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 page 13

~ The Truth on 'Treason' ~

TREASON - Is an 'attack' upon the Sovereign State of Allah the Source.
TREASON - Is 'punishable' by DEATH, spiritual death.

Any person who 'sets out' and attacks another person verbally or physically, or restrains them for the purpose of in any way attempting to extort money off them legally or illegally, or to abuse them in any way, or to punish them in any way, or to threaten them in any way, or to coerce them in any way, or to manipulate them or their affairs in any way, are - - -

Guilty of an 'Act' of Treason against the 'Light' core of the other that is a 'part' of the Sovereign STATE OF HEAVEN.

This 'foul' act of the guilty one is seen by the Dark Sovereign Power of the Source, and IT then sets out to destroy the offender. For any 'attack' on ITS LIGHT REALM is in ITS 'eyes' punishable by spiritual death.

The Dark Sovereign Power deems it ITS right to by any means 'convince' the offender of the 'justness' of their 'cause,' for in this 'deception' is the means whereby the offender draws in more darkness into his soul as he 'acts' offensively, and thus he falls deeper into the darkness to be 'destroyed' by the Dark Sovereign Power if that is to be.

The Dark Sovereign Power can only 'justify' the continued attack by this offender against the other person if the 'other' in their past was an offender who themselves 'committed' a treasonable attack upon another 'sister or brother.'

Try and see the reality, being that when you support any 'war' effort or punitive 'law' enforcement agency or government System by giving them funds or other support, then you unseeingly incur a spiritual debt of pain due to the 'treasonable' actions of your servant 'employees' the departmental workers in the System.

Thus ahead the Dark Sovereign Power incites someone else to 'come over the hill' and abuse you in a 'justified' return due, be it your neighbor who 'punches' you, or a 'distant' enemy inspired to invade your territory and destroy you or your family.

At the very moment when you are personally confronted, the Dark Sovereign Power incites you to 'justifiably' defend yourself, and as this you do and you cause pain to the enemy, you draw in more of ITS dark energy and thus you fill your own soul with more of ITS dark 'pus' and thus IT 'manages' to drag you down 'further' into ITS lair in the afterlife.

All who mete out 'strife' fall in the afterlife. 

Leave the 'punishing' to Allah. - Allah can do it all below in Allah's  Dark Sovereign Power STATE called HELL.

Any in the 'flesh' who work 'for' ITS earthly punitive 'States' do become bound by IT as they fall into ITS lower State. 'Wake up' before it is too late. Ever since this material earth realm was created, it has been inhabited by spirits who incarnated from realms outside Heaven's Light State due to them having 'sin' within.

This 'energy' of the Dark has 'related' their ways more to the unforgiving and punitive 'punishing' aspect of the Source, and thus all 'justify' making other 'offenders' cry. None seeing that in Allah's  eyes all are thus offensive offenders deserving to die.

Also, none see that the punitive way is error and the Dark 'seduces' their 'souls' that way, so as to get them deeper into 'debt' to IT and thus it can impose upon all more 'self-imposed' terror.

It is I the Master from above who has returned to say: "I am Allah's messenger 'dove,' and only if my truth & wisdom you see, will you by your own efforts and Allah be set free. Any of you whom 'choose' to justify meting out perceived 'justice' will receive your 'Just' due in purgatory below, where all 'defiant ones' are to now be sent by the same Source of all who sent me to elevate thee."

You only become 'safe' from 'home-invaders,'
when you stop funding & supporting

Any 'use' of darkness is itself an offence punishable by death due to the 'necessary' act committed in its use against another. If you do not 'wish' to be TRIED by Allah on a 'Treason' charge, then do not persecute or prosecute any other, and do not 'fund' such iniquitous atrocities against humanity.

Just heed Allah and walk your way in Peace and be respectful unto all.


If the DARK sees you are 'guilty' of:

Interfering in the lives of others.
Interfering in the businesses of others.

You are guilty of Treason.

If the DARK sees you are 'guilty' of:

Punishing any other.
Verbally abusing any other.
Physically abusing any other.
Employing people to do any of the above.

You are guilty of Treason.


If you attack the 'Light' within any person.
The DARK sees that 'act' as an act of

If you attack the 'Dark' within any person.
The DARK sees that 'act' as an act of


Treason is an 'attack' against Allah the Sovereign Power.
Being the
Joined as -


Let the 'wise' now see how 'treasonable' all 'sinners' are,
and just how far they have 'fallen away' from
Allah's heavenly Star.

The Dark is the 'retributive arm' of the Source, and IT will 'divorce' any from Heaven who defy 'heaven's' leaven.


Leave the punitive 'eye for an eye' to Allah 
If you 'take it' you are untrue to yourself and will lose yours too.

'Peace unto all, or you fall.'


I have many times told you:
"As you do is done unto you"

page 14

~ Dark energy & Light energy ~
Usage & effects

Dark Energy usage and 'causal' effect under Allah's One Law

Those who imposed
Those who rebuked
Those who controlled
Those who despised
Those who stole
Those who deceive
Those who criticise
Those who regulate
Those who punish
Those who intrude
Those who fight
Those who tax
Those who destroy
Those who cannot forgive
- are imposed upon
- are rebuked
- are controlled
- are despised
- are stolen from
- are deceived
- are criticised
- are regulated
- are punished
- are intruded upon
- are fought
- are taxed
- are destroyed
- become bound

If you continue to 'bestow' the above - to Hell you go.
If you are in the above category then you need to
quickly change your 'way.' * (see note)

Light Energy usage and 'causal' effect under Allah's  One Law

The givers
The lovers
The merciful
The compassionate
The caring
The respectful
The givers of good counsel
Those who forgive
Those who are peaceful
- receive
- receive love
- receive mercy
- receive compassion
- receive care
- receive respect
- receive good counsel
- become free
- attain eternal peace

If you 'bestow' the above - to Heaven you go

Note: quickly change your 'way.' * (see note) - As you 'sin' that is the result of causing another person to suffer, you draw dark negative energy into your own soul and it is the 'weight' and vibration of this energy that drags your soul down into the Abyss. (Hell)

If you are an 'abuser' of others or even an 'enforcer' working for the System of man that uses your 'position' of authority to persecute, prosecute, judge, condemn, fine or punish, then you are an abuser and an offensive 'sinner' in the eyes of Allah and in deadly danger.

