely going about your business as I do and not funding the punitive 'System' in any way.

For our God does have "God's Constitution" that is found on page 213 of the 'The Testament of Truth' item on this web site, and if you wish to follow its 'way' then you will become free eventually after having paid all painful 'dues' to the Dark Sovereign Power that were 'accrued' by you for supporting its punitive role.

No 'country' needs 'controlled' borders. No Country needs 'rulers,' for our God is the Ruler, and God's Law is 'Just' and God's Code we follow, not man's. We only need public 'utilities' to serve our needs, and we will not be 'taxed,' we will freely give to support our needs, and we will be served by good people who demand naught.

Any 'preamble' or Constitution that imposes any 'force' is defiant of God and it is Antichrist and it is 'of' the Devil. Within the United Nations 'preamble' are these words "- that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and - " This actually states that the United Nations may use any force it deems necessary to 'subdue' others whom appear a 'threat' to any of its "party members."

Notes: Beware any 'Constitution' of man. A 'Preamble' in itself is an introduction to a statute, - - - a statute is an enactment of law in man's eyes. Therefore the 'preamble' by its very 'elevation' onto a document is the enactment of making a 'law' or 'rule of empowerment' by the document over all those whom - - - 'support' its institutionalisation.

For it is an institution to enslave all whom become a 'party to' its inception, or to its continuing existence, or by being its 'supporters' or its 'serving' officers. For the 'preamble' itself is the 'ring of empowerment' given by the Devil to the 'Club or Group or Organisation or Party' to use force in its daily 'routine,' and the use of force is in direct contravention of the Command of God.

The 'satanic' book of rules that enslave man into servitude to other men and the Devil, only becomes 'legal' if it is 'enshrined' by the 'raising' of a Constitution, for the Constitution is the 'raising up' of the 'Club' or 'organisation,' and the 'book of rules' is the enshrined dark 'actions of the Club' over its members, and is what clubs man into submission by the use of force.

The 'preamble' also 'legitimises' any following 'text' that is added over time and encoded as 'acts' or rules imposed by politicians, and compliance with these rules becomes 'unavoidable' by members and punishable for any 'default' by members of any political 'party.'

The 'opportunity' to vote is the 'illusion' of the deceiver as it 'cons' the public into believing that they do have an 'opportunity' to contribute towards the 'way' of society as they elect 'someone' into power. They do not, for HE the Dark Sovereign Power is the one whom later schemes and plots in the minds of the elected 'sinners' who walk in 'decision making' roles.

If you are a 'voter' or a 'taxpayer' then you show God and man that you did 'agree to' being a 'Club' member, and that you thus agree to being subjected to its 'stated' rules and actions over you, and its dark punitive actions against others. It is the time to now withdraw to the 'light' shore.

The very word 'pre-amble' is 'suspect,' as it actually implies (pre) 'the temptation' prior to the (amble) the walk into the darkness and servitude. Do not be 'tempted' by 'protection' from others using force of arms, for it is thus that you give your soul unto Shetani the Devil, as you rely on him instead of walking in Peace as you rely on God and God's Word.

All who 'bear' arms (weapons) are the Devil's workers whether they know it or not.

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~ War 'Lords' ~

In the 'olden' days a very long time ago, long before 'recorded' history, the Devil inspired man in the first instance to defy God and control and 'enslave' other men.

This 'inspiration' was by 'temptation' in that ideas 'formed' in the mind of some men. These 'thoughts' flowed into their minds via the 'sinful' emotions of greed and vanity, and man was tempted to use 'force of arms.'

Arrogant man 'guided' by demons from the depths went forth to crush and subdue others and attained a position of authority as he gathered other 'robbers' into his 'fold' and over time became a 'Warlord' controlling many.

The whole world is presently 'divided' amongst 'modern' day Warlords who are disguised as benefactors. All are 'slave drivers' in the guise of' 'royal' Chiefs or Kings or Politicians who still use 'force of arms' as they defy their Creator.

Present day Warlords guard their position of impropriety equally as 'jealously' as their predecessors, and any person seeking to become free are declared 'treasonable' and 'hung' from a tree.

The deception of the darkness has been so 'great' that vain man saw not its 'latter day' entrapment of man's soul as its 'web' tightened its hold over multitudes via the 'raising up' of a document named "Constitution." For the raising of this document 'lulled' its proposer and 'supporters' into believing that their use of 'force of arms' via a 'System' was legitimate and thus within the 'bounds' of God's Commandment. It is not and it is thus FALSE.

