~ Intelligence v/s wisdom ~ insight & security ~
Man's Law v/s God's Law

Dear recipient, this email is an 'advisory' one which I give unto everyone of every 'race & creed' on the Planet because IT soon 'reels' and writhes in the agony of the prophesied END DAYS Tribulations.

Military intelligence is an information collection and analysis approach to provide an 'upper hand' in support of decisions which will affect many things.

True wisdom is the unseen inner knowledge gained from insight into other realms of consciousness which reveal things unknown by and unseen by mortal man. Things which have a 'cause & effect' far from man's comprehension. Thus it is that the truly wise have an insight into such realms as I do in being a spirit 'medium.' An in-sight of great depth beyond the comprehension of mortal man.

What I give herein may seem 'impossible' and the ranting of an insane person. I say this because of the 'general' feedback I have received for over 20 years of communicating with tens of thousands of groups, individuals and others by email. Feedback of 'ridicule and contempt' and threats of violence against my person for being an apparent 'impersonator' having the intent of misleading or deceiving humanity.

Why do I write to you? Because it appears that your 'group' act as advisors to others who have great 'power' indeed. The power to affect millions of people and to both assist or destroy their livelihoods and lives. Also, as 'each' person reading this has a unique consciousness, each will see its content differently and hopefully come to their own personally informed decision as to its validity or otherwise for themselves.

It was written 'scripturally' that at the end of days a messenger of God (The Source) would return to uplift believers out of the insanity and destruction to be. It was also written that this person (The Spirit of Truth) would return as a 'thief in the night' meaning, - - - invisible to the eyes of mortal man.

This is the case and I can but state that 'he' the one spoken of is me, and my spirit soul is that of this truthful and WISE person residing in the body of a very frail old man now aged 75 years. My life has been varied indeed, as I was born in a simple fishing village on the Tanzania coast where I mixed with people of all races and many religious beliefs.

As my father was a very stern British military officer with the 'King's African rifles' I was 'bred' with the knowledge of cold hard bayonet steel, obey orders, be honourable and to bow to no 'belief' other than my own. Regrettably there was 'conflict' in my early mind as my personal belief varied somewhat with what my father did for a living. He was a man of war and I was a child seeking peace.

I am a man of deep insight thus I do know that all 'intelligence' comes from the Source as inspiration into the minds of mortal man received telepathically as THOUGHTS. Thus man as such 'invents' naught and relies solely on said inspiration.

The inspiration can be educative, uplifting and creative when IT comes from the Light aspect of the Source. When it comes from the Dark, ITS intent is deception, controlling destructive, hence the need to understand the consequence of 'which' aspect of the ENERGY of the Source one uses.

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I now speak on the difference between the 'law of man' v/s God's Law.

A TRUE Law is an inflexible sequence of events, the consequence of placing oneself within the RULE of said Law having a 'set' invariable consequence.

It is now the time for mankind to understand that the political 'law of the land' is not a 'law,' but simply the decree of a Dictator who has imposed his 'ideals' upon others in the community. If said 'ideals' or controls are not 'met,' then there is a punitive consequence. This consequence is a changeable one. Thus as said, no decree of man is a true Law. It is simply a 'control' imposed and backed punitively by force of arms.

Generally today, the fines imposed as 'correctional punishment' are simply monetary extortion from community members who are politically enslaved by armed forces. Being armed men paid a wage to uphold whatever 'rule or law' invoked politically becomes enshrined in a TEXT BOOK.

It is the time now for all mankind to realise and comprehend the fullness of the immutability of God's TRUE ‘Absolute JusticeLaw. It is a consequence of each and every ACTIVITY in man's interaction with others. The consequence being, that for every ACTION there is an equal and opposite REACTION of THE benign creative or malignant destructive ENERGY which flows through the spirit soul of man as he interacts with others.

It is similar to the 'scientific' action of energy in motion, having an EQUAL RETURN unto the user who uses IT.
Hence the spiritual (God) aspect of God's spoken of Law, being: "As you sow so shall ye reap - an eye for an eye" etc.

There is NO 'dark' energy existing in the pure Light of Heaven, thus everyone living therein has a 'pure' soul. This simply means that within them are NO negative emotions and ONLY their inner LOVE core of Light, and ITS vibration is of the highest frequency and brilliance beyond comprehension.

As these individuals who are 'countless' in number all live in perfect harmony and are loving and giving, it follows that they always remain within the benign aspect of God's Law of return and receive from others the same as they put OUT. Love, kindness, compassion etc.

So 'where' is man of flesh in this realm today? In every realm outside of the pure Light there is the invisible mist of DARK energy pervading everywhere. There are millions of 'spirit worlds,' all darker and darker the lower or further from the Light one falls. Man of flesh in this world are those who drew IN dark energy (negative emotions) as they interacted with destructive intent and deed with others prior to birth into this world.