If you believe this web site content and see the 'reason' why you need to become kind, merciful and forgiving, then for a 'short' time you do have the opportunity of Salvation. For if you today turn over a new leaf you halt the ingress of dark energy into your soul, and the outpouring Light of Allah will be able to 'purge' you of some of it and thus your time 'below' may be lessened.

page 15

~ The 'fatal' Judicial Precedent ~
Notice to the World's Judiciary

It is by the grace of Allah that the Messiah has returned to earth's sod to elevate the consciousness of man, and as a 'part' of this 'release' plan, Allah's grace has been extended to those bearing the 'judicial' mace. For by precedent 'set' long, long ago, the deceptive darkness did bestow a false belief upon the mind of man as its 'plan' to entrap the vain who hold Allah's Word in disdain.

Thus the 'web' woven did snare the Judiciary in every land who did not see that Allah's Law stood sacred and supreme above the 'Judges,' who all seemingly in a 'day dream' did defy Allah and place their 'judgment' upon those seen as 'offensive' or in error in some way.

These 'judiciary' believed falsely that they were above Allah's law merely by the 'fact' that their 'authority' to punish was backed by legislation of mere men that used 'the gun' or other use of force as their claim to Sovereignty. Thus this sacred pen now raises its 'voice' in order that the 'wise' can make a fresh 'choice' as to their future deed once its truth in their minds our Allah did seed.

As said, it is by the grace of Allah today that the Al-Meshi has 'charged' the Bali State Institution of man as being in error in the eyes of Allah, and he now 'Appeals' to the conscience of every Indonesian to speak up for Schapelle Corby and for the sake of their own souls.

This is done so that all men that 'judge' can judge their own 'position' in relation to Allah's Code of Conduct as commanded by Allah. For all merciless and unforgiving men are soon to 'swoon' as they are 'faced' by a 'fiery blast' from the 'hands' of the insane, who will hold their 'pleas' in disdain.

Thus our merciful Allah has given all judges a final opportunity to see reality and what is to be, so that they can begin to change their 'robes' from black to white and bless their own souls as they 'undress' and become educators rather than punishers.

For those continuing to defy Allah it will not now be a 'matter' of a suicidal self-imposed life sentence of isolation, deprivation, and suffering, it will become an eternal self-imposition of the above that is simply the singular 'Law of God' in action that states: "As you do, is by ME Allah done unto you."

So to the 'judicious' I can but say: "Wake up all, great forces gather now invisibly, and their 'arrival' on earth will make you all pall." Seek deep, I am HE the awaited one, and all whom now fail Allah and me will for an eternity weep.

page 16

~The punishable Intent ~
Thoughts – Words – Deeds (action)

There are 'few' that can control the ingress of thoughts into their mind, be it thoughts kind or unkind. Thoughts that could say: “Steal” or “smuggle” or “rob” or “rape” or “kidnap” or “invade” or “kill, - - - just do what thy wilt and none will see and happier you'll be.”

Sometimes those thoughts are 'voiced' by the recipient that may or may not be planning to do something “bad” that contravenes Allah's Code of Conduct Command of “Peace & Love” and I ask and respond:

“Is the thinking or voicing of uncontrollable negative thoughts an Act untrue”? NO
“Is the thinking or voicing of uncontrollable negative thoughts an Intent untrue”? - NO

The 'Rule Book' of the State 'Religion' being the code of conduct 'Bible' of government agencies and their enforcement staff say “Yes, “ - - - “The 'voicing' of thoughts tempting one to steal or rape or pillage or kill or smuggle is punishable by our law and, if we 'hear' that you intend to do anything contrary to the rules in our 'book,' then we will punish you in the same manner as we would do if your intent had become a deed.” (Rules – see note at end of doc)

I say that this fact is grave error, for even Allah's 'eye for an eye' ruling Law only becomes applicable to those that by deed have caused 'terror' or loss or pain and suffering unto another.

So if the 'system' of man punishes people because of their thoughts or their voiced thoughts being possible intent, then the judiciary enforcers are the ones that have placed themselves within the punitive side of the “As you sow so shall ye reap” Law of Allah due to their intent to punish having in fact become an accomplished punitive deed.

These 'infidels' then suffer an equal 'eye for an eye' return upon themselves at a later date for their 'disgrace' in bearing a 'mace' against the other. Many an enforcer 'hearing' that some other has the intent to do something 'nefarious,' are themselves then encompassed by devious thoughts that say: “Tempt the 'intender' into doing 'something' so that you can 'trap' them and then punish them.”

So punishment for intent, or punishment as the result of entrapment, or punishment for any action is a crime in the eyes of Allah, as this punitive deed contravenes Allah's Command of “Peace, love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and rehabilitation,” and woe unto all those complicit to such action against other 'Les Miserables' that plod outside Heaven.

Rules are 'unconscionable,' merciless, cruel, unforgiving, disrespectful, inconsiderate, and dispassionate, and they 'permit' vindictiveness to flow freely under the guise of 'its the law,' whereas none see that the penalty for vindictive behaviour imposed by Allah is an equal 'eye for an eye' return of suffering upon the ones that inflict punishment upon another, for that is THE LAW of Allah.

Teach all to control their thoughts, their intent, and their misdeed.

page 17

Note: The RULES * 'permit' enforcers to 'entertain' the intent to defy Allah and be bad. Thoughts that do say: “Steal by seizure” or “smuggle” or “kidnap” or “invade” or “punish” or “kill,” - - - “Just do what thy wilt and many will see and happier you'll be as you fulfill your duty to ME.” (To the Rules)

Surely by now the police and judiciary are 'enlightened' enough to see the error of their way? Why do they believe that they can defy the Command of Allah in making others grieve, and not themselves suffer the same consequence? This is simply because of their ignorance and because of their wage, and because of the false teachings of their Elders.

Note: Rules *- Are Decrees imposed upon the people by the invisible Dark Sovereign Power via the minds of vain and arrogant politicians, these rules are 'enshrined' as 'enacted regulations,' and there are punitive 'attachments' invoked for any non-conformity.

Note: EXTREMIST or Dictatorial Governance – When a political leader is voted into 'office,' they in fact are not the leader, they are simply the 'front man' for the real Dictator that leads all into defiance of their God.

The REAL 'director or governor' is the TEXT * as contained within the legislated rule books of the land. For it is this 'written word' that 'dictatorially' force all into submission, and punish those that do not conform to its merciless and 'unconscionable' dictates.

Note: The REAL 'director or governor' is the TEXT * - The REAL 'director or governor' is the Dark Sovereign Power that invoked the TEXT telepathically via the mind of the vain and greedy and arrogant.

It follows that all government workers and their 'agencies' are EXTREMISTS because their code of conduct is also dictated to them by the same TEXT contained within the rule books, and this leaves no 'room' for discourse or 'dissent' even though the individual may wish to exercise their own ideological belief. (conscience)

The only thing that politicians actually do, is to empower the TEXT with more 'ways & means' to extort funds from the people, control people, punish people, and force people to conform to its dark ideology as they 'bow' to its dictates that are imposed by its 'office bearers' using force of arms.