Man and his 'Warlords' who all 'scrabble' over 'borders' and control over others, are so busy interfering in the lives of all that they see not how they daily become more 'bound' as a 'moth' trapped in a spider's web. All now are to feel the 'bite' of the giant spider.

The political 'forces' are all 'suppers' on evil as they deploy pain & destruction upon God's children 'legitimately' according to the 'rules' that they made, and they are blinded by their feelings of power and arrogance and importance, and thus have very little 'chance' of seeing what I say, and unfortunately multitudes of them will suffer in Hell for an eternity and a day.

Yes, in this day and age the Devil still inspires man to defy God, by first instilling a false belief in the minds of the vain and greedy that they have a 'divine' right to regulate and control others, and they are then inspired to form a Government 'Club' to Rule, and the 'Constitution' worded by the Devil is their 'licence' to defy the Light of God and enslave all.

The invisible Fine Print that is 'unwritten' in any 'Ruling or Governing' Constitution is now revealed by me:

"We the 'War' Lords who have already 'seized' this land and 'amassed' certain 'borders' by force of arms do now legitimately enslave all 'people' living within these borders - - - as 'we' the 'serving officers' of said State 'Army' do hold all hostage legally - - - due to the constitutional Decree that we used to legitimise us into 'raising up' any monetary taxes we wish to and, - - - we also 'raise up' a judiciary and policing force to enforce our 'demands' upon you all."

page 22

It the Constitution 'permits' the words 'Warlords' to become obsolete by the bringing into being a System of Rule that is stated to be "Blessed by God Almighty" that 'rules' democratically and equitably. It is not and it is False. Rule is by Autocratic dictatorship being the 'rules.'

It the Constitution also legitimises in their mind the use of 'force of arms' as a 'valid' means to enforce your compliance with any 'rules' that its 'servers' the politicians or King or Chief invoke that add to the established Rules.

It the Constitution also legitimises in their mind the use of punishment of any whom defy or contravene any such rule.

It the Constitution also legitimises in their mind the enslavement of and control over all persons whom are a 'party' member of the 'formed' group that becomes an Institution.

The Institution that calls itself "The Government" or "The State System," has a 'self-given' mandate within the wording of its Constitution, and the wording of the 'acts' or 'rules' enshrined as 'law' within these words are but the 'Articles of association' of THE ORGANISATION.

Within these 'articles' are the dark rules that openly display the punitive Code of Conduct of its 'devilish' body that has been 'in situ' for so long that none see its 'acts or actions' as wrong.

It empowers itself to defy God, and it by 'force of arms' enslaves God's children and forces them to comply to its 'way' and to 'pay' the wages of its 'officers of the day.'

Due to the insanity and vanity and feelings of power generated within man that results from the now supposed 'legitimate' army of enforcers in every department, the 'head' man deemed it 'right & proper' to exercise his control over every person on his 'held' lands whether they were 'members' of the party group or not. For the 'gun' and 'manpower' was his self-ordained authority.

The now 'State' authority also then had the power to declare ownership of all God's land and all God's children and God's fish & fowl and forests etc. As God did not 'strike' down these ignorants they assumed that God was 'lesser' than they were, and that was the 'way' our God permitted them to freely go until God today via me exposes the harsh stark reality.

Being that all the 'suppositions' that arose from the initial 'preambles' into darkness by their decrees in every land on earth are FALSE, and every person who is a 'party to' these organisations that call themselves 'State governments' are in defiance of their God and all are 'operatives' for the Dark Sovereign Power the Devil. For any 'control' of man's 'freedom' and any use of 'force of arms' is darkness in action and in contravention of God's Holy Word.

The darkness inspired man to use 'force' to rule by government as IT the Devil 'offered' the use of ITS 'force' as protection. The use of force as protection is contra God's Commandment for God is our "protector and benefactor" as long as we abide in the Holy Word and are Peaceful.

As soon as we rely on the Devil's 'force' we are not 'peaceful' and we FALL.

Notes: The Devil deceived men into 'judging & punishing' on its behalf, and to do this man had to defy the Light and use the Devil's force, and at that moment man lost his 'innocence' and the protection of the Light of God and subjected himself to being 'ruled' by the darkness.

