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~The Bishop & the Sword  ~
ABC Compass - TV 18 March

Dear Tom Frame, as a man purporting to be a minister of the Lord it is obvious that the Holy Word of God "Peace not the sword" has as yet not by you been heard. Nor do you yet understand the power of the dark destructive force that exists in the Dark lower land, for it is the destructive energy of God the Father that HE forbids man to use. (It is the fruit from the tree of evil)

It is regrettable that multitudes of young men and women of all races are deceived by the 'Serpent' through the 'likes' of men as you that purport to be 'saviors' that know the way to the promised land and having the capacity to 'bless' and forgive sinners for and on behalf of God, when in fact it is your ignorance that condones the use of force that leads so many into the Abyss, the PIT of eternal suffering.

It is sad for me the Messiah to see that you have stated publicly on national TV that the use of force and waging war upon other children of God is justified. Try and understand that you a person purporting to be a minister of the WORD have sent out a 'signal' to every other race and creed that your 'Christian' God condones warfare, this 'dastardly' act of yours is no different to the hothead 'scribes' misguiding the Muslims into believing that if they fight their oppressors that they will also get to the Promised Land. - - - False - False - False belief.

The true God of Isaac and Abraham states quite clearly that the ONLY way for mankind to elevate their souls out of ongoing suffering is to "Go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful, compassionate, and forgiving towards those yet sinfully living." For all are 'locked' into ongoing suffering due to defiance of God and thus being subjected to God's divine "As you sow so shall ye reap" Law.

As the man who speaks for all men, I can state quite categorically that God is now to crucify every religion, for all are misguiding His children and every armed force on earth now walks hand in hand with 'priests' that are 'stool pigeons' for the very Devil. For any man true should tell every forces personnel that they walk the wide road to Hell and, - - - the fact that you 'bless' them and their weaponry as they set forth with the intent to invade, destroy, and kill is abomination of the worst kind.

Do you really think that a benevolent God would wish us to have mercy on the ignorant or to go forth and kill them? Do you believe that you can 'subvert' the natural course of God's "As you did sow so shall ye reap" Justice as God fulfills His divine 'eye for an eye' Law by a 'last rites' ritual of man? Foolish are men that defy God and His sacred pen wielded now by me the spirit of truth.

You cannot destroy evil, you can only cause great pain and suffering to or destroy those others that are deploying evil energy in their interaction, and as you so do, - - - then you are as evil and ignorant as they are and you are then deploying dark forceful evil energy and, - - - all that to them you do will return to haunt you, your family, and every taxpayer that condoned or funded or supported your 'warriors' that ultimately end up in Hell for a very long spell and, - - - those as you that are deceiving God's children and misleading them also accrue a great burden of suffering for deceiving them.

Wake up now Tom, read the following documents and help me set you and humanity free.

Tree of Evil
Crucifixion of Religion
The BLOOD document
The spiritual consequence of Actions


~ The anti-death penalty lobby ~

Dear friends - I refer to the: DON’T KILL IN OUR NAMES That is spoken by those seeking to abolish the death penalty that is social violence. Also I speak on the reasons 'why' man chooses 'restorative justice in bringing others to account when in fact that 'way' is simply revenge, whereas God commands 'forgiveness' and education and peace unto all.

First I need to state that community members are unaware that there is a 'law' of God that is immutable and it stipulates: "As you do is done unto you" and what the taxpayer does not realise is that the fact that they are 'voting' a person into 'power' to 'head' the merciless, unforgiving, punitive, controlling and warring' Institution of government, that they are in fact not only condoning the activities of its officers and state 'troopers,' but they are also complicit to all the terror, loss of life destruction and suffering that these 'armed' personnel mete out here, there, and over the sea because - - -

All these people are your paid servants, operating in your name and on your behalf - so whilst you are 'busily' trying to halt the death penalty in the penal system, you are oblivious to the FACT that you are busy 'killing' and maiming others FACTUALLY by the simple fact of supporting the system and funding its dark destructive ways.

Better to take the 'beam' out of your own eye and HALT all fiscal support of the system by NOT paying ANY taxes. Simply support the community directly so that you are NOT funding the 'punitive' arm of the system. Please read my 'Spiritual consequence of Action' that is one of the 50 documents on my web site.

It is God's final message to humanity and the "Ray of HOPE" to elevate the consciousness of man as the Wrath of God unfolds on earth, as GOD metes out divine retribution upon all that failed to conform to HIS decree of : "Go in peace and love one another."

No person will find surcease of suffering or peace whilst they 'promote' or fund or condone or support iniquity carried out by themselves OR their servants.

No person will be able to enter Heaven until they have fulfilled the 'eye for an eye' law of God and 'suffered' all suffering imposed upon others by themselves or their servants, be it mental, emotional, material, or physical pain or loss etc. (Turn the other cheek and become free from your past iniquity)

Terence - the Spirit of Truth & Messiah

Peter Toyne
Escalating violence

Dear Peter, I saw Carla of Imparja TV interviewing you recently and felt that you were a man who could become a great part of God's end plan as humanity spirals deeper into confrontation and chaos.

I have spent my life preparing for this time as I brought forth God's final message to humanity via my mind as it linked telepathically to the LIGHT, and it is now complete and laid at mankind's feet on the internet.

There is a tremendous upsurge in the telepathic subjugation of the mind of man from the DARK that is forcing man to be ITS 'reaping' tool of control, punishment and destruction, and my task is to expose that 'how' and 'why' it is able to infiltrate the psyche of man more and more.

I also teach man how to stem this 'tide' of thoughts that stream in as negative emotions 'hum.' I believe that it is now the time to implement my rehabilitation program that is a 3 hour 'Feeling easier seminar' designed to enlighten participants and equip them with the means to change their ways.

The present 'systematic' way of fine and punishment helps NONE, and I ask that you please read my (Item 21) ' Suicide' document, my (Item 5) 'Spiritual consequence of Action' document and also my (Item 56) Feeling easier seminar that you will find on my main Index.

I also have a mental health Carer's manual on line and I can state quite categorically that all the money in the world and all the government 'policies' or anti terrorist strategies will not stem the suicide and depression and aggression and war from escalating. It will only be 'stemmed' when all understand my revelations and then each individual can help themselves and save their own soul.

It is also the time to bring the Police force into line as an unarmed Peace Corps who assist rather than punish. Education is the way. I am able to travel to Alice with one or two others if invited to hold a Seminar for those that are detained from disturbing the peace and I can teach other Carers to continue on this program.


Terence - the Spirit of Truth

~ Police Tasmania ~
Public auction of community property

 Dear Ros, it has come to my attention that there is to be an auction of two motor vehicles at the St. Helens police station on Friday.

 I am well aware that these vehicles have been ‘seized’ from community members due to a ‘ruling’ by someone using a book of rules to ‘legalise’ their finding. I am well aware that these vehicles were seized by ‘someone’ acting as a ‘Bailiff’ and thus using that ‘authority’ to so do.