Note: The rules are the 'Articles of Association' of the giant business Corporation that names itself 'The Government.' Its dark 'Agenda' is dictated by the text in the books of rules within its various departments, as well as the 'further' and added burdens imposed by its workers that often exceed their mandated authority through their own personal vindictiveness, or by past precedent invoked over time due to many not even aware of the content of their own Constitution.

The dark ideological intent and deed of the governing corporations * is: regulation, control, extortion and the imposition of suffering, that is attained through the coercive punitive attachments attached to every rule that are the 'threat' hanging over the 'heads' of the populace for any non-conformity.

Note: ideological intent and deed of the governing corporations *- There is a very small percentage of the intent and deed that is for the true welfare of the community. For the bulk of the apparent welfare structure is only supplied through a huge material and spiritual cost to the people that would be better off handling their own affairs, and thus not accruing any karmic penalty from their Creator.

As all 'bow' to the dictates of RULES, all are 'Hell bent' and on the wide road to HELL.

page 18

~ The Plebiscite ~
The Holy Right & the 'Rule' by Force & Might.

It is seen today that all mankind are ruled by force and might wielded by 'slave masters' that believe that they may so do as they have the people's Plebiscite. But this is 'error,' for a majority 'Vote' is not a Plebiscite.

It is but that those voted-in to a position of power by the majority that believe that they have a 'justified' right to Rule all using 'force & might.' (The gun) - - it is because of this 'error' in man's thinking that the world is to fall into disarray. For the truth is that all those that did not vote to be ruled by the one in 'power' are being forced into slavery to the 'dictates' of the other.

Not only this, but it is a democratic right and a HOLY right for any person to 'singularly' walk alone with their God as their leader and head of house. So the 'terror' to come to every door is the result of the coercive 'tactics' of bullies for sure.

For the 'power-brokers' that wield a heavy punitive mace against any that comply not to their 'decrees' will themselves now be 'bullied' and coerced and enslaved and punished by another greater and invincible and 'invisible' cruel race, operating through the minds of common man that they 'disturb' and forcefully possess telepathically.

The present system does not 'permit' any to be an 'outsider' and go it alone with their God. For the rules in the present 'overlord' system stipulate that any 'outsider' is an offender and a danger to ITS “The law of the Beast rule” by force of arms.

And by 'precedent' set for so long whereby the state enforcers operated Treasonably outside their own Constitutional mandate, that they now believe that they do have a 'right' to control all mankind within the jurisdiction of the 'Borders' that they control by force of arms.

Not seeing that the 'principal' clause of their own Constitution stipulates quite clearly and categorically that: “Every person has the right to live by their own conscience or religious belief and, - - - that no 'rule' will be made that empowers any person to overrule this primary Decree – rule – order of the Constitution,” - - - that is to be the basic ideology of all those that vote for, fund, condone and become 'members' of the Institution this formed by said Constitution.

So the 'custom' of Customs that use force to apprehend and punish visitors that are not members of their Institution is itself error. For any person entering any land should be treated with respect and not 'terrorised' because the 'rules' so say.

It is the 'enforcement' arm of State Institutions that has erred in two ways. Primarily its workers have not heard that the LAW of ALLAH stands superior, and that its 'Just and equitable' stipulation is that: “All reap what they sow” and, neither have its 'office' bearers heard the Command of their Creator to: “Love one another and be merciful, compassionate, respectful, and forgiving.”

The 'joining' of the membership role of any national governing Institution has become an 'assumed' placement upon all persons living within the borders controlled by force of arms.

The employees of the Institution are themselves 'bound' to adhere to the rules of engagement enshrined within the rule books of their Institution. The 'voice' inspiring the minds of legislators itself invoked contrary legislation that enabled confusion and the subsequent rise of arrogant control over all persons in the land.

page 19

All persons born into any land on earth today have assumed the 'rightness' of rule by governing Institutions. None being aware that in the first instance, the Constitution of these Institutions were imposed upon the people that were given no 'option' to live alone and not be subjected to the taxes and fines and punishment imposed upon any that tried to avoid ITS 'conscription' of their body, mine, and soul.

Allah sees all the 'bully boy' iniquity that has enslaved His children for so long, being the deceptive 'tactic' whereby all have been taught falsely that conformity to punitive ideology was for their own good and the good of the nation. It is Allah to now bring this false ideological System and its 'way' to an END.

It is the time for every God-fearing person * of any 'standing' to now align themselves with their Creator by personal 'Plebiscite' as they 'each' write to their 'overlord' saying;

I have now heard the TRUE Holy Word as contained within the Testament of Truth or Dar-es salaam web sites, and I now accept my Creator as my head of house.

Thus I will no longer be at your daily 'muster' roll call, as I will now walk alone aiding others in the community as I see fit as I am guided from within by my own conscience. I pay no more taxes to you, neither do I fund, condone, nor support the punitive and warring ways seen being done by you in my name.

I will serve my Creator and my community direct without your 'medium ship,' as I see that its 'stewardship' is false, as it contravenes Allah's Command and places me within the punitive aspect of Allah's Law when 'fellowshipping' with your Institution.

Please treat my 'renouncement' with courtesy and respect, for only thus do you protect your own souls. I also suggest that you consider or reconsider your personal 'stance' in Allah's eyes, for we were and yet are all deceived by the 'error' of our forebears and elders that use the mace to enforce, as they sought and yet seek 'supreme' power and 'god-ship' and ownership of the people, the land, the seas, the rivers the trees and fish of the sea.”

Note: God-fearing person * - The god-fearing do not carry weapons, nor do they use any 'force' to defend themselves against an aggressor, nor do they enslave, tax, steal, invade, impose sanctions, punish, or destroy the lives or livelihood or property of others.

Nor do they restrict, control, regulate, punish, kidnap, incarcerate, or kill, or in any way use force to change the beliefs of others. For they conform to the Command of Allah are thus compassionate, kind, merciful, peaceful, loving, and forgiving, and they only believe in the rehabilitation of offenders through education and code of conduct guidelines.

Let these now follow me their 'leader' and spiritual guide and show Allah their allegiance to Allah's Holy Word of Peace and not the Sword. We all must now look to Allah to protect us and no longer rely on armaments, soldiers, or the police. For you are only to endure suffering at the hands of others if in your past you have 'funded' aggression or been aggressive personally.

page 20

~ Political Murder ~
Intent – entrapment – the 'kill'

In every land today there are men that uphold RULES that control the conduct of all in 'office' in a very detrimental way. For the RULES invoked, legislated, enacted, and enshrined in the 'halls of power' force and coerce, and permit, and mandate, and thus authorise those receiving a 'mercenary' wage (Government employees) to play with the “Fire of Allah” * in a very dangerous way.