Regrettably as man uses the dark he places his person within the punitive aspect of THE LAW and ahead, faces his past so to speak as IT balances ITS 'painful' energy 'Scales of Justice' and returns the SAME suffering, loss, deprivation etc.

What is the result? Man fights 'back' and in causing more control over others, punishment, injury, loss and deprivation. Errant man simply accrues MORE suffering and his 'soul' becomes DARKER within and deeper IT falls into lower realms (worlds) the after-life. Indeed, ones inner energy lives ON forever in one of many realms.

My task for THE SOURCE of Light is to try and 'retrieve' as many souls as I can using the WISDOM I am given. Maybe you can now we see 'why' the Light states: "Go your way in peace & love one another and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving unto others yet sinfully living AND turn the other cheek if you are abused."

ONLY thus will you PERMIT the DARK to balance ITS punitive scales of justice and by this ACTION set you FREE to move UP a 'peg or two.' Also, you halt the ingress of DARK ENERGY and you enable the outpouring Light ENERGY to purge your soul of dark energy.

Can you not see the implementation of the DARK aspect of THE LAW of God in action as IT the Source operates telepathically VIA the minds of politicians? It is INCREASING ITS punishment of man for continuing to be 'swine' in their interaction. Increasing the powers of punitive forces and increasing fine and punishment etc.

You cannot fight for Freedom and Justice and WIN. You only destroy your own soul individually as you fill IT with SIN. (Dark energy)

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Pompous, vain and arrogant men have ruled other men for centuries in the name of God or a flag or the people or in their own name. This continues today and it is my pen to now state:

Soon, very soon, all who heed (obey) this pen will be set FREE by GOD and from that moment onwards, there will ONLY be RULE by God in this planet as all obey His Command and NEVER again will man control or interfere or subjugate or harm any other.

All kings, queens, emperors, chiefs, politicians and their armed forces men who continue to defy God's message via this pen will be swept into the Abyss forever and FORGOTTEN. The WISE and elderly who remain will ADVISE, educate and give direction and never steal or punish.

There is BIG TROUBLE ahead for you if:

1 - You are a person who makes rules that others must obey or be punished.
2 - You are an enforcer taking a wage to enforce (1) above.

I now speak of the invisible THE SOURCE named 'God or Allah' etc.
(Extract from the Energy of God - Link at end to full document)

I need to speak of the Source because it has an invisible IMPACT upon man as man 'moves' and interacts, for it is this Energy of the Source which is the 'driving' force activating man.

So much misunderstanding has taken place for so long that it is going to be very difficult for man to reprogram their 'pea brains' that have been programmed with much error around the issue of 'man's law' and THE LAW OF THE ENERGY. (God's Law)

There is no little 'man' somewhere in or out of the flesh who is a god or God. The REAL GOD is the invisible mass of intelligent ENERGY which exists like an invisible mist having NO 'bounds.' This world and our whole material universe known and unknown is but a 'speck' or grain of sand in zillions of sand grains so to speak, for the mass of God's 'energy' frame is limitless and incomprehensible.

This energy is EMOTIONAL and having infinite intelligence, all knowing, omnipresent and omnipotent. It is unchangeable by man and it is totally unaffected by mans activities. It is simply what it IS and exists forever.

The DARK destructive aspect contains within ITS frame is all known and unknown negative emotional energy. (Fear, anger, hatred, criticism, vanity, pride, jealousy, anger' etc.) Indeed IT has a 'face' which is very hard, cruel and formidable indeed and fills half the 'sky' of the realms of spirit. It is the face of HE the Father.   

The LIGHT creative aspect contains within ITS frame is all known and unknown positive emotional energy. (Love & joy & happiness etc.) Indeed IT has a 'face' which is very kindly, beautiful and soft indeed and fills half the 'sky' of the realms of spirit. It is the face of SHE the Mother.

Both energies of THE SOURCE have an indelible memory bank which exists forever. It follows that the 'return' aspect of ones interaction with others can be rewarded or imposed instantly or ten or a thousand years ahead when IT so decides.

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Police need to be TOLD what they are expected to DO for their sworn 'oath' of allegiance and mercenary wage. Why do I state this? Because primarily, they are paid by funds taken from THE PEOPLE, but they are in FACT working for the RULES dictated by political decree.

These rules in FACT force them to 'wage' an uncivil war upon THE PEOPLE as they interfere, control, extort funds by coercion, kidnap, transport and imprison people who HAVE NOT DISTURBED THE PEACE. It is thus that their wage is a 'mercenary' one for they 'bite' the hand that feeds them and this is insanity.