 It is because I am an elder of the community and also because I am God’s ‘pen’ with His authority make ‘judgements’ and ‘rulings’ on His behalf, that I send this letter to you as the police station ‘secretary.’

 For my task for Him is to enlighten mankind that so blindly go about their daily business without even considering that there is a God, and that His supreme “As you do shall be done unto you” Law applies to all, even those ‘mandated’ by a ruling in a book or a ‘pen’ of a man.

 Please pass this note to the station commander, for it is my express ‘wish’ that the unfortunate people who took a wage to carry out the task or ‘job’ of taking by force property from community members have the opportunity to ‘consider’ the wisdom or otherwise of their actions and, - - -

 It is my express ‘wish’ that the unfortunate people that on Friday are going to sell this ‘stolen property’ have the opportunity to ‘consider’ the possibility that they are ‘ignorant’ of God and God’s immutable Law, and by their actions they will place themselves in the unfortunate position of ahead in this or the next world of having to:

Not only suffer the same material loss, but to also suffer all the associated inconvenience and any emotional ‘disturbance’ suffered by their ‘victim’ as the result of the ‘judicial’ process. (That is the Justice of God)

 No doubt the owners of the vehicles deserved to lose them according to the ‘dictates’ of a ruling of man, but the unfortunate ‘officers’ of the state police force place themselves in a similar ‘deserving to lose’ situation within God's Law.

 The police need to see that the goods were not seized ‘legally’ according to the ‘law,’ they were seized by using force of arms because of an Edict of Caesar enabling them to turn against their true mandate to ‘serve the community’ and to in fact steal from community members.

 Whether ‘officers’ swear an Oath to protect their community or whether it is to ‘uphold’ the book of rules and the rulings of magistrates is irrelevant in the eyes of God their Creator, what is relevant to God is that all CONFORM to His dictated code of conduct at all times because, - - -

 If we obey the Command to “Go in peace and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving,” then we are given the same happy ‘treatment’ within the Law of God in the place and at the time so ordained by God.

 If we disobey this Command and we disturb the peace of others and are unforgiving and mercilessly pursue them and steal their property and punish them mentally, emotionally, physically or materially then, - - -

 We place our own ‘self’ into the CRUEL hands of the Dark Sovereign Power of God who metes out His own retribution within His own ‘eye for an eye’ Law in the place and at the time so ordained by God.

 Please advise all concerned that they would be better ‘placed’ spiritually if they handed in their ‘badge’ of office rather than to go forth tomorrow with the INTENT to sell stolen property.

 I cannot ‘prove’ that God exists or that God sees every intent and every deed seeded by His children, but I can state that every revelation given by my pen in my Testament of Truth book will come to pass, and I suggest that ‘each’ takes more than a ‘cursory’ glance into it and ITS prophecy.

 It is an abomination that young men and women who so ‘ardently’ wish to serve their community are by RULES turned into criminals in the eyes of their God and their own community members.

 Let us now make amends before it is too late and insanity overtakes all. Let Tasmania lead the way in the ‘resurrection’ of the soul of man.


PS - By selling these vehicles the police are in fact inviting the public to purchase stolen property.

~ “The Freedom Teachings” ~

Dear Ken, I refer to your letter and silent request to 'examine' the above teachings :

I refer to the “The Freedom Teachings” by A'sha-yana & A'za-yana Deane that are given as ‘The Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order’ and marketed by “Azurite press products personal education resource” web site.

 It appears that the teaching ‘manual’ is a manuscript of a system of ‘belief’ that contains a great amount of truth and reality as well as pure deceit written in a ‘dazzling’ manner by the minds of spirit beings from another spiritual ‘space’ or realm of consciousness operating telepathically through the minds of earthlings.

 These spirit beings are as yet trapped in a ‘space’ that is far from the Source of the light of God the Creator, and their own minds have been ‘dazzled’ by the brilliance emanating from the ‘hypnotic’ spell of the Serpent.

 The ‘spell’ being its capacity to twist and weave a ‘web’ of truth and deceit so cleverly, that ‘listeners’ or readers cannot see that it leads all ‘students’ of ITS teachings towards the vortex of ‘cyclonic’ doom.

 For readers that are searching diligently for the ‘pearl’ of wisdom supposedly found within these teachings become trapped mentally, emotionally and consciously into a deepening ‘web’ of contusion, leading to confusion that itself appears to be a rational reality that keeps them trapped in its FALSE delusional space.

 Page after page is written in such a manner that it is seen as a ‘whole’ to be THE truth and reality, thus readers are kept studying. However, when one reaches the absolute ‘core’ of the ‘teachings’ and one ‘opens’ the oyster shell, instead of finding the PEARL of great price being the WISDOM of the Holy Creator, one finds an empty ‘space’ and a nothingness, a worthlessness as perceived by me but, - - -

 The ‘average’ seeker would not have seen the space as ‘empty’ of hope or joy because they would not have even recognised the requirement of their Creator needing their conformity that was not within the ‘shell’ being the paragraph they read so ‘fleetingly.’

 It was the section named “Ascension,” and this actually has the same meaning as Salvation, for only when we are freed within of SIN (dark energy) by the grace of God is it then and only then that our ‘enlightened’ souls can be elevated, and it ascends into the Light.

 The Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order Ascension page states Quoted sections only:

< Ascension is the process of merging the many parts of our conscious energy that are in the different levels of the 15-dimensional time matrix. - - -

In Ascension, we "transmute" the physical body form by integrating more and more of the "Multiple Levels of Conscious Energy" of our Selves into our biological energetic template.  - - - -

Integration of the higher identities progressively changes the nature of the biological form, so biological & spiritual evolution are one. Originally identity integration took place through one Immortal lifetime.

Due to distortions, that span 11.5 dimensions of frequency, the process now takes place through successive reincarnations. Reincarnation was not the natural evolutionary process of the original human lineage, but it has been operational for over 5 million years. - - -

Through Keylontic Science we can reclaim our immortal bodies and re-enter our natural state of evolution. The human body was designed to embody 12 dimensions of consciousness in One Incarnation.

Through the Sacred Teachings of Keylontic Science, we can RE-learn and REMEMBER our true original Source-intended divine structure.

By working with the Keylontic Science techniques that are founded upon Sacred Mechanics, we can also remember how our personal energy systems (Inner Template) operate as they were originally intended as True Divine expressions of Source and also how we can begin to Heal the distortions.- - -

As we begin the process of integration of these parts of ourselves in a process called "Soul Integration", we become more aware of these parts of our Selves and can integrate the knowledge and understanding inherent in them.

Through understanding the foundation structures upon which the body and consciousness are built we can learn to consciously direct the path of accelerating our personal biological and spiritual evolution, rejoining the races of the Higher Evolution.>

I Terence state: “All the above are words that sound convincing but they are FALSE for they OMIT the ‘key’ truth. For ONLY by conforming to the Command of God * do we achieve 'Atonement' and a release from the bondage to inner 'sin' (dark energy) and a surcease from suffering as God purifies our soul.