For if one INTENDS to defy Allah's “Only love” command and then takes an 'employee' wage, and in fact does defy Allah as this follows if one is upholding 'Statutes,' one in FACT entraps oneself in the 'snare' that is the 'eye for an eye' Law of Allah that is applicable to all mankind whatever their 'station' in life.

For if the INTENT is to use RULES to 'enable' one to either punish or KILL another person that has erred in the 'eye' of the TEXT in a book of RULES, then the fools that take a wage to uphold said rules are GUILTY in the eyes of their Creator, when they not only entrap others for the sole purpose of punishment or killing, but they show Allah that their intent was to use RULES to accomplish such a 'foul' deed on their behalf. (Premeditated)

Thus all persons, - - - acting with the 'foreknowledge' that the rules have the power to inflict suffering and, - - - all persons believing in the 'righteousness' of rules are ignorantly or arrogantly placing the rules above Allah's “Only love” Command and become complicit to the abuse or 'killing' of another to the demise of their own soul.

So in the 'Case' of the Australian Federal Police and the “Bali 9” carriers of drugs, it is evident that the AFP are 'guilty' of the INTENT to MURDER using the Bali 'doctrine' of “Death unto all that carry or smuggle drugs” according to the dictates of the Indonesian RULE book.

If any of the 'Bali 9' are executed, then not only are the Indonesian 'enforcers' guilty of premeditated murder, but the AFP are also complicit to murder most foul in the eyes of Allah as they with foreknowledge of the “deadly” Bali 'doctrine' became informants and, - - -

The Australian and Indonesian PUBLIC are also GUILTY by 'association' to such 'complicity' due to the fact that they condone and fund their servants the State enforcers.

The politicians that raised up the legislation that enabled man to RULE others using the GUN, also enabled the entrapment of the enforcers by the Dark Sovereign Power and, as the enforcers uphold these punitive TEXTS in the books of man's 'law,' they all become complicit by 'association' to the forbidden use of Allah's dark energy, and their suffering goes on in the afterlife when their souls pass over into the spirit world.

So 'deep' is the iniquity of man that his 'suffering' is now of a 'composite' nature in that he has 'glued' himself and 'set' his soul in 'coals of fire' for a very long time for being callous foul swine.

If you the individual 'hear' or 'see' another person walking the wrong way in your eyes or Allah's eyes, then be WISE. Follow me and my merciful and forgiving way, and show your Creator that your INTENT is to help them to see their error, and kindly tell them to be aware of the unholy TEXT that seeks to snare them and all, so that all can set themselves free for the merciless and unkind ways of the Dark Sovereign Power.

The 'Bali 9' most certainly did INTEND to try and smuggle goods out of Bali, but their intent did not become a deed, for they were 'apprehended' prior to traveling. I hope that 'some' of the AFP and the Bali 'authority' see what I say for Allah did say:

Beware any found defying ME or MY Command on THE DAY MY 'prophet' returns to earth to see 'who' will be judged by HIM and ME as ONE to be sent to HELL for 'failing' to pay attention to what their CREATOR did say.”

For the 'premeditated' INTENT to MURDER and actual MURDER is infinitely worse than the intent to smuggle and, why did the AFP inform the Bali 'vice' prior to the actual smuggling taking place? Because they knew that the Bali rule book could and would 'entice' fools into killing on their behalf. Foolish are those that use 'political murder' to satiate feelings of vindictiveness, self-righteousness, pride, vanity, and arrogance.

For all these ignorant souls thus entrap themselves into the Devil's 'web' that itself raised up punitive rules so as to 'snare' the unwary 'infidels' that not only defy their Creator, but believe not in HIS power to bring them all to 'account' for their misdeeds.

A most 'terrible' fate awaits all and any that continue to now defy ME the 'voice' and 'power' behind the pen wielded by MY Plenipotentiary, Terence.”

page 21

Note: Fire of Allah * - the dark forceful and controlling and invasive and punitive and destructive energy of Allah that Allah stipulates is forbidden to be used by man. (The forbidden fruit)

Man is commanded to only 'sup' on the Light and loving energy of Allah and thus will in return receive only light and love within Allah's single 'eye for an eye' - “As you sow so shall ye reap” Law.

Note: The 'rule book' religion * - Every Institution is in fact a religion. For it has an ideological belief. A belief in the right to defy Allah and a belief in the right to use force to tax, invade, punish, and destroy the enemy.

Those 'fellowshipping' by membership to this 'nature' of governing religion also have the ideological belief that the text contained within the rule books is sacred truth, and that the 'dictates' of these legislated rules, acts, or decrees are 'legal,' and thus of more importance than the Command of their Creator.

The end result of this false indoctrination is that every person on earth is now following the 'Beastly' cruel, merciless, and unforgiving ideological dictates of the Dark Sovereign Power, and all have placed themselves within the the Dark side of Allah's “As you so so shall ye reap” Law, being the immutable Law of the REAL God. Thus has mankind invoked the intense trauma and suffering to be released by Allah on every shore.

The INTENT of the Dark Sovereign Power that administers the TEXT in the rule books via the mind of man was and yet is to 'entrap' those using said rules into using ITS Dark energy. (Fire of Allah) For once they have 'supped' on this power the Dark Sovereign Power is then justified in destroying them in the after-life.

No person 'entering' any land with a 'prohibited' substance or an 'undeclared' item has caused any 'suffering' to another. Thus they have not 'offended' their Creator but, - - - those that used rules to cause suffering or to punish them have by their punitive DEED become an offender in the eyes of Allah, and will ahead be similarly punished by Allah, for that is the REAL Law of Allah in action.

The only way to become free of the escalating insanity and eternal damnation is to now follow me, and heed my message of “Peace unto all” and “Fortify your mind against the ingress of demonic thoughts.” For if you become embroiled in “accountability” or vengeful retribution, your spirit soul will fall into the underworld where the ongoing suffering is beyond the capacity of your mind to conceive or comprehend.

If you 'hear' any commotion then do not go there to it 'investigate.' It is better to stay home or sit down on the ground. For those that are 'inquisitive' or punitive will become embroiled in attack or defense and they place their own souls in great jeopardy.

“PEACE unto all” is the ONLY way forwards and upwards to the Light of Allah.

page 22

~ Executive Summary ~

Any 'Religious' or Secular Policy or Code of Conduct that condones and thus uses 'extortion, control, regulation, extortion, deception, temptation, entrapment, coercion, punishment, terrorism, invasion, seizure of property, abuse, war, destruction of life or property' is an Institution of man that is using corrupted anti-Allah teachings that have been infiltrated by the mind of Satan the Dark Sovereign Power.