Men who are 'controllers' due to vanity and greed or the need to 'feel' powerful are required to use force to make you 'comply' or die.' If you comply to them you 'die' anyway as you suffer pain and deprivation at their hands, and by your support of their use of force it means that you also are being 'forceful' and via them or the 'System' you are abusing others, and thus under God's Law you bring 'terror and pain' back to your own door.

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~ Kenya's 'classic' Preamble ~
Coastweek, Mombasa.

Dear Adrian, It is with interest that I read the 'preamble' to the Kenya Constitution as it 'follows' that of other 'European' Warlords who use 'honeyed' words to attain or maintain their powerful 'grip' on God's simple children who abide in your 'sunny' land.

It is my 'considered' opinion that the formation of all earthly 'Constitutions' is a 'gamble' underhand that enslaves all whom 'offer up' their support of it as they then immediately enslave themselves and their children into eternal servitude and bondage to man and the Devil.

The Kenya Preamble is a 'classic' Westminster style Decree using these words:

"We, the people of Kenya - - -

And continues with:

Recognising the aspirations of our women and men for a government based on the essential values of freedom, democracy, social justice and the rule of law - - - exercising our sovereign and inalienable right to determine the form of governance of our country and having fully participated in the constitution making process - - - do adopt, enact and give to ourselves and to our future generations this Constitution.


How 'many' can see that this 'Preamble' is in itself but a 'decree' placed before the people by men who use 'force of arms' and carry guns? Can none see that it is the 'controllers' already in power who demand that there is a 'government'? Can none see that the use of 'God bless' is but the 'honey' to tempt you to 'taste'?

Can none see that none of the people are given any 'right' to live their lives as they wished to, and that none have 'fully' participated in the constitution making process?

And that in remaining silent, the words therein that say - - "do adopt, enact and give to ourselves - - - this constitution" - - are the very words of the imposed decree that keep them enslaved, as the 'System's 'lads' assume the right to so do.

For what none see, is that it matters not 'who' the President is, or 'what' the constitution says, it is the very content of the 'books of rules' that were already raised up by politicians inspired by Shetani the Devil that give the 'State' the authority to steal off the people by stamp duty, royalty duties, taxation, and fines.

It also gives the 'big boys' the authority to control the borders of the land that they do control by force of arms as they limit and inhibit the free movement of goods and people. It also 'legalises' the judiciary to defy God and God's command to "Only be loving" and they abuse and punish and even kill people who do not comply.

In the first instance, those already 'in' power by their 'force of arms' are the ones to 'propose' themselves 'as' a needed system of government, and it is they whom are already 'in power' who place a 'right of passage' document called a 'draft' to simply legitimise the self-given power & authority of their own 'Club.'

It may 'appear' to be submitted to the people for 'approval' but it is not requiring any 'such' approval.

Naturally there may be some slight 'amendments' once it has been viewed by interested parties, but it is basically unchangeable, for any whom would reject it even by majority vote of the citizens within said 'Republic' would find that it would then be 'Militarily' imposed.

This being 'due' to the powerful Dark Sovereign Power 'ruling' the minds of HIS earthly 'puppets' the proposers of the document whom 'hold' the reigns of power with their armies paid for by the taxes from the people.

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Any 'proposal' or 'draft Constitution' is not a 'draft' per se but a Decree imposed by a powerful Military force, that hides its 'intent' to control & extort by issuing this 'draft' that is 'lined' with honeyed words such as:

All sovereign authority belongs to the people of Kenya and may be exercised only in accordance with the Constitution.

The people shall exercise their sovereign power either directly or through their democratically elected representatives.

My response:

RUBBISH, all Sovereign Authority belongs to God, and the 'impostors' being the armed force will give no 'authority' to the people of Kenya, they will rule them with a very big stick.

It the 'System' already in power exposes it own control and 'fangs' as it moves deeper into lies and deceit as it says:

The Legislature, to whom the people entrust the legislative authority of the Republic, to be exercised in accordance with Chapter Seven.

The Judiciary and other independent and impartial tribunals, to whom the people entrust the judicial authority of the Republic, to be exercised in accordance with Chapter Nine.

My response:

It is LIES, the people do not 'entrust' anything to the Republic, it is the 'officers' who drafted this 'bill' whom so state, and they will all be 'late' for Heaven if they fail to place their 'trust' in my authority that is given by the STATE of HEAVEN.