Note: Command of God * - The only teachings one needs to enable the spiritual resurrection of ones soul is to learn how and why it ‘falls’ in the first instance, and this is taught in the Testament of Truth book written by me and, - - -

The pearl of great price is the wisdom of God also reinstated by me that states:

“Go your way in peace and be kind, respectful, compassionate, merciful and forgiving to those that are yet arrogant, destructive, vain, and yet sinfully living and, - - - if abused by others you must turn the other cheek and in non-retaliation you remain humble and meek and, - - -

You must never raise your hand against others even if they seek to crucify you. Never fund, condone, or support the use of force as a means of control, regulation, punishment or war against others either personally or via other men or armed forces of systems of government.”

No teachings of spirit beings or earthly ‘orders’ can in any way supersede the above truth. For if you are faced by adversity and you or your servants in any way use ‘force’ to protect or defend yourself you are using the forbidden dark energy of God and IT contaminates your soul.

I Terence the true messenger of God the Light state that the above Command of God must be adhered to if one seeks Atonement or Salvation. It also follows that any person following the teachings of others that differ lead themselves and their students into great suffering and spiritual DEATH.

These Keylontic Science teachings use ‘brilliant’ descriptive adjectives or terminology to attract the reader such as:

Christos Seed Atoms – spiritual maturity and integrity - Flame of Amoraea - the Eternal Flame of Divine Love - 12 Universal Christos pre-matter liquid light - Kathara Tree of Life Grid - D-12 pre-matter Liquid Light - Conservation of Original Intention – spectrum - 15 Dimensional Time Matrix - Unconditional Love, Peace, Spiritual & Material Mastery and Ecstatic Joy - Seed Atom Azur-A - ManU force - soul integration – higher evolution - Keylontic Science

These Keylontic Science teachings contain too many false ‘polarities’ to comment on here, thus I only comment on two, one being the reference to “Ascension’ above and the other their words found in their ‘Kristos’ document Quote :

The Path of the God-Seed, the Path of the
Host and the 'Trial Cycle'

“Those returning to the Path of Joy from the Path of Sorrow are not subjected to judgment, punishment or retribution from Source However, - - -”

I Terence state:  “This statement is FALSE, for it ‘denies’ the fulfilment of God’s divine ‘eye for an eye’ Law that clearly states “As you sow so shall ye reap,” thus all on the path of Joy are also still on the ‘path of sorrow’ until their ‘karma’ is paid in full and, - - -

They are being judged by God as ‘offenders’ that deserve to suffer on in perpetuity until they learn to stop using God’s dark energy in their daily interaction with others and, - - -  

In this they must learn to forgive their enemy and ‘turn the other cheek’ when punished by God via others that are equally as offensive as they were or yet are.”

It is interesting to note that A'sha-yana & A'za-yana Deane the CEO’s of the organisation state in their “Claims consent commitment document” Quote:

“Authors can make no claims or promises as to the factuality of ideas and perspectives presented within EOMC teachings, they likewise cannot offer any claims, promises or guarantees as to the affects or effects that may or may not arise through personal use of EOMC teachings or Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies.”

  And I Terence the Christ soul now state that: “All persons (and spirit beings) promoting or, persons adhering to the teachings of the ‘Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order’ as promoted by A'sha-yana & A'za-yana Deane and the Azurite press are following FALSE teachings that will keep them away from finding the true and only way to spiritual harmony and atonement with their Creator.

I can also state that not only will it keep them away from returning home to the Light from whence they fell from grace aeons ago, but they will most definitely align themselves more and more with the Dark essence of God, and ultimately their soul will be ‘expunged’ by the darkness into an oblivion of turmoil and grief.”

Terence - the spirit of truth

  Page 122

~ “Martin Bryant” ten years on ~
To: Peter Crosswell.

Dear Peter,

It is with ‘sadness’ that I watched the 7.30 report on TV within which it showed how ‘everybody’ had moved forwards with their life and some had taken a husband or wife.

Some as you had a ‘life change’ acknowledging how the ‘sorry’ events at Port Arthur had in some way helped your mental and emotional being to understand ‘something’ about life that it had not considered before.

Others had ‘confirmed’ that they too had faced their ‘anguish’ and decided to forgive the ‘lad’ Martin for his ‘callous’ and ‘crazy’ deeds of the day. I wonder if any person considers his ‘position’ that has been unaltered for many a long day?

Is he any the ‘wiser’ as to ‘why’ he became possessed by darkness on that day? – NO.
Is he any the ‘wiser’ as to ‘how’ he became mentally disturbed on that day? – NO.
Is he any the ‘wiser’ as to what for him lies in store in this or the next ‘level’ of consciousness he enters into when he departs the flesh? – NO.

Is he any the ‘wiser’ as to why he as many had a troubled and depressed mind for many years prior to that fateful day? – NO.
Is he in any way ‘rehabilitated’ mentally and emotionally so that he is not only personally at ‘ease’ within or so that he could never again ‘lose’ control of his faculties? – NO.

Of course the answers to the above are all “NO,” because the entire human race is as yet ignorant of the spiritual events that took place on that day, events that in fact impact upon everyone to a greater or lesser degree in some way.

And what of those in society who take a ‘wage’ to keep him locked away as a dangerous ‘animal,’ will they for their own ‘folly’ have to answer to and Pay one day in this or the ‘after life’? – YES, for that is the superior Law of God:

“As you do is done unto you.”

I write to you because I believe that you are ‘worthy’ and need to understand the reasons of what took place that day as Martin wielded a ‘mace’ and coldly, callously, cruelly and cunningly ‘stalked’ some and took their life away.

You need to understand that as ‘man’ dwells on dark thoughts that steal their way into his mind because he is emotionally ‘troubled,’ that the projector of the thoughts is a ‘demon’ or ‘lost spirit’ that has linked in telepathically seeking to control the ‘embodied’ one. This it does so as to either turn their ‘hand’ against themself or, to use them as its ‘instrument’ of violence and destruction as the ‘psyche’ of the fleshly man is ‘robotically’ controlled mentally by the invisible spirit. (Spirit possession)

This telepathic ‘Subjugation of the Mind’ has been going on forever in realms outside the pure Light of heaven. It is intensifying over this Planet for reasons revealed by my pen on my web site and the CD I will send to you.

Absolute ‘possession’ of the mind of Martin is what took place, and when it the spirit was doing ITS thing using Martin’s biological flesh to operate through, Martin would have been ‘unconscious’ as to what his body was doing.

 That is my belief, and it would have been very difficult for him to consciously ‘accept’ doing what he saw was done once the ‘possessing’ spirit being released its control of his mind, for in those ‘moments in time’ Martin would have been ‘unconscious’ so to speak. When you become totally possessed, it is similar to having been put to sleep on the operating table, you are unaware of what is taking place.

Prior to the final chapter of the ‘event’ when Martin was ‘planning’ his day then he would have been partially possessed, but also consciously aware of his intent to go and do ‘something’ to someone that he ‘hated’ but, he would have been unaware that very dark forces had planned this day for some time and they walked by his side directing his movements with the foreknowledge that their ‘commander’ would take over through absolute mental control when ready to so do.