And all that fund, condone, support, or work for the punitive 'enforcement' arm of such Institutions are all destined to fall into the ABYSS unless they now heed me the Al-Meshi (Messiah) and begin to look to their Creator named Allah or God or Sanghyand Widhi or Mungu etc., as their head of house, and ONLY walk in Peace and are merciful, compassionate, and forgiving.

Every 'taxpayer' in every Land is 'guilty' of supporting iniquity and need to now follow the Command of their Creator.

You still need to and should give your financial and material support to the community projects, and any 'cause' that is educative and that is for the welfare and rehabilitation of others that yet offend their Creator as they disturb the peace of the land.

There is to be no more support of the 'Rule book' religion that uses Rules to defy Allah's "Only love" Command. For those of you as Judge 'Sirait' and the prosecutor and jailers of Bali I say:

"Look now to your own souls for we do live forever, and thus if you do see what I say and do understand its implications for each of you, and you also do now heed Allah's 'Mercy & compassion & forgiveness' way, then and only then do you 'set' your own 'release' date from Hell that will be granted after you have paid all your past and present dues of confinement 'time' for your own 'crimes against humanity.'

But if you are 'recalcitrant' and do not or cannot release your 'hostage,' then for SURE your 'agony' will go on and on forever. Because once you have entered Hell's Land below without having changed the 'colour' of your 'marrow' you will not be able to. For once there, you will neither 'hear' nor 'heed' the Wisdom that on earth I did sow."

Foolish is ANY man that 'fellowships' with the punitive ideology of a BOOK (Rules) that force him to defy the Code of Conduct as Commanded by his CREATOR. Foolish is ANY 'Citizen' of the land that supports and condones or funds or employs other people to 'uphold' the punitive ideology of a Book of TEXT that force ALL of you to defy the "Only Love" Command of your CREATOR.

Woe upon the ignorant.

Judges see not that they are themselves being controlled by the very book of rules they adore and uphold. For there is no mercy in the text, and thus they are forced to be merciless. Thus their own 'demise' for being less than wise. For any person that believes that a book of Text is more sacred or holy than the "Peace not the Sword" Word of Allah, are fools and deserving of their fate for being so cruel and callous to Allah's Creation.

It is now the time to 'free' all and them Educate, no longer must men criticise, berate, and punish. For in so doing, they and the entire community that supports them suffers for their condoning of such 'atrocities.'

The Rule books exert control over the entire community. Those that enforce the punitive and regulatory dictates of the Rules are people that enjoy having control and power over others, and they have no 'feelings' for the suffering they impose, nor do they have any remorse as they see not the end result of their actions.

Enforcement 'agents' are all observed by Allah as they seek to 'entrap' others that are walking the wrong way. Instead of calling out to them saying "Please stop what you are doing for it will eventually harm you," they lie in wait until the other has become an offender in the eyes of the 'text' of their unholy book of rules, and then 'pounce' with the sole intent of punishment and thus causing misery to the other.

Not seeing that as they have caused the other to suffer, that Allah will impose the same 'fate' upon their heads at a later date. This is seen in the 'Bali 9' wherein the Australian Federal police knowingly 'permitted' their 'subjects' to obtain drugs and carry them to the Bali airport with the 'intent' to smuggle them to Australia and then, - - -

They informed the Bali police. Why? - So that these 'unfortunates' would be caught in Indonesia, and 'subjected' to text within the Indonesia book of rules that is harsher than the Australian 'text' book rules and thus, - - - their 'quarry' would suffer more and possibly be killed. Why did they do this? Simple vindictiveness and, by having them arrested in Bali, it would be less 'burden' upon the Australian prison system.

Allah abhors the 'cruel' way of man, and for sure all that are so 'merciless' and all that fund such 'doctrine,' will be treated mercilessly by Allah's forces that are exposed by me in my message to humanity. Love Allah, not rules in books. Only Allah is Just, for if you steal an egg, Allah will ensure that you will lose an egg. But man could cut off your hand or incarcerate you for ten years for the same 'folly' of theft due to his vindictiveness.

Man uses rules to show you that they the 'Leader' of the Institution will protect you using force of arms. This is folly, for Allah's way of "Peace unto all" is the only way for you to be protected, and your soul will enter Paradise and be eternally safe from thieves and murderers.

I appeal to all Indonesians to free Schapelle Corby, and at the same time free themselves from the 'iron fist' rule of the text books, that bind every person in Indonesia and 'similarly' the rest of the world.

page 23

 ~ Intent of man v/s Allah ~

One cannot 'literally' punish any rule in a Rule Book, for it is simply TEXT, and even if the content or wording or dictate of the TEXT contravenes the Command of Allah, it the book is safe from any 'punishment' by Allah. For it the book feels no 'pain' even if destroyed by fire.

But any person that has the INTENT to use, or any person that uses said 'texts' as justification to abuse or fine or incarcerate any other person as a punitive measure is not beyond the 'reach' of the Wrath or Divine Law of Allah.

Judges and their 'persecuting' forces and detention forces are taking Allah's Law (The punitive side) into their own hand and, they will suffer the 'eye for an eye' obligation to Allah for their actions. Being the 'time' when they assume 'god-ship' as though they either are Allah or equal to Allah and thus above the Law of Allah.

Foolish men, seeing not that their intent is foolish as is their deed, whereas Allah's intent to mete out HIS Divine 'payback' is Just Justice and it is honourable and 'deserving' to all that believe that they are 'as' Mighty as their Creator as they DEFY HIM.

The 'Rule Book' is the 'extortionists' instrument backed by force.
the 'Rule Book' is the tool of 'vindictive' men whereby they can punish others backed by force.

It is Allah's INTENT to now 'banish' all that continue to defy HIM and HIS Code of Conduct Command into the underworld. Where they will suffer on and on for their iniquity for an 'immeasurable' length of time.

This message of GRACE from Allah is to advise all that they have been DECEIVED, as they assumed through false teachings that they had a 'right' to control, regulate, extort money, seize goods, abuse, punish or destroy other children of Allah.

This teaching is FALSE, and Allah is now to DESTROY all those that continue on in this arrogant way that is defiant of Him. Please read my 'expose' in depth for I would have it that you all become 'friends,' and thus all continue to be able to 'swim' freely in the sea in the land of Bali and in its 'heavenly' counterpart in the after life.

When Bush or Downer send in 'troops' to Iraq, their INTENT is to subjugate and to kill any 'opposition' to their Commands. Did they need to pass through the 'Immigration or Customs' to declare their weapons? NO, and this is because they are a 'superior' armed force that has no 'conscience' and thus answers only to the DEVIL.