The words above that say: 'whom the people entrust' are the first strands of the giant spider's 'web' that are 'slung' between the trees across the track to snare the 'game,' being foolish man with no name who sets out to 'snare' his sisters and brothers.

The 'ignorant' and fearful people in agreeing to the above, abdicate their freedom of choice as they 'permit' others to legislate and control them 'on their behalf.'

And they also 'permit' others (the judiciary) to punish themselves and others 'on their behalf.' This is truly ignorant madness in action as all 'interact' with the Devil and fulfill its punitive desires.

The 'proposed' replacement Constitution is in fact an imposed statement by the 'force de jure' that admits that - - - its contents are to be imposed upon all residing within the 'limits' of 'said' Republic as it says:

The Constitution is the supreme law and binds all authorities and persons throughout the Republic.

My response:

FALSE, God's Word is the Supreme Law that binds all men in the entire Universe, and no 'law of man' stands above God's Law and, - - - their statement seeks to give them 'authority' over those 'as me' who walk with God and God alone and whom do not 'belong' to their 'Club.'

It goes on to state:

Kenya is founded on the supremacy of the Constitution and the rule of law and shall be governed in accordance with the Constitution.

My response:

FALSE, Kenya was founded on an 'area' seized by force of arms, and had a 'Constitution' imposed upon its inhabitants by an invading 'force' namely the British Crown.

It goes on to state:

The validity, legality or procedure of enactment or promulgation of this Constitution is not subject to challenge by or before any court, organ or agency of the state.

My response:

FALSE, its sincerity and trustworthiness and validity is now 'tested' and challenged by God via God's sacred pen and is found to be deceitful and of no 'worth' to man or God.

What a 'bloody' mess there is soon to be once the people see the TRUTH that they do not have to be ruled by the Devil via man, with thousands of regulations that 'enable' theft by servant and control & punishment, and that they can if they so wish be 'ruled' solely by the God of Light direct.

God's - ONE Command - Love one another.
God's - ONE Law - As you do is done unto you.
God's - ONE Code of Conduct - Walk in Peace.
God's - ONE Rule - All are 'subjects of' and subjected to' My one Law.

It is 'simply' that as we all were 'born' into a 'Jurassic' system of 'constitutional' governance, that all men assumed falsely that it was 'Just,' and that it had the 'correct weight.'

It did not, it was an imposed control over mankind by the Dark Sovereign Power 'posing' as a benevolent father figure, as HE 'sought' to keep all enslaved to HIS punitive ways so that HE could drag all souls below for their defiance of the "Be forgiving & merciful" call from the Light of God through me.

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It is the time now for 'good' men in every land to 'resist' the controller's 'hand' by peacefully saying "NO, I shall now support my local community and I will not support the political 'rort' any more."

All men on earth have been enslaved for too long by pretenders to God's throne. For all men are citizens of earth and need no 'passport' to travel.

For too long have 'others' used simple men as me to pave their 'dreams' with silk robes as they filled their 'mouths' with your hard earned food and their spiritual bellies with 'dead' wood thus accrued.

Certainly as a 'society' we need publicly funded departments to 'service' the basics, and they also can give 'guidelines' to assist those needing direction, but they must not 'entertain' any demand with its accompanying punitive reprimand.

Any department raised directly by the people of any village or town or city will be funded solely by the free giving donations of the people. No more 'taxes,' no more 'force of arms.' Departments are solely to assist and they are not to be 'empowered' to extort, control, regulate, or punish.

Our God will 'punish' offenders who disturb the peace of the land when they 'fall' into the Abyss in the afterlife. If you see any person raise their hand against any other or disturb the peace in any way then just give them my good counsel.

Now is the time for all courageous men to just get on with their lives and treat their wives with respect, and all will protect their own sanity by fortifying their minds as given by God through me.

Stop funding 'iniquity' and just assist the local community in every way possible by your counsel or free giving monetary donations.

Let the 'controllers' go their way, for they are soon 'answerable' to their God as are many, and no man of any 'true' worth would continue to give them any free pay. By all means help them along their road with a cup of tea and this final truth from heaven given by me.

East African readers may become wiser and freer to truly follow their dreams if they learn the real meaning of 'UHURU,' that is 'Freedom from bondage' to the Dark overlord below, who does 'sow' his control through the minds of arrogant men. Heed now only my pen.