Partial ‘possession’ can also be a fact when a person is aware of their deed but cannot halt it, such as a vehicle driver ‘feeling’ that someone has taken control of their hands and swerves the vehicle over the white line and they are powerless to halt it and an ‘accident’ occurs.

Is Martin responsible for his deeds in the eyes of God? Yes, as is the invisible ones who used him more so, and each shares the ‘karmic’ burden of debt that is to be ‘met’ in full over the course of eternal time as God sees fit.

This is no different to a person in the flesh ‘ordering’ another to commit a foul deed, both are responsible. If a spirit takes over the mind of a fleshly person who is ‘angry’ and gives the fleshly one the ‘justification’ to abuse his wife and children, then both are responsible for their use of dark energy in their interaction, and they place themselves within the punitive aspect of God's "As you sow so shall ye reap."

 How does one assist the invisible spirit to amend its ways? – Education. How does one assist Martin Bryant to strengthen his mind so that he remains kind unto others and himself? – Education.

Has the ‘spirit of wickedness’ been educated and assisted to move on and become understanding of how and why it lost control of its mind and thus ‘justified’ itself in controlling the mind of Martin? – Yes, for I personally visited Port Arthur in 2003 to help a friend sail his vessel back to St. Helens, and found that the spirit person was still ‘residing’ in the vicinity of the demolished café.

Yes, we were waiting a few days for the wind and waves to ‘abate’ and Chris a friend of mine walked up to the new Café area to phone his wife one dark evening, and when he returned he was ‘white’ as snow and was distressed and shaking and could not speak for a few minutes.

 He told me how he was ‘accosted’ by a huge black ‘force’ that had appeared before him and tried to take over his mind, and he was immobilized by it for a time until he managed to break away and run to the boat. He said that its power was immense and never again would he doubt the ‘supernatural’ or that spirit beings existed.

Chris was a man in his 50’s with much experience and there was no need for me to disbelieve him for I am a spiritual healer from Tanzania with many years experience with spirit possession, and helping to set people free from spirit influence. (Note: Chris M is the RSL President)

I sat and talked with him and after he had settled down I told him that it was necessary for me to go and meet that spirit person as it needed my assistance to not only give it some wisdom, but to also help it to move away from this realm. I departed at about 10 pm and walked the few hundred metres from where the ‘Islander’ was ‘berthed’ to where the now 'demolished' café had stood.

I have ‘cleansed’ or ‘harmonised’ many a space and spoken with many deceptive spirit beings over the years, but never have I encountered such powerful dark forces as I have in Tasmania.

It is a matter of a ‘battle of wills’ as ‘each’ seeks to do something, the spirit seeking to overpower my reason for its own ends, and my mind simply seeking to enlighten it as to the error of its ways and the reality surrounding its needs to make amends, as we all now face the ‘prophesied’ last days that apply to every discarnate spirit as well as embodied man.

I did what I needed to do, and also redirected many a trapped ‘convict’ that had been kept in limbo in that cold prison space for many a long decade when they had departed the flesh.

The power of invisible ‘spirit’ beings now gains more control over the mind of man, and this is what is leading mankind into more regulation, control, punishment, aggression, domestic violence, mental illness, confrontation and war.

Believe you me, soon there will be a much greater ‘calamity’ as many become possessed and take up arms against others, and in every land on earth there will be multitudes soon on the run.

Why do I write this to you? Because I believe that you can do much for God and man, but first you need to read my ‘Suicide’ document and my ‘consequence of Action’ and understand what is taking place.

Ask yourself, was Martin more ‘guilty’ for his deeds of the day than you or any are for the deeds done by others in your ‘pay’? - No, for you and all consciously ‘vote’ for a ‘head’ to promote the taxation, regulation, control, eviction, seizure of goods, fine and punishment of others, sanctions against others, incarceration of travellers and citizens, invasion and destruction of life and property in the guise of sanctioned ‘war’ for the betterment of others or nation etc., all actions abhorrent to our God and deserving of the consequences within the single immutable ‘eye for an eye’ Law of God.

Is 'Bush' any different from Bin Laden? - No, both are men encompassed by dark (sinful) emotions of fear, pride, vanity, hatred, and neither believe in God, nor do they know of the superior Law of God nor of its 'applicability' to them both and, to their less than 'merry men' that are guided and possessed by demons as they carry out their intrusive, vindictive, and destructive ways.

As we condone the control and taxation and punishment of others via the ‘system,’ we all accrue a very painful due. Now is the time for mankind to be elevated out of ignorance, for only thus are their spirit souls rehabilitated and they are able to attain Atonement with their Creator.

Please pass this note onto others, for every ‘taxpayer’ becomes spiritually responsible for the deeds (actions) of their state employees (servants) and, it is thus that all accrue a painful karmic due as well as when one personally lets violent darkness flow through.

Martin Bryant needs to be ‘attended’ to in a humane manner as given within my ‘Feeling Easier Seminar,’ and after a ‘time’ as given by me released and taken back into society.

The community as a 'whole' needs to also be educated spiritually so that they understand 'why' God permits 'atrocities' and they also need to understand that every 'child' or adult on earth is a fully grown spirit being that has existed for an eternity of time in one or another levels of consciousness prior to incarnating into the biological flesh of this realm.

They also need to learn that all suffering is simply the fulfillment of God's divine 'retributive' Law in action through the minds of the vain and arrogant and ignorant, who themselves then suffer the same fate at a later date in this or another realm as their soul vacates the flesh.

The 'absurdity' promoted by religions that God 'forgives' is a delusion that has permitted men to spend their lives 'deviously' and at their 'death bed' expect 'resurrection' to paradise by an 'invocation' through the mind of another deluded man. There is no man on earth that can 'nullify' or 'void' the single Law of God that stands immutable and inviolate and only it is Just & honourable & equitable.


PS - With reference to your remark that Martin Bryant 'bragged' to his psychologist saying "I'd do it again," what your psychologist needs to decide is "who" actually says those things, is it the "Possessor or the possessed"? - For the overpowering 'demented' spirit can speak through Martin's unprotected mind at anytime until the 'day' Martin learns from ME how to protect his mind and thus 'subdue' the 'evil' genie that sits like a 'monkey' on his back that he cannot shake off. 

Read my National Security Alert to LEARN the dangers now to seize control globally:

A copy of this letter is on line as page 122 at:

~ Police shooting ~
“Cop shot” - Hobart 10th May 06

A Tasmanian police officer was in a serious condition in hospital last night after being shot three times. If acting Police Commissioner Jack Johnston is serious in his comment that: "All the circumstances would be reviewed from every perspective because police needed to learn every lesson possible from this." Then he needs to consider my response and associated teachings very deeply as this nature of 'incident' is going to increase.