Soldiers are the ultimate 'bully boys' that are spiritually ignorant and have not 'heard' the Holy Word of Allah/God, and they have been deceived by the false beliefs of their elders. For they go forth ready to kill or die as they say : "Yes Sir, - No Sir, - we'll do anything you order us to do Sir. For a 'mercenary' wage Sir we'll go to Iraq or anywhere, for we believe you Sir when you say that is good for our honour and our nation." Poor deluded souls, poor mothers that will see their children no more in this nor the afterlife.

When will man see that all soldiers are terrorists. The 'other' terrorists from the other 'side' that attack you are equally deceived as you, and simply doing what they are 'ordered' to by their elders that fear you. They also are as 'justified' in what they do, these men or boys are also ordered to fight, and their souls also fall into the Abyss for a long 'spell' in a very frightening plight.

There is a link to the 'BLOOD document' for soldiers of War at document end.

page 24

 ~ The Absolute Truth ~

Every ‘taxpaying’ Balinese has placed a ‘black’ spell upon his own household for his complicity to the ‘crushing’ of the flower rose within the spirit soul of Schapelle and, this spell of ‘great suffering’ will only be broken when she ‘Schapelle’ has been set free and returned unto the Light of Allah (ME) personally as given above.

Let it be here seen that every day she is confined by the ‘blind’ forces in Bali that they too accrue a very painful DUE, for Allah sees that they all ‘swerve’ away from the True Path as they either ignore or ‘laugh’ at her misery, brought on by their ignorance, or 'vexing' disrespect, profanity, vanity and cruelty.

There is no 'need' for the 'Corby' delegates to lodge any 'Appeal' with any higher Court in Indonesia, for the reality is that the System's 'workers' in Indonesia want her punished and, they can use the TEXT within their 'rules' to substantiate and justify ITSELF.

Allah sees her predicament and need, but Allah too has a need, and Allah is using her beautiful 'seed' of Light as HIS 'tool' to expose the 'Beastly' nature of man and how the BEAST does 'span & control' and enslave all the people of earth via the unholy Rules that force them to be beastly and thus they become its serfs unto their own demise.

Schapelle 'simply' needs to personally remain steady and calm and demure and respectful towards her 'jailers' who in ignorance serve the BEAST, as she tells her 'counsel' of followers to ensure that the HOLY WORD of Allah as contained within this document be 'lodged' with every newspaper.

For only thus can each individual decide whether to set themselves free by letting her go free. Allah will set her free in HIS own time, and there is NO 'Appeal' against HIS wishes once you have 'chosen' to be HIS instrument to enlighten humanity as has Schapelle spiritually pre-birth.

It is her 'innocent' crucifixion and subsequent 'exposure' of this Appeal by the Creator through me that I give unto all humanity, that is her personal "End" days 'quest' for humanity and, - - -

ONLY when Schapelle has been set free by the 'will' of the people of Indonesia will humanity have begun to set themselves free from the 'hold' over them by the ultimate deceiver and destroyer 'Shiva' the Devil, Satan, - - - that her 'quest' has been completed.

Bring her to me so that this act of 'courtesy' our God/Allah will see, and then and only then will HE 'consider' the extent of HIS 'Clemency' unto each of thee. If the persecutors, prosecutors, judiciary, and prison officials truly are working for and on behalf of THE PEOPLE of Bali or Indonesia, then let THE PEOPLE come to their own personally informed decision as to whether they wish to continue to DAILY accrue a painful spiritual due through their 'unwise' support of a very black and ANTI-ALLAH 'Rule book' Ideology.

If THE PEOPLE do not wish to ahead 'suffer' similarly as Schapelle at the hands of the merciless, then the ONLY way forwards and to freedom is to open the 'gates' of Hell and let Corby go free as well as everybody therein. Let the 'East and the West' join hands in Peace & Love and halt the confrontation 'fight,' as all become 'one' peaceful and loving community as they dismantle the 'System' that brings misery and the impoverishment of the spirit soul upon all.

I the Al-Meshi (Messiah) have spoken for Allah

May 31 009 True Light (2005 AD)

page 25

  ~ Circular ~
All law enforcement agencies

BE advised that from today there will be a swift escalation of "Offenders" on a massive scale planetarily.

BE advised of an international strategy for the "Correctional procedure" that is now to be implemented as the NEW method of aiding offenders.

BE advised that from now on there will be an escalation of irrational acts "done" by members of the community who stand at the "top" of man's pillars of stability. I.e. politicians-judges-ministers of religion.

BE advised that the nature of man will change to that of beast, as man becomes vindictive, controlling, vengeful and destructive to the extent that all will "appear" to be the enemy.

BE advised that as "insurrection" against authority and insurrection against ones neighbours escalates, that there will be a breakdown in man's socio-economic structure and FEAR will become rife and every man will abuse his children and his wife.

BE advised that all "humans" are but spirits in the flesh and their minds will now enmesh telepathically with invisible spirits of wickedness who have been released from dungeons below. (Dark spiritual realms)

BE advised that these "freed" spirit men are now empowered by Allah & Satan to be the Retributive "JUSTIFIER" that metes out "PAYBACK" against sinful man as was written as a part of Allah's plan.

BE advised that their thoughts will "seep" into your minds when awake and when asleep, and you will be "seduced" into negative action and, you will be emotionally and mentally "justified" by them to perpetrate deeds untrue against those you are inspired to by their thoughts. (Foolish are those that do not fortify their minds, so as to be able to resist being their tool of abuse, for 'As they Sow so shall they Reap').

BE advised that the Al-Meshi (Messiah) is risen again in the flesh of man and his final message from Allah with Allah's "plan" to aid offending man is now "free on air" on my web sites.

BE advised that it is my intent to request the Australian Correctional Services Authority to "permit" me to use their "Remand" Centre at Launceston in Tasmania as a "Training" ground for international Correctional Services organisations, to use as demonstration three hour Seminars to give you a "focal" point to commence your own 'Restoration of offenders' program with.

Please quickly read the 'The Offender' doc, The 'I.S.I.S. Suicide' doc, The 12 page 'Brief Summary' of Allah's message.

The True Reality

If you personally believe in the existence of Allah/God the Creator, then place HIM as your leader, guide, and head of house. Do not be 'led' each day like a 'Bull' with a ring in its nose in following the 'ways' or teachings of presidents, kings, chiefs, or other 'power boys' that use their own rules as their God. For compliance to these rules gives them and you 'licence' to defy Allah/God and abuse others unto your DOOM. 

Every 'place' on earth today is full of people that 'corruptly' use their positions of power to rob, rape, pillage, steal, punish, force young females into slave prostitution etc. Allah sees every iniquitous act and action that in one way or another 'disadvantages' and causes suffering to HIS children. 