May God grant you the wisdom to set yourselves free from political iniquity.

Rafiki ya Kenya

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~ The filthy 'motion' ~

Politicians place a 'motion' upon the table to be 'voted on,' not seeing that if it is 'one' wherein there is authorisation by 'officers' in their course of duty to 'control, extort, seize, deprive liberty, or punish,' that it is a very 'smelly' and dark motion that contains deadly 'bacteria.'

For once 'passed' either by majority consensus of the masses or by a political 'handful' of supposed 'elders' in the political Club of 'Caesar,' it becomes a 'tool' whereby the policing forces are authorised to break God's Code of Conduct of "Peace & respect unto all," and as they 'comply' with the new rule and become 'stool' pigeons they spread darkness over the whole nation, and they and the public that fund them become corrupted by power and insanity and all accrue a 'dark' painful 'hellish' due.

The enforcers are 'licensed' to 'break and enter' homes similarly to a home invasion, and they are licensed to abduct, force, control, and instil fear upon their 'subject' as their 'Judicial' arm then stings the unfortunate victim who at times never recovers and dies.

So these punitive & controlling rules that are the 'backbone' of the policy of all nations on earth today were all 'raised up' by men who unfortunately were never told by their parents of the old saying:

If that is what you are going to do today
all Hell will break loose and there will be all Hell to PAY.

For God did say that all were free to sup on the sweet or the poisonous fruit on the tree of energy that is God, but all were also 'warned' that any who 'strayed' over the river to take the rotten apple would be bound by the giant spider that owned all the rotten fruit on that land's dark sod.

Any person who either criticises another or does them negatively verbalise, or them control or abuse in any way does ahead have a dark painful debt to HELL to PAY.

For when we express the juice of the sweet vine being love & kindness upon others, then its return due to us via others is equally 'joyful,' but when we by 'force of arms' impose the dark critical and painful 'juice' from the dark vine upon others, then its return due to us is extracted from us by others painfully and we suffer and cry.

When will arrogant man learn to not make 'rules' that burn others? When will man realise that a mere 'majority' vote does not give any man the 'freedom' of licence to sup on the dark vine and abuse others without having "All Hell to pay"?

I am here today to tell all that HELL is now to be seen on earth as Hell's forces extract their due off every person who to themselves were untrue as they supped on the dark vine.

I am here to tell all to now 'burn' every rulebook that contains any 'dark' filthy motions that in any way contravene God's Holy Command to "Only love one another and be respectful unto each other."

Politicians and the Judiciary and any 'policing forces' are all in very serious danger, and if they continue to treat me like an 'infected' stranger then for sure they will into the dark pit fall and there they will learn that I do speak truth and I never tell stories 'tall.'

As soon as any 'person' 'wears' the ring of authority that empowers them to control, regulate, punish and be rude as they intrude, they are no longer a humane human being, they become subhuman as they mentally 'join' the dark alien race that lives below in the underworld and they mercilessly & unforgivingly for IT bestow retribution & suffering upon humanity.

This is the insanity of man that presently does 'span' every facet of earthly living, and as greed and vanity blinds man to the spiritual reality, he sees not either his demise, nor the message from me the soul wise.

There is many a politician or other community worker who does seek to 'have' the best interest of the community at heart, they must all now make a fresh 'enlightened' start and ensure that from this day forth they in no way are a 'party' to extortion or punishment or manipulation or control of God's children.

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~ Magistrate Wilson - (The Judge) ~

Mr. Wilson, even though I am brought before you as a 'common' criminal by your 'men' bearing 'force of arms,' I see you as a man who is 'lost' due to the sins of your forebears, and by precedents already 'set' prior to either of us incarnating into the flesh of this world.

Thus I today extend my good counsel for I would have it that you may be set free one day. Thus I did ask God to give me 'enough' wisdom to pass on to you and all 'as' you whom walk in error.

It has 'bothered' me for a long time as to 'how & why' the judiciary found 'cause' to defy the call of God that said:

"Judge not lest ye be judged.
Be forgiving & merciful unto all.
Walk in peace and extend goodwill unto all.
Never raise a sword by word or deed against any other."

Thus I have had to go back in time to the time when there was not even ONE 'rule' in the 'book of rules' that you so judiciously follow. Yes there was 'such' a time, and this I did in an attempt to release you and the department 'officers' responsible for the 'control' over, and 'punishment' of man.