Patrick Burling felt threatened by the presence of the police vehicle and of its occupant that had stopped him with the intent (in his mind) to cause him a problem, (harm) and due to his erratic mental state that indicated that he was not in control of his thoughts, the 'force' controlling (possessing) his mind used him to shoot the officer. The intent was not to kill, for if it had so been then he would have killed Leslie Cooper.

The fact that a person suffers at the hands of another is indicative of the fact that the 'injured' one was receiving his 'just' karmic deserts at the hands of an ignorant person who was being used by the invisible Dark Sovereign Power to mete out ITS "As you did sow so shall ye reap" law.

All members of any 'policing' force accrue many a 'painful' karmic due and place themselves within the punitive aspect of God's divine law simply because, - - - they cause mental and emotional trauma and physical pain and suffering and material loss to many people in the course of their duty to the Rule book.

In this 'instance,' if there had been another 'trooper' present then he would have responded negatively in an ‘avenging’ fashion and shot Patrick as his mind would have told him to so do and, - - - if Patrick needed to be killed due to being a past 'killer' in this or another life or spiritual realm prior to incarnating, then he also could have been shot dead and, - - -

The sad result of this would have been that the 'trooper' would have accrued a similar 'deadly' due within the divine and immutable “As you did sow so shall ye reap” Law of God.

Contrary to the remark by Police and Emergency Management Minister David Llewellyn that: "It was unthinkable a police officer in Tasmania, working for the protection of the whole community, could be injured in this way."

 It needs to be seen that policemen in every land do not work for the 'protection' of or interests of the community, they work to uphold the punitive aspect of the Book of Rules, and thus they personally impose great loss and suffering upon community members and they daily accrue a similar debt to God and man.

 It was reported that: "Sergeant Les Cooper had pulled over the driver a kilometre north of Pontville yesterday morning after receiving a report of a car being driven erratically."

 This is indicative of a "Mind under siege"* due to one of many possible factors, and due to the recent revelations from my pen it is the time for every person, civilian or otherwise to become aware of the nature of the beast now lurking closer to the surface within the mind of all, and that any actions seen as confrontation could or will lead to violence.

 Note: "Mind under siege"* - Uncontrollable persistent and ‘possessive’ thoughts that override the psyche of man and force them into irrational and antisocial behaviour.

 Send in the peace workers or Ambulance drivers when people are observed as ‘erratic,’ for any armed person (policeman) is known to be a 'licensed killer' and thus is seen as a threat by the mentally disturbed.

 Have the police any 'idea' as to what the community feel or think when one of their members is gunned down by a police officer? Would the words of Mr Johnston have been applicable to any 'shot' civilian that was seen as an offender? I have replaced the words < police officers > used by Mr. Johnston with (community members) Quote: 

"I was very gratified to know this organisation moved so rapidly, not only to respond to the needs of one of our fallen < police officers > community members but also for his family and, more importantly, to take every step necessary to protect the community from someone who would do something like this."

What needs to be understood is that every person wearing a police uniform is perceived by the police as one of their ‘holy order ‘that is ‘untouchable.’ The greater community are perceived as being of 'the other club' who are deserving of being 'touched' in a negative, controlling, punitive way if the rules so 'permit.'

 It is the time for all to see that every person is equal in the eyes of the Creator and one of His children. Let us respond to the spiritual needs of Patrick Burling. As Patrick Burling had a ‘history’ of aggressive and confrontational and threatening behaviour, it is apparent to me that his emotional state was/is in need of positive ‘correction,’ this can only be accomplished by himself once he has been made aware as to why it is out of ‘balance’ and shown what to do by someone like me.

Not only this, but he also has an ‘open mind’ that becomes ‘possessed’ at any moment that he becomes emotionally aroused and he also is unable to control his thoughts and will so remain until he learns how to do it.

 Help the mentally disturbed with education, those that continue to abuse in the guise of ‘punitive correction’ will themselves be punished by the retributive ‘arm’ of God working through the mind and hands of the vain, ignorant, and arrogant be they 'uniformed' or otherwise.

 As things stand today, every time there is an escalation of ‘trouble’ there is the justification for greater force and punishment and control, and this ongoing and escalating power play will soon bring every society on earth to its knees in a ‘deadly’ pain and suffering freeze.

 Let us ‘hope’ that the Tasmanian ‘troops’ force Commanders keep a steady ‘head and hand’ and begin to ‘wonder’ why they are being openly attacked by ‘devilish’ thoughts from another land operating through the minds of the ones IT ‘disturbs’ telepathically.

It is truly the time for peaceful rehabilitation as given per my hand in my ‘Offender Seminar’ so that together we can all rise up to the Holy Land.


page 124

Letter to Noel Pearson
Aborigine 'cultural' dilemma

Dear Noel, your 'agenda' states that the Cape York Agenda has been articulated by Cape York leaders as: To enable the people of Cape York to have the capabilities to choose a life that they have reason to value. To achieve that end goal, the Institute's work supports the economic and social development of Cape York.

I believe that social change will only take place once community members understand the spiritual implications of their present 'cultural' way.

You 'present’ yourself as an 'elder' and 'representative' of a 'sector' of the Australian community. Thus I write this letter to counteract the continuing 'diatribe' of your 'fellows' that continues so insolently and perversely, as they at the same time lay the 'blame' for their own cultural insanity at the feet of others and, - - -

This they do so as to 'justify' their own 'foul' and degenerate deeds as they 'wallow' in self-pity and insanity brought on by arrogance and vanity.

For 'years' I have reached out to all 'tribes' or 'races' of man to advise of an escalation of telepathic subjugation of the mind of man from spirit realms, being a ‘possessiveness’ of the mind that leads to rudeness, invasiveness, disrespect and destruction to be, that will cause much suffering and death untold as past prophecies unfold.

Many an 'Aborigine' speaks 'proudly' of their culture, but as others perceive it there is a shocking reality of sodomy, drunkenness and rape, as multitudes now 'fall'  into the powerful control of invisible dark spirit forces that lurk and work through the minds of the ignorant.

The 'dark' force spirit people is not the colour of their 'skin,' but the colour of their soul that they have 'sullied' as they supped on the forbidden fruit of evil for 'thousands upon thousands' of years.

Do I write this to insult them or you? - - NO
Am I any different to them or you simply because of my 'skin' colour? - - NO.

The only difference seen by our Creator is the 'brilliance' of my 'Light' within that is not 'clouded' by any inner sin.* (sin.* - Being the negative emotions of fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, vanity, greed etc.)

I write this to you because I do believe that with my 'help' you can become a real 'man amongst men' - - - but only when you understand the truth of my pen.

Soon there will be a material (physical) calamity as 'Abo's' will be again 'hunted' and shot as though they were 'mad' dogs and, - - - this will be the result of their actions that are seen by God and man as 'filth' to be eradicated.