I can only advise you that the 'Mercy of Allah' that is the revelation as given by my pen is only extended to those that now make amends with Allah, and begin to themselves be civil and merciful and kind and respectful and forgiving. For those of you that cannot 'see' the reason for change will become 'deranged,' and you will continue to be an 'offender' in the eyes of Allah and HE will be the ONE to destroy your bad 'seed' as HE crushes it in the afterlife.

page 26

~ Law & Order v/s Divine Order & Harmony ~

There is a truth I need to write so that all become aware of how they are all in a dismal and difficult plight. Be they the 'common' Godly folk like me, or whether they are the powerful defiant of God 'Judiciary.'

All have been deceived by the subtle web woven as the Devil's thoughts twisted and wove within the mind of vain and greedy men prior to your birth on earth, and these men laid down precedents that have been followed and perpetuated through the 'annals' of time.

The ideology of these precedents was imposed upon people by people that used the strength of their 'arm' or weaponry to enforce their dictates upon others. The 'basis' of this ideology was that the use of force was seen as 'rightful' even though it was contra the Command of the Creator to so do.

Not only this, but the 'Head honcho's' of the 'Clans' or tribes also believed that as they were the 'authority' that had the forceful means to force compliance, in order to so do they 'coerced' people into conformity through their capacity to use force to punish or destroy any non-compliance to their Decrees that they named 'The Law.'

Not only this, but they also believed that they had the right to 'enslave' the people they controlled for the purpose of 'taxing' them, so that they could live like 'kings' and not have to 'toil' in the fields and, they used some of their 'extorted' take of 'produce' to pay the wages of their 'king's men' that they needed to employ to control you.

As I do have the 'all-seeing' eye of Allah to guide my mind and pen, I now am able to 'unravel' the mystery for all, so that all become able to see their way out of their servitude and begin to pave a better personal destiny.

Man today has been deceived in many a way, firstly they have been taught falsely that to maintain 'Order' they need to be ruled by rules. This is error, for in their support of the rules they are fellowshipping and thus supporting a dark punitive ideology through which they daily accrue a painful karmic debt to Allah.

For the RULES demand by 'legislated' TEXT that any non-conformity by people, must be 'investigated, criticised, judged, and then punished.' This is the merciless, cruel, and unforgiving ideology of the Dark Sovereign Power. (Devil)

Citizens of every Land are seen to be 'disorderly' and punishable by the TEXT in Rule books if they do not 'cough up' all money demanded by said TEXT in the Rule books named 'The Law' by men. In the eyes of the TEXT and in the eyes of the men that uphold it, "Order" in man's book simply means - "Compliance to the TEXT as seen written within the black book." The book that in fact invokes pain and suffering and DEATH for all that condone it.

Magistrates and Judges and their 'policing' forces are merely the 'robotic' people of flesh that speak for and on behalf of the TEXT that cannot speak for itself. None of these infidels seeing that Divine Order and Harmony is only attained when 'each' person conforms to and complies with the "Only love and walk in peace" Command of Allah.

The true 'Divine Order' and subsequent Harmony and Peace that all seek, is only attained when one subjects oneself to the positive ideology of Allah/God, being the ideology of peace & mercy & forgiveness, and walks apart from the punitive system of man.

So when one conforms to the Command of Allah, anyone seeing another 'disturbing the peace' will not 'condemn, criticise, judge, and punish,' they will simply do as is asked by Allah and rehabilitate them through kindness and education, and thus they remain in the positive side of Allah's LAW that is not a 'decree,' it is simply a FACT.

State governments have raised up rules that they name 'laws' simply because of their need to extort endless sums of money from the people, and as said, to so do they use punishment and threat of home eviction or banishment from society in a Jail to 'frighten' everyone into conformity.

The reason why all are now trapped by the black unholy TEXT book RELIGION, is because any person working for the TEXT book (System) is required by said TEXT to use ITS punitive rulings in order to continue to receive a wage and, - - -

Any person wishing to 'extricate' themselves from its dark and punitive ideological ways and simply walk alone with Allah will be 'hounded' by the State workers who will not 'wish' you to go free, as this may 'invite' others to also so do and the State Religion will stumble and crumble, and the 'Chiefs' and their inquisition 'Cohorts' will have to get off their 'backsides' and learn to 'till' the fields themselves, which is exactly what Allah wishes you to help them to do.

There will be NO 'Order' until all mankind conforms to Allah's Command to NOT interfere in the affairs of others and to NOT use force of arms to extort taxes from others and to NOT punish or abuse others etc., and, - - -

There will be NO 'Harmony' in the Land of any 'Country' until the TEXT Books that force men to be 'pigs' and living swine' have been BURNT, and then true "Rule by Allah's 'Only love' Command" will Reign on earth, and prisons will be non-existent.

page 27

~ The UNITY of FAITH ~

The unity of Faith that will lead humanity into a 'peaceful and loving' way of 'respect and orderliness' is established by an 'Initiation' and a 'Ritual' and, these are given by our Creative God of Light and Love and stated to be as follows:

The Initiation

Being the 'Command' of God/Allah that is the primary teaching of the Holy Word of Allah that is the true principle at the 'core' of every religion being, that the attainment of inner spiritual peace is by the external expression of 'Peace unto all.' This is only attained in 'bowing' to Allah in submission to HIS Command of:

"Walk in peace and love one another and, - - - extend mercy, compassion, and forgiveness" and, these words are to be taught FIRST as a child learns to read and write, and is also being taught the meaning of respect, kindness, and good manners. This 'Initiation' is also the TRUE Ideology of the Light.

The Ritual

The Ritual is the 'enactment' by ritual that reminds all of the existence of the True Light of Allah that is uncontaminated by any darkness. (Pure Light)

It is a Ritual that uses the 'heavenly' star as the focal point of a thrice daily prayer, (meditation) in which one thinks of the pure light and invokes the pure love of Allah in saying the following prayer:

Creator of the heavens - Mother* of love
I see your star - shining above
please cleanse my mind with all your love
so I may heed your call of Peace from above

Note: Mother* - You may say either Mother or Father.

In this 'adoration' of HE or SHE the Creative essence of Allah, one receives an invisible 'blessing' of love that flows invisibly into ones soul and, the Star Ritual reminds us to ONLY be the Light in action at all times (Purity of deed) because, Allah is both the Light and the Dark essence of all. Thus if we remain within the 'constraint' Code of Conduct boundaries of the Command of Allah then our 'receiving' return within the Law of Allah:

 "As you do is done unto you - as you Sow so shall ye Reap," is always positive and good and happiness abounds.