THE PEOPLE will want to know 'why' the 'PEACE' force which was raised UP to PROTECT them is now an armed 'force' being used AGAINST THEM by greedy and vindictive politicians seeking to appease the demands of constituents. It is the time to revert back to their 'worthy and honourable' ROLE of ONLY hauling in persons who factually disturb the peace or who are of immoral disposition. (Example - drug dealers causing harm)

The Police officers need to be ADVISED that when they go forth and CAUSE harm or mental & emotional TRAUMA, that they place themselves into the punitive aspect of God's immutable 'eye for an eye' LAW and ahead, it is they to suffer the same consequence.

I now see that our youth (police officers) are being misled in a very bad manner indeed. The Tasmanian politicians have mandated the police by decree or 'open licence' to go forth and kick down doors of houses without even a 'warrant' and magistrates supposedly legalise police activity to dispossess people from their property or homes and even halt their 'driving' and going about their business if they fail to pay even a parking fine etc. What can I say? The Devil now RULES via the mind of the arrogant vain and I advise: 

A - When you are a giving and kind person educating offenders you receive a similar 'benign' RETURN
B - When you are a 'taker' and an unkind enforcer punishing offenders you receive a similar 'malignant' RETURN  

You cannot 'buck' the energy system, GOD'S, you are always operating within A or B and causing harm or happiness.

God states : "Ask and you will receive."
Politicians state: "Give or we will force you to give."

The 'peace' corps must now work for the people if they wish to continue receiving a wage.

All armed forces personnel must now learn that for every ACTION there is an equal and opposite REACTION.

What you DO unto others you DO unto yourself - that IS THE LAW.

Be it imposed in this world or the next.


The political Mandate : Be advised, no badge of office nor mandate or uniform nullifies, voids or avoids the implementation of the Law of God being the 'natural' RETURN aspect of energy used in ones interaction with others. True spirituality has naught to do with 'Churches' and their teachings. It is simply a matter of ones ACTIONS or interaction with others. (Nice or nasty ~ there is a spiritual FACTUAL consequence)

If you are an 'advisor' or directing any punitive interaction against others here or there or anywhere, then your ACTIVITIES are in direct contravention of God's Command unto man: "Extend peace and goodwill unto all mankind" and "Go your way in peace & love one another" and all 'injury, loss of mental or emotional TRAUMA' suffered by others becomes your personal DUE. You have been advised and warned.

As the world relapses into great suffering and terrified and discontented people roam here and there and everywhere over the globe, the armed forces of every land will by 'orders' be forced to injure and maim or kill, kill, KILL by their leaders seeking to 'protect' their own elevated positions and wealth.

There will be NO 'honour or glory' awaiting any of these persons as their souls fall into destructive realms below where their own terrifying travail and agony will find NO surcease. I can but state that these 'hideous' realms of liquid evil do exist. You have been advised and warned.

Infinite DARK intelligence. Be advised, the moment YOU set out to gain the upper hand over another, or when the 'other' seeks to respond negatively and punitively to your 'advances,' THE SOURCE OF DARKNESS is invoked and IT becomes the 'intelligence' backing BOTH parties.

IT has one intent, to maximize the pain and suffering on both sides, to mete out divine retribution against those of both sides who used IT at a prior time and caused harm, and to entice as many as possible to USE its POWER and thus draw IN more SIN into their souls so that IT draws their 'faithless' souls further away from the LIGHT and deeper into ITS DARK domain in the after-life.  You have been advised and warned.

Note: Death - When a man kills his 'enemy,' the deceased is simply a fleshly 'body' which has become inanimate simply because its INNER ENERGY and life force has exited it. Ignorant man sees NOT that the spirit soul which had inhabited the biological flesh of this world was simply forced to exit it, but the spirit soul with its unique consciousness is not dead, but very much ALIVE and IT strides forth on another level in the twinkling of an eye without losing consciousness for even one moment. Physical death is not like going to sleep or becoming 'unconscious,' it is simply a conscious moving onwards.

Man needs to see that one cannot 'kill' the spirit soul of another, but one can KILL ones OWN soul as one uses dark energy in ones interaction as given above. For in so doing, one is filling ones own soul with 'Sin' and thus as it becomes infiltrated by said energy over an eternity, it 'kills' itself* by being crushed into 'oblivion' for an eternally long time in the Abyss and eventually gets drawn into the eternal fire.  You have been advised and warned.

Note: it 'kills' itself* - But does not DIE because its energy lives ON forever and IT finds itself in that place of eternal damnation. It is unable to 'think' or 'feel' any positivity (Light) and it lives on and on in absolute torment and agony.

Please read my:

 National Security Alert: http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/alliance.htm
The energy of God the Source: http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/energy.htm

~ The coercion of the DARK energy of God ~
Justification - deception - destruction