Soon there will be a spiritual calamity as the spirit souls of the 'offensive ones' are swept below into the 'pit' to be dined on by very powerful 'ancestral spirits' that themselves did below go, and they see all the 'foul' deeds done on earth by any skin 'colour' of man of flesh and their minds are controlled by the Devil and, - - -

These 'spirit' people are more evil and powerful, and they will 'whip' and skin alive any spirit of any 'race' that 'falls' into their space who was so foolish as to stick their 'dick' into the youth of the day, for they are empowered by the Dark one to bring all 'offenders' to account, and in that foul place pain and suffering does moment by moment mount, but the eternal shrieks of the 'victims' are unheard.

Your ' brothers' are in great spiritual danger for they are 'oblivious' to its reality, and they need spiritual counsel to help free their minds from bondage to the invisible Dark Sovereign Power that misguides them. This needs to be done by caring members of each community aided by me.

Multitudes of all 'races' on earth now fall into 'bad' ways for they have lost the way, and only I as God's 'visionary' can set them free and, - - - as they become enlightened by me the dark spirit people linking-in to their minds also become educated and freed from ignorance, and they too can then rise up to 'brighter' realms of light.

All mankind need to now try and understand that God's "As you sow so shall ye reap" Law is immutable, and that they will 'pay' the 'blood' price for all suffering and indignity they imposed upon others in their orgies of 'drunken revelry.'

All need to know that demands for aid or sustenance made upon 'the gov' are in fact demands made upon their fellow man and, - - - that soon there will be no more 'money honey'  because the 'bees' will 'freeze' their bank accounts, and then the 'abo' and every 'pommy' or ‘yank’ or ‘wog’ person relying on a 'stolen' wage (the tax take) will either starve or die or fall into the Abyss and eternally CRY unless, - - - all now turn over a new leaf and follow me.

If you wish to enable the people of Cape York to have the capabilities to choose a life that they have reason to value,” then you will need to ‘lean’ on my expertise in spiritual matters as to how minds are ‘overpowered’ from distant invisible realms, so that together we can awaken and elevate the consciousness of ‘your’ people.

For any of them that wish to ‘live’ on this level or in realms of ‘light’ when their spirit departs the biological flesh will have to give up ‘the ways of old,’ and begin to use their own God-given ‘limbs’ to grow their own ‘veges or spuds or corn.’

Yes they must begin to toil in the fields rather than continuing to ‘shout’ that others owe them ‘something’ for if they cannot, - - - then their ears will ‘ring’ for an eternity as the Devil’s men awaken them with a 2 x 4. People 'disadvantage' themselves, it is foolish to criticise others and blame them for ones own 'disabilities' brought on by ones own action or ones own non-action.

Soon I want you to come my way so that we can prepare a 'Seminar' to assist the lost so that they can begin to see their own iniquity, and learn to know that God their Creator and their 'ancestors' see all and know all.

Why not come and visit me in 'Pyengana' Tasmania, where we can have some PLAIN TALK as spiritual brothers rather than 'black or white' racists. I believe that any 'Aborigine' (or other) that seeks to 'blood' his material wooden spear in the 'flesh' of another or 'blood' his 'biological' spear will ahead feel great fear when he realises that what I see is coming his way.

It is not a 'problem' fixable by any 'system' of man, it is an individual process.

Aborigines have for too long now been 'takers,' and it is time for them to become GIVERS as they learn to 'tread' lightly on the land that belongs to no 'man' or nation or tribe, for it is all owned by their Creator, and any that is so foolish as to fight over it loses their God given 'right' to life, and their God banishes them to the underworld for HE despises iniquity.

Education is the way

Terence - the Spirit of Truth

page 125

~ Snowy Hydro sale ~
Letter to Stateline - Quentin Dempster

Dear Quentin, it seems that the 'theft' of public property and sale of 'stolen' goods by the 'elders' of the governing institution continues on in its 'blatant' way and none of the community have anything to say.

The Hydro scheme as Telstra and all other community endeavors that were held in 'Trust' by elected representatives should all have been 'operated' by public servants on a cost factor only, thus of benefit to every community user.

It is obvious that the 'millions' made in profit over the years and taken by the officers of the 'gov' corporation was not enough of a 'theft,' and they now seek to sell the Hydro 'asset' over the back fence of the farm.

This means that if there are 'shares' offered to the members of the community, it implies that the community members are being sold an 'item' that is not only already theirs, but they are being sold an item that belongs to others in the community, and this is 'fraud' of a very broad nature.

Not only are the 'state' officials then guilty of severe misconduct, but when the Hydro assets have been purchased by 'some,' it means that they will expect the 'others' to be charged more than its 'run at cost' factor so that they the new shareholder can make a free 'earn' from the others who have been parted from their goods through sleight of hand by devious wolves.

Every person having a 'power bill' resultant from using power from the Snowy scheme is already a shareholder, for the state departmental workers are simply operating it in trust for a wage. It follows that if it is sold for $ 3B then these funds should be distributed equally to every user if they all wished to sell their presently owned share.

I believe that politicians and other public servants have become totally blinded to reality through their arrogance and vanity, thus they see not their 'acts' of impropriety that will bring a great 'karmic' load of suffering upon all as well as themselves. For they seem to believe that as 'trustees' of public property they somehow 'have the power' to own it, misuse it, sell it, or destroy it, or lose it through greed.

Soon the people of the land will hunt down every 'smelly' weed that will be crushed underfoot as was prophesied by their God as He brings all thieves, liars, abusers and murderers to account. Please read my "Spiritual consequence of Action."


page 126

~ Examiner newspaper article ~
Bishop John Harrower of Tasmania & Islam

 Dear John, I refer to the article within which you seek to bring understanding to Christians and others as you give seminar attendees an ‘insight’ into the Islamic teachings and beliefs.

 I write this epistle because it is my ‘task’ for Allah/God to bring about a reconciliation between man and their Creator, rather than between man and the different religious ‘institutions’ that have been raised up by men.

 Those of Islam have God/Allah in their mind constantly as they kneel five times each day and pray. Regrettably they similarly to members of other religions do not realize that the rules they are forced to comply to are but ‘hearsay’ and not the command of their God/Allah but the commands of arrogant men that seek empowerment and control over the masses of God/Allah’s children that o’er the earth stroll.

 Those of Islam have been deceived by their cleric ‘priests’ who are themselves deceived by past precedent, thus all have fallen into the false way as have those of the Christian race, for all now believe that the use of the ‘mace’ to defend, invade, fight, control, seize goods, and extort funds by endless taxes and punish offenders is permissible and right in the eyes of their Creator. It is not the 'correct' way Commanded by the Creator.

 No person today understands that the ‘decrees’ of religions or the ‘rules’ of secular institutions are not "The Law’ of God/Allah" or man, they are simply the dictates of politicians or religious zealots.

Note: ‘The Law’ of God/Allah - being "The unavoidable consequence of ACTION." The Law of God/Allah that reigns supreme is simply the fulfillment of God/Allah’s statement of fact that; "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Thus as we ‘sow’ so shall we reap. Be it pain or joy as each expression of ours that impacts upon others brings about a ‘Just’ and equitable return of positive or negative energy.