My 'search' has traced the 'trail of tears' back to its Source, being the place from where all 'inspiration' for man to defy God and to seal his own soul into eternal bondage to darkness originates.

I can but trust that my 'efforts' are enough o convince you as to my capacity to 'detect' fact from fiction, and thus truthfully 'disclose' to you and all men the truth so that the Light of God can set you free if you follow my 'trail,' being the words that 'essence' down from heaven via my sacred pen up to the end of this entire document.

For if you truly believe in God then you must 'wonder' how in your daily work you are 'obligated' to the Devil's ways. If you ever did, then I can but hope that my wisdom sent down from heaven on a golden threaded 'rope' will assist you to see through the mist.

For as I see it, many men are trapped by precedents set into motion by other men, as all 'justifiably' and for '30 pieces of silver' see not that their devotion to duty simply helped others to fill their coffers with illegal booty, and 'self-denigration' of their own souls occurs each day.

Please ensure that you 'examine' all written by me for we do exist eternally, and thus any 'time' below in Hell is in my mind a 'waste,' and I certainly seek to 'slow' the tide of humanity that daily show the Devil that they are 'ready' to grovel at His feet in the cold black snow below.

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~ The Simple Story ~

In every land over time there have been 'invaders' who strode forth to 'examine' the lands they had conquered. Behind them stood their 'armies' of men bearing 'arms' that signified their authority to seize or control or destroy.

The leader always went to the 'highest' hill and 'struck' his 'standard' into the ground as he raised up his right hand to heaven within which was a simple piece of paper, and to God and man he said:

"In the name of God I proclaim by this document my God given right and authority to own all and control all within my borders, and - - - I hereby state that all men on this land are my subjects and subjected to my 'will' and Rule and governance and, - - -

The 'vain' Warlord saw not the invisible Fine print: - - - I have the authority and blessing of the Devil to whom I have 'deeded' my soul in exchange for material wealth and power untold.

The Warlord continued - - - By this document that I call 'The Constitution' is my 'validity' to raise up rules and regulations that themselves empower other men to all 'fall in' by my side and, - - - they too are mandated by my 'paper' to defy the Light of God and, - - - to use their powerful positions to 'justifiably' do all that my rules empower them too, and - - -

The 'ignorant' officers of his 'Club' saw not the invisible Fine print: - - - to also thereafter walk the lonely walk in the Devil's realms in the afterlife with me for our treasonable acts against the Heavenly Sea."

It is I now to reveal the 'end' of this simple story being, that every 'Warlord' in every land was and yet is 'filled' with the Sins of greed and vanity through which their minds became possessed by the Devil's thoughts direct from Hell and IT the dark one 'convinced' them to succumb to IT'S tempting thoughts of wealth and power untold.

All vain men have assumed falsely that they had a 'god given right' to be 'as' God and use the Devil's Might, and then by 'legislation' raise their dark punitive & destructive actions into the Light of God, and 'somehow' avoid being subjected to God's one Law. This 'belief' is error, error, falsity, and brings terror.

For 'Rule' by 'force of arms' with its accompanying legislation is the Devil's permission given to man to be HIS retributive 'operative' in this earthly realm.

In order to so do, HE issues HIS 'decrees' through the mind of the 'aspirants' to wealth & power, this HE does by initially permitting the use of force of arms by legislated acts, and the 'Club' officers are then empowered to ' coerce, extort, kidnap, tax, fine, punish, seize, control, regulate, imprison, and even kill any whom HE wishes to mete out HIS 'Tribute of tribulation' to. Being HIS retributive 'payback' for their past spiritual misdeeds accrued when they were 'rude' to others.

As man does these things do 'on behalf of the' Dark Sovereign Power in the guise of a governing System wise, he man hears not his own 'future' cries when he too will be 'subjected to' God's one Law that will bring terror to his own door.

In the beginning there was only ONE 'Rule' issued by God: "Walk in Peace." The thousands of 'subsequent' rules raised up by 'lost' man are now abolished by me and the 'how' this is done all will soon see, as man is set free from the controlling force that via ITS rules divorces man from his Creator's Light.

The one Law of God is: "As you do is done unto you"

All men need to 'ponder' on the truth from God's pen.


Go to Section 4 of 8
Of God's Law in man's Court