Saying the Star prayer 'ritualistically' reminds us thrice daily of the reason and need to conform to the Wisdom of Allah and only be the Light energy in action.

For the use of any dark energy in our interaction with others is the use of 'cruel, callous, invasive, controlling, restricting, terrifying, merciless, abusive, punitive, warring and retributive' energy that is imposing 'suffering' upon others, that brings a 'karmic' RETURN of suffering upon oneself, within the SAME 'eye for an eye' Law of Allah:

"As you did shall be done unto you."

The above Initiation and Ritual will become established world wide and be passed on in perpetuity to the new 'born' here on earth, so that when Allah ahead one day releases 'sinful' souls into the flesh of this world, they will be better able to control their negative emotions and 'troublesome' and vindictive thoughts.

All known and unknown religions, sects, and cults shall cease their teachings as all mankind becomes of ONE unified FAITH, that has no 'name' as it is simply the Ideology of PEACE, LOVE, COMPASSION, MERCY, and FORGIVENESS as Commanded by the Creator and, - - -

By this 'invocation' I Seal the Revelation contained within the Dar-es-Salaam (Haven of Peace) and the The-Testament-of-Truth web sites statement to humanity, that it is I the returned 'Spirit of Truth,' the Christ. Let all believers now follow the new teaching of Allah that is the fresh and uncontaminated Wisdom of Allah that has flowed forth through my sacred pen

If this document can find its way into every newspaper in Indonesia and Australia as an 'insert' in many languages, then all the people may read it and come to their own personally informed decision as to its validity for them personally. That includes all men and women, for all have erred and all need the opportunity to decide what they will now personally do as the last pages in their 'book of life' come to an end. For their destiny is either eternal 'strife' in the wastelands below or eternal freedom and happiness above where all go that love and forgive and give, and walk in peace.

Inshallah - Terence

page 28

~ The Conclusion ~

It is concluded now by Allah through me
that all men have been given enough for them to see
to see the
error of their way
and the reason for the
terror coming earth's way

For Allah did say that all for folly do pay
and Allah did say that there would be Hell on earth one day
So my 'conclusion' says that the police are very
as they into the lives of others do daily intrude

This they do 'thinking' that they are true
not seeing the 'reasons' why this they do
It is because man likes to others
It is because man likes to at others shout

Especially if they think the other is wrong
especially if they think that they are more strong
so it is an
unforgiving tendency
by some basking in their own 'pure' resplendency

Not seeing that somewhere further along the way
are others who to them will have a say
I am having mine as all will see
as I place my
truth 'on line' for free

And my 'say' will not cause physical hurt
for it but says that all 'policemen' with deadly danger 'flirt'
for they believe that they are above the
that Allah says comes to all whom do not me believe

I say that it's soon going to be very 'rough'
and for the 'police & judiciary' extremely 'tough'
for it is now proven that they are an arrogant RACE
of people who enjoy wielding a heavy

As said as they daily intrude
into the lives of Allah's children and Allah sees this act as rude
so HE now will have the 'say'
that HE told man via me on a long past day

So I do not need to see any more 'smiles'
from police officers who plainly show their 'wiles'
for they are 'bewitched' by power
as they arrogantly stride forth and darkness 'shower'

Onto Allah's children in every way
as for the Devil they make them for their past
it is 'pure' JUSTICE this I know
that the police & judiciary & 'corrections' do bestow

But Allah did say to you and me
that what we do comes back to 'we'
yes 'Sirs' and 'Madam' it will be very, very tough
and I for one have said enough

So I now go on my 'merry' way
and 'Allah help' any who have ought to me to say.

page 29

~ Sacred Duty ~

It is my sacred duty to our Allah of love
to give
Her good counsel from above
via my mind
Her 'counsel' be
sent to earth to set all men free

And this 'we' can only do
if my 'mind' stays strong and true
Her Light and Love to you
so that you believe what
She via me says to you

I did my very best do
and I again send more 'letters' through
to your 'head man' of the Police 'Clan'
hoping that he is a true man

One who can see very clearly
the depth of the 'trap' set through man's vanity
and as for me I have naught to fear
as the Lion's 'den' draws near

For I am the 'true' Santa Claus today
with the 'present' of
Salvation I bring this way
and any whom it do not believe
cast aside a
'gift from Allah' and will grieve

So I now 'await' to see what comes my way
'persecutionary' men in the Devil's pay
did I them 'convince'?
or will they try and 'turn' my 'meat' into mince?

Let it be understood that each person stands in Allah's sight both day and night, and that each is 'subjected to' Allah's One Law for sure. Thus Allah says: "Go your way in peace and only extend goodwill unto all, for only this way are you 'safe' within MY Law."

For if you find any 'justification' to be unkind and thus are intrusive, disrespectful, or abusive in any way, it is Allah  to take you into 'account' and in Allah's lower 'halls of power' your sorrows will mount.

Try and see the reality. Being that whatever 'light or dark' or 'good or evil' or 'positive or negative' energy action flows to others via you, will by Allah be sent back unto you.

We are Allah's energy in action, and Allah's energy is true unto itself. Thus it gives and returns an equal and opposite flow through your personal spiritual river.

If you extend 'peace & light & love & share & care,' then the 'opposite' flow coming your way is 'peace & light & love & share & care,' and only thus does Allah share HIS/HER heavenly 'space' with the TRUE.

If you extend the 'opposing' dark retributive flow of darkness and pain, then you are to be sent below where the same upon you will HE bestow. Try and see or 'conceive' that Allah being both the Light and the Dark, has within ITS dark side the total opposite to the love within the Creative light, thus the dark has an 'interest' to destroy you if you any 'evil' deploy. You cannot 'hide' from Allah.

All who enter hell — abandon all hope * !

horror of hell — for even one second is unbearable — imagine FOREVER!

Note: all hope * ! - There is no 'hope' in Hell as all therein are 'lost' and in a hopeless mental and emotional condition, and there is no Truth to be found therein. Thus any person that is going to Hell for their 'spell in a cell' needs IT the hope prior to departing the flesh of this realm and sent there by Allah,  - - - for without the wisdom of my word and the knowledge of the power of my Star, you will become trapped there and never be released.

Your choice to go down or be lifted UP.

Allah's - ONE Command - Love one another.
Allah's - ONE Code of Conduct - Walk in Peace.
Allah's - ONE Divine Law - As you do is done unto you.
Allah's - ONE Rule - All are 'subjects of' and 'subjected to' My one Law.

Terence - The Spirit of Truth - Imam Al-Mahdi


Read the following

 < Consequence of Action >
Legality of Brutality >
The LAW of the Beast >

 < The proof of State Religion >
< Mandates & Justification >
< BLOOD document for soldiers of War >

The following item is on line only
God's Pendulum >




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