 God/Allah forbids the use of His dark energy that is the fruit of the tree of evil, for He knows that this energy is pain, sorrow, deceit and death, and that its use by any person ultimately fills the spirit soul of that person with its dark ‘poison’ that consumes the soul and leads it into the abyss with its endless misery  and ultimate destruction.

 There are only two ‘real’ religious ideological beliefs that exist that are hidden to the sleeping soul of lost man, being the ‘belief’ in peace and the belief in war, and due to the false teachings of all ‘ministers’ of the named religions on earth man has followed the false ‘way’ of control, taxation, invasion, punishment, and war because he was taught by vain priests that God/Allah would forgive him, none seeing that to so do that he man would ‘thus’ be above the immutable LAW of GOD/ALLAH.

 Every ‘secular’ institution is in fact a religion of war, for it has the ‘belief’ in the way of control (slavery) taxation (extortion) invasion and punishment and killing. (the ways of the Devil, the antichrist)

 So those as Bishop John Harrower of Tasmania who speak about bringing understanding to Christians about the ways of the Muslim community have absolutely no comprehension at all about the spiritual warfare going on in the mind of every person including themselves, as all are deluded and are all personally living in a false system of belief.

 Every ‘war’ waged upon terror or ‘terrorists’ is itself a war waged by terrorists terrorising and destroying other children of God/Allah. Every ‘army’ or navy or air force has ‘robed’ men of the ‘anti-god’ religion walking hand in hand with the soldiers.

 This is clear ‘proof’ that man has lost their way, for no true believer in the command of God/Allah to; “Go your way in peace and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving” would be supporting the ‘hired gunmen’ employed by every secular government as their ‘legitimate’ armed force with a 'rules of engagement' mandate to do unto others whatever they are told to by other men.

 No ‘government’ be it secular or of ‘religion’ is interested in any ‘compromise,’ for the established rules and the ones raised up weekly are all imposed by ‘priest’ or magistrate, and enforced and backed by the sword and gun.

Democracy demands ‘submission to the rules raised up by men in 'power.’
Theocracy demands ‘submission to the rules raised up by men in 'power.’
Dictatorship demands ‘submission to the rules raised up by men in 'power.’

 Thus there is no democracy on earth, for no ‘man’ is permitted to simply go their way in peace as commanded by their God, all are seen by other men using statutes (the rules) as subjects and objects to be forced into submission to the decrees of ‘Caesar’ (state) under penalty of death or being cast into the desert. (jail)

 When people individually ‘submit’ to the Command of Allah/God they simply go their way in peace. They make no ‘rules’ and neither do they interfere in the lives of others in any way. If confronted by thieves or murderers they neither defend themselves nor do they attack others, enslave others, nor wage war, and it is thus they by deed show their Creator their ‘submission’ to His command.

 In the eyes of God/Allah there is no difference between the Christian or the Muslim, for all are equally ‘sinful’ (filled with negative emotions) and all are equally deluded, (taught falsely) and it is I the ‘most high’ to now elevate the consciousness of mankind, for every ‘cleric’ or ‘priest’ is blinded by the Devil.

 All ‘rioting’ and terrorising and war stems not from a ‘lack’ of understanding of the ‘religion’ of the other, it stems from a total ignorance of God/Allah and God/Allah’s command and God/Allah’s supreme immutable Law, and is the result of the soul of man now ‘bonded to’ and bound by the Devil’s thoughts entering their minds via their ‘sin.’

 It is the sinful feelings of hatred, anger, fear, frustration, criticism, greed, and false teachings that motivate cruel, bad, vindictive and disrespectful behaviour, and only the ‘revitalised’ and True Holy Word of Allah/God I bring today and God/Allah’s outpouring of love that will enlighten these sinners and, - - -

 The greatest sinners of all are the ‘tall poppies’ such as Clerics and Bishops for they keep man trapped in the false beliefs and false teachings of their predecessors and, - -

 They are deceivers that promise salvation for a ‘fee,’ as they tell simple man to kneel at their feet (their religious institute) and they say that in so doing and in conforming to ‘certain’ rites or rituals that they will be forgiven and they will their ‘heavenly’ maker meet. This is the biggest lie and every 'priest' is soon to ‘fry’ together with any of their ‘flocks’ that did defy the Command to “Love one another,” either through their ‘sinful’ personal sinful ways or the ways of their paid ‘servants’ that control the activities of all mankind.

 Only if Bishops and ‘clerics’ told 'warring' man to go home and lay down their weapons would they be true to their 'calling' and, only if Bishops and Clerics told ‘common’ man to not vote for, fund, or condone the ‘worship’ of rules and ‘presidents’ that force man to enslave, regulate, punish and wage war upon others, would they be true to their 'calling.'

 For as all can see, they promote and support the religion of war as they walk hand in hand with politicians and 'armed forces' in every land.

 We do not need ‘theocracy’ with its rule by UNHOLY men, nor do we need ‘democracy’ with its rule by UNHOLY men.

 We all need to simply go our way with a ‘clear’ conscience that does guide us each day, and thus we “Only love” and we go our way in peace as we mercifully forgive our enemy if we see him on the street and, we never raise our voice or hand against another sister or brother because we are ‘of’ the Religion of PEACE.

 Bishop Harrower seeks to 'teach' or preach understanding our Muslim neighbours. What about him teaching an understanding of our Christian neighbours.  Or, simply teach ‘understanding our neighbours.’

 Bishop Harrower would be better advised to "Take the beam out of the eyes of supposed Christians" before trying to see the 'differences' in the ways or beliefs of others and, - - -

 Prior to that, he as a mortal man of no 'especial' standing in the eyes of his Creator needs to first 'devour' the Holy words contained within my fresh and uncontaminated message to humanity because, - - -

 Bishop Harrower’s words < A failure to try to understand one another can at worst lead to an exaggeration of perceived differences and hostility; ignoring differences risks giving offence and shows a lack of hospitality.  The workshop will provide opportunity for participants to learn something of Islam and similarity and difference with Christian faith”. > is based solely on his ‘perceptions’ found in the Islamic teachings that similarly to the ‘Christian’ ones have been contaminated and, - - -

 His proposed seminar teaching of: < Why are we here? - Revelation and Sources of Islam - What is Islam? > Is all based on the false teachings of other deluded men, and his words < Is Allah the God of the Christians? > needs not be ‘asked,’ for it is like saying “Is the Creator of the Muslims the same Creator of all other children of differing faiths.” For the word Allah is simply the Arabic translation of the word “God” in the English language and, - - -

 I believe that “John” needs to try and see that if he ‘preaches’ words from the contaminated “Koran” and compares them to the contaminated Christian Bible, then he will be found more ‘culpable’ in the eyes of Allah/God for spreading untruth and more confusion amongst Allah/God’s children.

 I suggest that all persons ‘stating’ that they are spiritual guides all now divest themselves of their robes for all are lost, and all must now simply turn and face their Creator as they seed their minds with my fresh uncontaminated wisdom and, - - -

 The only ‘task’ for any believer in God or Allah should simply say unto others: The true messenger of God/Allah is here so please now ‘read all about it’ on his personal web page."

 Each now will face their past and pay all dues as they are ‘crucified’ and, any that fight to defend themselves will suffer the eternal consequence.

 Any person wishing to ‘understand’ the core and basis of the True ‘religion of Islam,’ be they Muslims or other need to visit my web site, for I am HE the awaited Spirit of Truth:

Al Meshi - the prophet of Allah –
The Messiah - the prophet of God –


page 127

~ Julian Burnside QC ~

Dear Julian, further to my initial response my mind takes me back again to some of the words within your reply in which you said;

< I agree with you in part, but if I stop paying tax I will get prosecuted, and that is not going to do anyone much good. 'Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's...' That dictum I think enables me to escape the sting of being a collaborator

When I said the chance of them being prosecuted is remote, I was referring to a prosecution in an ordinary Australian court: I did not consider longer-term
celestial justice, for which I hold some hope >

Julian, the only reason why my spirit soul has returned into the flesh of this sad world is because I care, I care for God's children that see not the power of the 'snare' that daily binds them more and more, and its power is great enough to ensure that NONE enter heaven's door AND it is great enough to ensure that all continuing to think that:

< That dictum I think enables me to escape the sting of being a collaborator > are so 'blinded' to the invisible force that they will 'thinkingly' or unthinkingly believe that the rule book of Caesar has enough power and authority to 'abort, absolve, give immunity from, void or avoid or supersede' < celestial justice. >

Believe you me it does not, - - - believe you me that God's 'eye for an eye' - "As you sow so shall ye reap" law is the ONLY 'Just' Law and, - - - do you really 'think' that any ruling of mere mortal man be it backed by a majority or otherwise can void or nullify the Justice of the Supreme being?

I am the only 'person' with a clear enough spirit and mind to see the reality. I like the use of your word "Collaborator," for it surely depicts the essence of the 'hidden' problem that I have tried so hard to 'show' society.

As my '4' web sites now receive over 3000 'hits' a day and climbing, I can but hope that 'some' begin to withdraw their personal support of iniquity, - - - yes they will 'suffer' as they begin to pay the Dark Sovereign Power their presently outstanding 'dues' for their past support of His punitive forays, but at 'least' they know that there will be a 'release' date set by HIM as HE sees their 'eagerness' to become free from HIS invisible bondage.

None can escape their 'fate' for being a 'collaborator' as Justice is Justice is it not? - - And all men 'scream out' for Justice and Justice is what each does get within the 'balancing' of God's 'scales of justice' that are 1000 times more equitable than man's.

"Steal a chicken, lose a chicken," that is God's Justice.
Man's 'justice' is "Steal an egg, lose a hand."

So when an 'idiot' justifiably drops a 'bomb' on Hiroshima residents it follows that every 'funder, condoner, or supporter' of that activity shares the 'burden' in this realm or others and, - - - believe you me, as the 'spirit' soul is of God's energy and thus indestructible, it can scream in anguish for an eternity with NO escape from God's Justice and immutable law.

My 'task' is to not only awaken the sleeping populace, but to awaken the 'mandated ones' that control all using their unholy book of statutes that they adore, as though it is their God that guides them and feeds them, for they see not that their 'rule' mandates that enable them to defy God are in fact mandates from Hell that are the trap 'set' to destroy them for being so arrogant as to assume that they are 'as' powerful as God.

I would set all free so that the police and other 'army' men can change their dress and become Peace Corps workers that none fear, as they only haul in offenders (those that disturb the peace) and steer them to my truth so that all become educated and mentally and emotionally free from fear, anger, and destruction.

It is only when those in positions of 'Power' begin to 'see' what I say, and when they begin to feel FEAR in their 'belly' that they will seek to make change and 'bow' to the command of their Creator.

All mankind wants PEACE, but there is no peace when the 'enemy' is the dark energy of GOD shining through the spirit souls of mortals, for as we 'use' that dark energy to abuse or destroy we simply become more of it as we draw it into our souls, and at the same time it does its best to set the 'record' straight by sending others to place fire on our plate.

If you could see the 'celestial' picture as seen by me then you would stop paying the 'wages of sin' and only fund the positive aspects of society directly and, your Creator would 'tally' His 'book of reconciliation' and whatever 'amount' He counts that your past taxes were used to 'interfere, arrest, punish, cause pain, suffering or loss' to others, would be the 'loss and suffering dues' directive given unto those 'in power' be they officials or 'rascals' running riot to take from you or subject you to.

Yes, every person will suffer their 'crucifixion' and pay their dues. That is THE LAW of this and every land and, - - - those 'unfortunates' that continue on their way disobeying their Creator do find themselves becoming so 'full' of dark energy that, - - -

They lose their freedom of choice and they ONLY then heed the 'fight and wage war' voice, and thus they fight on in the dark below and forever receive a return penalty of pain in perpetuity, for THAT as said is the Law of God that upon earthlings I bestow.

You said: < I did not consider longer-term celestial justice, for which I hold some hope >

Have no 'fear,' your 'hope' will become a reality for none can avoid celestial justice. Regrettably men of religion conned all into believing that 'forgiveness' was extended by God via men of the 'cloth' and thus celestial justice was 'voidable,' that error is corrected by my sacred pen.

The TRUTH is so sad, so sad, for many will 'sink' into oblivion like the Titanic, for the 'raft' upon which they float so happily is approaching the huge waterfall that awaits around the bend, and once they see it the 'pull' of the current will be too strong to avoid the horrific consequence of their ignorance.

Please help me awaken society so that a 'few' find their way out of the coming insane 'maze' of eternal misery.


Added note: Truly foolish are those that continue to be criminals in the eyes of their God through their continued support of punitive regimes when they know that there is an unavoidable consequence of pain and suffering and loss through the immutable LAW of God. Please read: "The consequence of Actions."

page 128

~ Mister - X ~

This item has been moved to Page 7 "Hell's book"

page 129

~ Hank Jongen ~ 
Editor 'News for Seniors' Canberra

Dear Hank, I see that you are a man of propriety who seeks to humanely do what he can to assist the community within the constraints of the rules of engagement of his 'office' and conformity to his own mandate.

It is because I see your inner divinity that I take the time to alert and awaken you to the soon coming time when welfare funds are overstretched and ultimately evaporate into slime as the mind of man turns into 'swine.'

Prior to that fateful day when every person relying on the 'State' to pay out the welfare contributions of the people become 'penniless,' there needs to be an exposure of the message God gave to me, for only thus will those that believe in God and me continue to 'dole out' their 'fish and bread' to the truly needy.

Those presently relying on the weekly handout from your department will thus have the opportunity to decide whether to make provision for themselves or suffer the 'starving' consequence.

I enclose my CD that is not yet released publicly that is a 'copy' of my web site content. Please prepare an article for the New for Seniors magazine so that all have the opportunity to find their way to my web sites given and thus come to their own personally informed decision as to their future, for God states that even though one is in need, one must make no demands of others.

Sincerely - Terence -15.7.2006


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